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Everything posted by Axe_Murderer

  1. Holy fucking shit. That is scary.. did you just search for that and find it yourself, or did some news media link to that guys profile as a suspect? It's just been put up on another forum i go on.... comes from a reputable site Looks like he was going to go postal sooner or later
  2. Ladies and Gentlemen... meet your school nutter...
  3. They weren't huge sellers for the consumer market, but now emissions regulations have all but blocked them from the consumer market for now. We have to wait for engine technology to meet new standards. ahh right, cheers
  4. I blame (c)rap music How many country music singers do you hear about packing heat eh? NONE !!! how many opera singers do you hear about festooning themselves with cheap 9cwt gold jewellery and blazing their neighbourhood up with an Uzi, ya get me ? iz it not da folt of dem rappers like, wit dem big gold chains and fings ?
  5. Guns don't kill people... rappers do !!!
  6. Actually the Brady people are already on national television blaming guns for this. The brady guy on the news mentioned the legality of assault rifles and high capacity magazines, neither of which was believed to be involved. The news here mentioned that the shooter used a 9mm and .22 handgun, and was possibly 19 or 20 years old. where did it all go wrong for them?
  7. I think it's all about the "nutter" element of society Only complete fruit cake, barking at the moon type people go on killing rampages.... every country has these nutters, but why does it seem that America has more than its fair share of them? what is happening in American society to produce more than its fair share of these nut cases ?
  8. Yea climb off the pile of corpses, you're crowding Douva out up there. Do I need to repeat myself? pardon?
  9. I can never get my head round the fact a person in America can legally buy a gun before he can legally buy a beer Are they scared of people going on the rampage with a bottle of Coors?
  10. GHW and GWB got elected. Did you vote for Lizzie or Chuckles? i saw Princess Anne the other day
  11. Because you don't read enough international news. yeah true thinking about it, i guess you're right
  12. Why do these things only seem to happen in America?