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  1. actually i wouldn't be suprised if all those characters died... many of the actors/actresses are tired of the series and want to move on. That's why Echo died, he wanted to work on another project... in the beginning it was supposed to have a much more important role.
  2. "it's also attracting the attention of kids" Yeah, the kids go: "Look a normal female body... My mom is so fat i didn't know women had curves" How come, always when it comes to these things it's obese women who complain? Personally I think it's psychology - You see something in yourself you don't like, think you can't change it(or are to lazy to) and then you suddenly despise it.
  3. America can't "win" this war because: 1. Bush started a war on loose grounds (why he did it we leave for another day) and the only reason he managed to start it was because people was still shocked from 9/11 and thus he launched a war against Iraq (anyone who read a psychology book knows how people band togeather during war/national crisis). And when people had a chance to reflect about the situation he lost most of his support. You can't win a war your own countrymen dosn't support. 2. The invasion of Iraq was on one side good, stop the evil reign of Saddam but looking at it from another angle - the only thing in Iraq keeping it stable was Saddam. So when USA invaded and captured Saddam you immediately started a civil war. This civil war has 3-4 sides Shia, Sunni, Al-Qaeda and the Kurds (Kurds are less involved). All of these sides want to rule, Shia and Sunni are to quite different "types" of Islam, very simply put, one believes that the regim should be by an ascendant of muhammed and the other one doesn't. Kurds on the other hand are neither, kurds are the worlds largest ethnic group and have been heavily suppressed by the countries they live in (mainly Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Turkey). Thus they are not on too good terms with neither shia or sunni. Al-Qaeda is on the other hand a terrorist group claiming to fight for Islam but don't really follow the religion (breaking many of it's laws). So, when Bush invaded all of these sides wanted power, America basicaly said: "GET ALONG!" and thats not how it works in reality. Now Iraq has a split regime as well as a split country.
  4. Never heard of this but that's awful. They go straight to the top of my Retard list.
  5. Hunting for fun does not give you a small weiner, if OP proves this theory with facts I will never open my mouth again
  6. which kid even uses the word immodest @ 7?
  7. Sounds a bit like the DJ Mystic remix but it's not it... Thanks for all the others!
  8. Was looking @ some vids on Youtube and was wondering where the music comes from: and aswell as Thanks / Bogey EDIT: Forgot one:
  9. I second that! To widen your experience a bit :)
  10. AFF, Starts 14:th of may with the basics, workdays so it's after 6pm and then we leave town to jump and are finished (at the latest) 2:nd of June. Total cost will be about 10 500SEK ~= 1 125 € What did you guys pay for the AFF/static line course?
  11. Atleast my favorite drink won :) Sluuuurp
  12. Greets from Sweden! Got my first class 14th of May... Been waiting for this day for three years now. I'm very exited, found dropzone through and the vids over there are amazing! Dropzone looks like a great spot, and with loads of members... again best wishes from northern Sweden.