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Everything posted by markph

  1. Ahhh good point. But had he rolled over me, I would of expected those on the bus to exit and pick up the unbroken bottles! Ahhhh....yes...I wanted to get a copy of this video. Thanks for sharing...good times! See you back out there soon!
  2. That sounds like the bus ride I was on, where we drove over a barrier to enter a closed road, only to have to turn around and repeat?
  3. My shoulder hurt more at first. But now my pride is hurting more for not calling off the exit at least for myself. It happened so fast, before I realized... Nuff said...Lesson learned... It is just a little battle damage. Nothing a few massages in downtown Atlanta can't cure. Be back at The Farm for the GSL Skills Camp...
  4. Oh had to go there huh Andy?
  5. That has been turned off now. I was wondering how long it would take for someone from this group to find that..
  6. I share the same sentiment as you mentioned in your subject. Why did I not get involved in this sport when I was younger? Oh's to good skies!
  7. Yup...he's still there...Did a coach jump with him...we had a good time.
  8. LOL...Even with all the money in the world...Hell no! I need to review my EP's with you...maybe next time we are both at The Farm? I missed The Farm this weekend. How was it?
  9. Thanks! I was there Friday night and Saturday morning/afternoon; then I had to cruise. Was able to get two Friday, and three more on Saturday. The Saturday morning jump rocked...nothing like waking up and getting a jump to get things started! Kiss Pass Pic? I'll be sure to look for it! Was that a farm requirement? In either case, I'm guessing you were signed off?
  10. Thanks everyone...lets hope for calm winds and a sunny weekend at The Farm! Tomorrow afternoon is hopefully pack and jump day. I look forward to jumping a lot. I need a lot of practice...
  11. Lee...I'll have a look around for him. I'm always willing to improve my pronunciation!
  12. I have been lurking in the shadows...reading up on other feedback and the i-net to soak up what I can. Others ask what I have learned...hmmm...I have learned to pull, not die and have increased my vocabulary a word or two! Did a tandem the summer of 2005, and I haven't been able to stop thinking about jumping ever since! I joined the fine crew, about 45 mins from my home, at Georgia's Skydive The Farm and completed my AFF on May 25th. The only sad thought that crosses my mind is I waited so long to start the sport. I should have started when I was much younger. If anyone is considering AFF...check out The was just the right pace for me. To all the ladies and gents that made it possible...thanks again... More beer will be on the way...14 more jumps and nothing but blue skies and great times ahead!
  13. Nice...what was your altitude? Was this considered your first solo?
  14. markph

    Skydive The Farm

    I did my homework before heading out and checking out this DZ. I read reviews on the internet and visited this DZ before deciding to call it home. Hans and Sandy run a great home away from home. It is my first DZ and now I am happy to call it my home DZ. I have been out three times now, and just completed my AFF graduation and a few solos! The training went very smooth. I asked a million questions and everyone was great including the delicious food Kim makes! I will always be more than happy to call The Farm my home DZ. Thanks guys for everything...