Are you suggesting that people in internet forums are more real and show more of themselves than in their actual lives? You know it’s usually a mistake to take your own introspection and use it as a general guideline.
But if you really want to talk about projecting a false persona, let’s take the moderator of this forum as a prime example.
Tom Aiello is a mediocre BASE jumper at the very best, yet he wants to be known as a BASE authority, even if it’s a virtual one.
Tom Aiello claims to have over 1000 BASE jumps which in all actuality he has less than half that number.
Tom Aiello is oftentimes wrong on technical aspects of the sport and yet he would argue with people with much more knowledge and experience to a point of banning them. Yes my dear friend, Tom Aiello has banned people in the past, and possibly future, not because of juvenile personal attacks, not because of reference to pedophilia, but because those much more informed and educated (in the BASE contest) jumpers just did not agree with him.
What Tom Aiello did though is to win the BASE award for the most hospitalizations and severe injuries sustained while practicing the sport of BASE jumping. Bad luck you might say. Not so my dear virtual BASE analyzers holder of the BASE truth. Tom Aiello once forgot to throw a pilot chute, and twice he showed very poor judgment despite the rightful advices much more experienced jumpers had given him. He refused to listen because Tom in the end always knows best.
Tom Aiello wants to reserve himself a spot in the history of BASE jumping as a BASE authority, as an outstanding BASE jumper. We all know what kind of person Tom Aiello is and what is more pertinent to this discussion, what kind of BASE jumper Tom Aiello is.
So wwarped, if you want to be of some use, please apply your immense training in internet psychology to the dropzone.com Tom Aiello persona.