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Everything posted by jhobart

  1. Hey guys, I just moved the server to a very unstable location. The web site should be up and working a LOT better by tomorrow morning. I've upgraded the server as the site was getting really slow but screwed up on my hosting provider. If you have any problems after tomorrow morning let me know at jdh@skydivingweather.com. Sorry for the inconvenience. John Hobart Skydiving Weather
  2. Sorry, I should have mentioned that the quickest way to get replies and/or corrections to the site is best achieved by sending email to dev@skydivingweather.com. If there are still several dropzones out of place and/or other issues we'd sure like to hear about them. (I missed the prior post about Orange, really emailing works better, the dev box is kind of my "to do" list.) As to where we get lat/long coordinates, they're taken from the zip code of the mailing address of the DZ. It was the quickest way to get all of them in the system, and for the most part has worked pretty well. We are in the process of inputting, manually, the lat/long coordinates for all the dropzone airstrips from the public ICAO databases, but that's going to take a while. Oh, and at long last (I really am sorry I missed the previous post!) the listing for Jumptown has been fixed. Whew! John Hobart jdh@skydivingweather.com www.skydivingweather.com
  3. Well oh well. A bunch of bugs have been fixed and I think most of the dropzones are now in the right place. I haven't received an email on that subject in a while and people are certainly still using the site. If anyone knows of a DZ out of place please let me know and I'll fix it. Forecasted winds aloft are now in degrees Farenheit and miles per hour and go all the way up to 18,000 ft. for the turbine addicts. There's more general weather information included in the Current Observations, and I got rid of a nasty bug that was trashing forecasts from some locations in California. Dex's awesome suggestion to include "quickie" current observations with a little image, winds and temps has been included in the "My Forecasts" for registered users (which is, and will remain, a free service), and now there are a bunch of dropzones representing their respective regions on the home page, and I'll be short-listing boogies soon. Gawd, I dunno what else. Anyway, thanks for all the continued help and see you in the air when the snow melts. John Hobart jdh@skydivingweather.com www.skydivingweather.com
  4. OK, now this was such a good idea I just had to do it. I added temperature too so those of us stuck up north can be even more jealous (if we've got forecasts setup for down south). It's also kind of a cool national outlook, if you've got a bunch of forecasts saved. Thanks Eric. Dern good idea. John Hobart jdh@skydivingweather.com www.skydivingweather.com
  5. Yikes. I guess I should be careful playing around with signatures. John Hobart jdh@skydivingweather.com www.skydivingweather.com
  6. I'll have them converted as soon as the site is stable and I get Pahokee off the seacoast (gulp!). John Hobart jdh@skydivingweather.com [url "http://www.skydivingweather.com"]www.skydivingweather.com[url] John Hobart jdh@skydivingweather.com www.skydivingweather.com
  7. If you can send me the specs or links to the screen dimensions for the various palms (to my email address) I could totally get down on that. It'd be a cool little tool. Nice idea, John Hobart jdh@skydivingweather.com John Hobart jdh@skydivingweather.com www.skydivingweather.com
  8. Yup, I went through the database a couple of times to fix errant DZs but I was counting on, and have received a lot of corrections. I'm working at inputting all the changes but it's going to take the better part of tomorrow probably just to fix what's already been reported. Just yesterday I saw a dropzone in Colorado show up in Pennsylvania. The misplling of Massacheussettees I'm fixing right now (as soon as I finish this post). Right now it's all based on zip codes but I'm going to move it to a direct latitude/longitude for each DZ ASAP as the locations aren't always up to snuff. I would like to thank each of you for all the help. The site sure will be better when (a) All the dropzones are listed (I'm still missing a few) and (b) They're all in the right place. Cheers, and thanks again, and if you're in warmer regions than here do a jump for me. I sure could use one. John Hobart jdh@skydivingweather.com John Hobart jdh@skydivingweather.com www.skydivingweather.com
  9. Somebody already noticed. Thanks to everyone for looking at the site. I just launched on Saturday. I hadn't posted to search engines and was wondering where all the traffic was coming from. Now I guess I know. The lat-long coordinates for the airport are taken from the zip code of the DZ, which is almost always incorrect, but usually only by a wee bit. The dropzones that have mailing addresses in different towns are driving me nuts. Funny though, is that at the Skydive Chicago site they list their lat-long of the airport as (41.3994444 / -88.7936111) and I have them listed as (41.25/-88.83) which shouldn't change the nearest reporting stations for most dropzones but might for Skydive Chicago. The calculated distance between the two points shows my location as 10.5 miles south of the actual. Thanks, I could use more ATP users. If everyone took the time to validate the data like you have it'd be great. John Hobart jdh@skydivingweather.com www.skydivingweather.com