For the love of god, Steve, why are we still having this discussion?!?
I'm new to PST, and I can't even really claim that because I've had my head up my ass all year and have jumped ONCE... So I don't know how great the riggers are up at the new club. What I do remember was a few years ago at SWOOP, when someone wanted to downsize too fast (you're downsizing far more aggressively) and Steinke told them that he could make a much lower wing loading still really rock their world.
As much as I hate to get on the "lets rag on you" bandwagon here - to be fair, you only want to jump in "optimal" conditions, which means you either:
1) Can't have fun unless you're jumping a DANGEROUS canopy or
2) Don't enjoy jumping enough to jump more often with a larger (SAFER) canopy under all conditions. (And don't give me that "but I can't afford to jump, so I need a super high-performance canopy" crap!)
I have the opposite problem. I'm underloading my canopy because I don't feel comfortable downsizing from my 190 to a 170. I can't jump if it's too windy, which SUCKS. Why do you want to limit the conditions in which you can jump when you'd get a lot more use out of a 150 or a 170?
You know that you shouldn't be jumping this canopy. You KNOW it's a big risk, and that you're going to hurt yourself... You KNOW why you're jumping this canopy... sort out all of that out and don't kill yourself because we all really love hanging out with you.
I mean, if you bounced, who else would I be able to sing "Cabin in the Woods" with?!? Seana? When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.