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Everything posted by TVWriter

  1. According to, that would make him your first cousin, once removed. Sorry to hear the bad news. But, if he was a writer, dying at one's computer is the blessed way to go.
  2. OOps, meant to say nerdgirl in terms of who I agreed with in the previous post's introduction.
  3. I kinda agree with airdive. But, in terms of your thinking that most people agree with you, it could be because you, like most people, tend to have friends who think in common. And if you voiced your negative views of the talk by the reverent at work, people like myself just would not say anything for fear of getting into a conversation that might jeopardize his or her employment. That being said, I think, perhaps you should realize that the rev was not used to speaking to such a wide audience. The limited audience he was used to speaking to may agree with him. And by limited, I do not mean all black people, but simply people in his congregation. President Obama has made it clear in his actions that he represents all Americans. Most of the people who visit President Obama speak to certain constituencies. Despite efforts by the media to make the public believe that this rev, Rev Sharpton, Rev. Jackson, Beyonce, Tiger or anyone speaks for all Black Americans any more than Lieberman speaks for all Caucasian Americans. There's nothing wrong with listening or commenting, as you have, as long as you don't take the words of one African American minister to represent the thoughts and belief of our President. Have a happy.
  4. Hello, I've never posted anything to before because I'm just a friend of some skydivers. I visit their dropzones and watch, but I don't skydive myself. I would be willing to contribute some subscription bucks if you go that route. In addition, because my background is primarily that of a journalist, I would be willing to help with some free articles or free editing if you need it. I can't afford to come out of pocket. But, if there is something you need that would just costs time and not money from me, feel free to contact me at my normal e-mail. Cheers,