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  1. No, the tshirt did not say couch freaks. That would have been really cool, though!!!! "It's only too late when you're 6 feet under. Until then, all bets are off."
  2. Hey, I got a tie dyed shirt! Cutaway had 'em for sale....Double Jokers logo and pic on back. Yes, WONDERFULLY AWESOME Boogie, gang!! Can't wait until next year!! I'll always remember the chalk outline of the keg bowling casualty - and anatomically correct, too! Sweet! Thanks to all who made a newbie like me feel "at home". "It's only too late when you're 6 feet under. Until then, all bets are off."
  3. Yes, Lisa - YOU GO GIRL!!! So can't wait to see you, Sherm and all in Oct!!! Always, Deb "It's only too late when you're 6 feet under. Until then, all bets are off."
  4. You're most welcome to stay in the bunkhouse I have reserved, Lisa. BUT, no worries. If that means you having to get up super early, I can take a cab or shuttle or something instead. Gotta get your rest beforehand for our wild weekend, ya know! "It's only too late when you're 6 feet under. Until then, all bets are off."
  5. Hi to ALL! I'm looking for a ride from the Ontario airport to skydive Elsinore on Thursday, October 11th. Plane schedules in mind () I should be arriving at the airport about 5:30pm. Can I get a ride with someone? "It's only too late when you're 6 feet under. Until then, all bets are off."
  6. Hey Shellybelly! I'm coming in Wednesday night. Would it be possible to rent a rig and gear for the whole event, since I'll be there "early"? Thx Much! Deb "It's only too late when you're 6 feet under. Until then, all bets are off."
  7. You won't be the only first-timer there!! Will be my first time to Elsinore, too, and my 2nd-ever boogie. Come join us!! "It's only too late when you're 6 feet under. Until then, all bets are off."
  8. Sorry, I meant MOONING, not mooing! Happy fingers today! "It's only too late when you're 6 feet under. Until then, all bets are off."
  9. You're such a peach, Lisa!! Thanks a mil!! "It's only too late when you're 6 feet under. Until then, all bets are off."
  10. Well, who knows if I'd really have the guts for a naked jump anyway (not on video, for sure!). :) Count me in on the mass mooing, though, for sure!!! I'm not THAT shy!! :) "It's only too late when you're 6 feet under. Until then, all bets are off."
  11. Can't wait to meet ya there, Mel and LisaH!!! So, how much talent is needed for the naked formation jump. Can a newby A like me tag along on the outside? Or maybe there'll be smaller naked formations for us newbies? Can't miss out ya know!! I'm so excited! I almost have my gangster outfit complete and ready to go. Is it October yet?!!! "It's only too late when you're 6 feet under. Until then, all bets are off."