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Everything posted by Morrison79

  1. Do you have an extra computer that can use? I know some people who have setup a desktop as thier DVR. Hard drives are cheap these days so you can store a lot.
  3. I had an AFF student pass out under canopy on his first jump. He was fine up until he turned onto his downwind leg. At that point he just stopped responding to all radio commands and ended up landing (crashing) downwind with no flare. Took about a minute to get to him and he was still lights out. He didn't remember any of the jump but did ask to go again that day. Obviously we did not let him!
  4. I don't see what is wrong with it and I think it would be fun to do that to someone.
  5. Go to a tunnel or go somewhere that it's warm.
  6. On fridey I saw a PS3 160gb with 2 games for $199 but waited to long on it. Damn it...
  8. Older android phone running the Cynogen ROM.
  9. Ask one of your instructors or a rigger at your DZ. Learning to pack from just watching videos online is not a very good idea. If you have gone through a packing class and need a quick refresher a video may work.
  10. I am looking for 2 other people to fill a 4 way team for this. Preferrably people who are low key and looking to have fun. We can meet for a few "practice" sessions if wanted. Let me know!
  11. If it's too windy to jump what makes this a good idea? Also did you hook up the canopy backwards? Why?
  12. Looks like there is a tether attached to the gopro and the sticker that goes around the lens in front of his eyes.
  13. So where is the actual information about the incident? The basic news story you mentioned really didn't say anything. You never really defended the guy, at one point you said something about him being an idiot but that's about all.
  14. It should be ok in the wind. More than likely it will break off when you catch the top of the door on exit, someone crashes into you or when you have a riser rip it off. Has anyone tried this setup yet? Just wondering if it is worth it. For the cost of the 2 cameras plus the dual mount bracket it seems it might be worth spending a little bit more and getting a real camera??
  15. Another case of someone having too small of a reserve and not being able to land it. If he had landed on pavement it would probably in the incidents thread....
  16. If you get a custom paint job it will look great...till you start jumping it! I wouldn't spend too much money getting it painted. Look around at the helmets at your dz. They get pretty banged up!
  17. You should repack it yourself before jumping again
  18. And use the enter key once in a while....
  20. If you had been a little bit higher you could have tried a heli with your reserve
  21. I don't have any pictures. Basically tried making a very short call and packed in a rush. The dumb part is I didn't get to jump on that load due to clouds and waited a week to jump this pack job The first 3 stows came out but i had the lines from one group caught through another stow next to it. It made a nice little knot. It probably didn't help that my pc was worn some and I was doing a hop n pop.