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  1. Yeah as if by magic they are a terrorist group now! No. Also false.
  2. This is complete garbage. Meritocracy doesn't work in terms of social mobility.
  3. I like it when self-evident fuckwits don't understand basic political theories and go out of their way to make themselves look stupid - wd. Oh that is obvious... you do it so well... you at least give us a good laugh... Just remember we are laughing AT you...not with you. Thats ok because nobody can hear you over the laughter of bringing Marxism into it.
  4. This is also nonsense. Mutual aid, communal living, non-hierarchical, gift economies, etc societies were all prevalent in the past. Are you claiming all of those are forms of anarchy? I don't think any of them are mutually exclusive of having a heirarchy (except for the category named non-heirarchical - and name me a society that is or was non-heirarchical). Pure anarchy disappeared long ago; if the definition is everybody for themselves and no rules to follow. 1. Yes. 2. That isn't anarchy.
  5. I like it when self-evident fuckwits don't understand basic political theories and go out of their way to make themselves look stupid - wd.
  6. Oh really??? LA riots come to mind for you??? How about Katrina???? Your reasoning and examples are so poor it is hilarious and you clearly don't understand much social and economical theory to even postulate them. Your argument could be used - and was used - for feudalism and slavery.
  7. Implicit in non-authoritarian socialist theory is the discussion of hierarchy and power. So the implication that Anarchism theorises anything like this is pure idiocy. Third world countries are not a model for Anarchism which just shows how shallow your understanding of the world is. If anything they are unregulated markets - what is called libertarian in the US. This is also nonsense. Mutual aid, communal living, non-hierarchical, gift economies, etc societies were all prevalent in the past.
  8. And I think its fairly self-evident you don't know what the fuck you are talking about. Libertarians ARE Anarchists. Only in the US does Libertarian mean the exact opposite of its traditional meaning. So if we put the stupidity of US-Libertarianism aside which is idiotic bullshit that calls for an actual free market and is the strong VS the weak. Then you are left with actual Anarchism which has nothing to do with the strong VS the weak. US-Libertarian ideas? Yes I agree those ideas can be seen in the weaker African countries.