I am a few weeks late in posting this, and am probably violating some rule('s) by posting in this forum since I was not injured (with exception of some substantial bruising), or killed.
I am a student (static line progression), who experienced a bag lock on my 16th jump (not counting military static line jumps in my past life). On my first 15 sec delay, after completing right and left 90 degree turns, I waved off and pulled at 4200'. After reaching 6 seconds with ripcord in hand and looking over right shoulder, I felt, heard or saw nothing from my main. As the baseball field to the north was growing larger and I was still in freefall, I executed SOS emergency procedures by pulling the reserve ripcord handle. After a very hard reserve opening, I uneventfully landed. The bag lock was confirmed from the observers on the ground, as I had no indication that anything at all had happened after pulling the ripcord. Because I am still awaiting my packing class, one of the packers had packed my rig.
I will make my last 45 sec delay (before solo status) jump tomorrow if the weather holds out.