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Everything posted by Axe_Murderer

  1. please god, tell me you're a woman If God is a woman, then yes. I have had all my girl parts since birth. big tits?
  2. please god, tell me you're a woman
  3. Except that Bassinger is a woman and 53, so rather moot. i still would many a good tune played on an old fiddle
  4. Just to clarify, you want to see if there were any massacres after prohibition but before 1968? Why only massacres? That's what the people against concealed carry for self defense rail on about ... "Gunshine State" "New Dodge City" "Blood in the streets". They don't care about individual murders, and they don't care about non-gun murders. Only the 'big stuff' that they can use to further their agenda. The number of murders and rate per 100k has greatly increased since 1968...even though the availability has declined... but yet the anti's still say it's due to the guns... I thought they were Springsteen albums
  5. "i did not have sexual relations with that woman" oh sorry, wrong subject
  6. is the twat in the diving suit going round again?
  7. who cares about cricket anyway? Once the rugby world cup starts, we'll show you convicts who's boss
  8. You can always identify the people who aren't particularly interested in being right. They express unshakable opinions about complex matters based on simplistic reasoning without benefit of actual information. pardon? could you use words with less syllables in please?
  9. Sorry - "class" and "compassion" aren't in their vocabularies. Oh give me a break. I guess I was just hallucinating factions of the pro gun lobby calling for the firing of the V-tec president? I guess that means all pro-gunners have not an ounce of class either? If anti-gunners say nothing then the only sound will be from the pro-gun lobby. If the pro-gunners say nothing then the only sound will be from the anti-gun lobby. Both sides speak up because they know that the other side is also going to be speaking. kind of like the old cold war? this is MAS .... Mutually Assured Speaking
  10. I agree, i'd feel uneasy about knowing people (and not knowing exactly who) were carry guns on the streets Agreed also, things might change as society gets more and more violent, i might change my mind then and be crying out for American style guns laws, but for me personally, we've not reached that stage yet....
  11. He says it has not been altered. He has apologized for it, apparently. For those who think it is okay for him to say this to his daughter because we don't know what led up to it--- WRONG! It is never okay to speak to your children that way. As an adult you need to have self control as a parent and if you are that angry then hang up the phone. He verbally abused her. He called her a thoughtless little pig and told he she had no brains. Even if she is a spoiled brat she is so because of her parents and the way they have raised her. No, we don't know the whole story but he was way out of control. The whole..." wait till I see you so I can straighten your ass out." He's using intimidation and fear with her and that is horrible. The whole thing made me cringe. I remember my mom calling me a bitch when I was a teenager and I've never forgotten it. Words hurt, especially to a child. there are plenty of kids who grow up to be normal, responsible adults who as kids, were on the recieving end of some verbal tirades, plenty of kids who grow up to be normal adults who as kids recieve smacks if they were naughty "new age" softly softly parenting may work for some people, but i'm pretty sure it doesn't work for all people. smacking and ripping in to your kids verbally works for some people... so who are you to say people who do that, and have kids who grow up to be normal adults, where wrong to do that?
  12. One of the main reasons Hitler became leader and got so powerful was because he gave the german people hope again that they could be a great nation after WW1, germany was a crushed nation, they are a proud race who had lost a world war and were looking for a leader who could give them back their sense of pride what ever faults Hitler had, he was a great leader, just look at old films of the rallies, how do you think you can inspire people like that if you're not a leader? somebody who can lead a proud, crushed nation back to the top guns have pretty much zero to do with the rise of Nazis in germany
  13. Tony, that's exactly the point I'm trying to make (sarcasm for fun and profit aside) - the criminals will still have no problems getting guns... all you've succeeded in doing is disarming the law-abiding. real "career" criminals, big league criminals who will always be invovled in crime will still be able to get guns i agree, but petty criminals and feral, teenage gang members who are not "conected" will find it harder to get guns though...will every petty criminal not be able to get hold of a gun? no, of course not, there will always be guns in the underworld that they can buy, but with a gun ban and the criminalisation of guns, it makes it harder for "some" petty criminals to buy guns. it won't stop them being petty criminals, but it might stop some of them having guns in situations that without a gun ban, they would have had a gun I agree that a sensible, law abiding citizen poses no threat if they keep a firearm, but where do you draw the line? you either have the laws you've got, or you have the laws we've got. You either want to allow law abiding citizens the opportunity to defend themselves and have to put up with the bad side of that, which might be the easy availability of guns for criminals... or you try and take the guns away from the majority of (petty) criminals and unfortunately have to put up with law abiding citizens unable to own a gun... there are pro's and con's for both arguments, you've gone for one approach, we've gone for the other, neither are right or wrong, BOTH are wright and wrong in equal measures
  14. very good, i'm sending you a complimentary bowler hat in the post
  15. it's not only about "banning" handguns, it's also to do with "criminalising" them Anybody who gets caught in Britain with a handgun, faces an automatic 5 year prison sentense... no ifs or buts, it's 5 years minimum for anybody that fact alone, will stop "some" people carrying guns, and if only 1 of those people would have killed somebody with their gun, it's a success
  16. so your saying that anything that can be considered to be a Illegal weapon after being a legal item should be considered for banning??? thats what its starting to sound like,, i mean where do you want to stop,, Plane was legal, used by nut ass'es to kill bout 3000 ppl,, cars are legal, but some are stolen during crimes and used and hurt ppl.. they are used to transport people after they were killed, medicine bought from OTC from drug stores which are legal can be mixed and kill ppl. its not the guns or the plane or the car or the medicine,, ITs the people behind these acts that do this,, why some people in our society are so messed up in their head to commit horrible dirty deeds, no one will really understand,,but those same type of people will find the way to commit their crimes, gun or no gun, plane or no plane.. I do STRONGLY support that if you are a gun owner, that you secure your weapon in a safe secure area. by your logic, because we can't ban everything that may be used to kill people, we shouldn't even bother trying to ban some things and just let everybody have free access to everything?
  17. So, why haven't the bobbies caught all those chavs running the streets with the rifles and shotguns, since the handgun ban? Oh, yeah...because they're using those banned handguns... I forgot. I guess they nipped into the local constables office and nicked them from the property room, eh? where do some of the banned hand guns come from? at some point some of them started out as "legal" hand guns are you saying that illegally owned hand guns just appear from nowhere? Well, by all means... let's get rid of the legally owned guns, so that criminals will have to settle for the illegal ones. Wait! I have a better idea! Let's just make human bodies "no-bullet zones"!! That'll work, right? After all, the criminals NEVER take their guns into "unarmed victim gun-free zones", now do they? yes, but what i'm on about is the handguns that start out legally owned, then fall in tothe wrong stop this happening (and it does) we've criminalised all handguns criminalising all handguns hasn't stopped "bad people" getting hold of guns, it's taken some guns out of circulation, stopped them potentially falling in to the wrong hands and stopped "some" bad people getting guns We'd rather make an effort to stop some bad people getting guns, than do sweet nothing about it and yeah, kudos for the lingo
  18. I'm thinking of having this picture as my signature... it's ok isn't it?