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  • Home DZ
    Skydive Snohomish
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  1. My wife and I will be in attendance. She didn't know them except for seeing them in passing while occasionally dtopping me off to jump, but she helped me flip off Landon while he was driving bus back from east field and we were on road. We have both shed some tears. Ted
  2. I am a student (static line progression), who experienced a bag lock on my 16th jump (not counting military static line jumps in my past life). On my first 15 sec delay, after completing right and left 90 degree turns, I waved off and pulled at 4200'. After reaching 6 seconds with ripcord in hand and looking over right shoulder, I felt, heard or saw nothing from my main. As the baseball field to the north was growing larger and I was still in freefall, I executed SOS emergency procedures by pulling the reserve ripcord handle. After a very hard reserve opening, I uneventfully landed. The bag lock was confirmed from the observers on the ground, as I had no indication that anything at all had happened after pulling the ripcord. Because I am still awaiting my packing class, one of the packers had packed my rig. I will make my last 45 sec delay (before solo status) jump tomorrow if the weather holds
  3. Andy, I saw your rig the next day when I was in. Ouchy! Glad you're OK. I know your pain . Ted
  4. Hey Andy, thanks for the backup! I'm glad I pulled my reserve too! Ted Zing, my main and D-bag and everything attached to it went bye bye when I pulled SOS handle and still hasn't been found.
  5. That is basically how it went, although I did look over my shoulder to clear a possible pilot chute hesitation. I didn't see anything, and it took until I got on the ground to hear from witnesses for me to realize that what had occurred. Not mentioned in my original post was the fact that a coach was in freefall with me observing when this occurred and he also supported the bag lock theory. I didn't see, feel, or hear anything from my main and was definitely not stood upright (as I also would have thought).
  6. I am a few weeks late in posting this, and am probably violating some rule('s) by posting in this forum since I was not injured (with exception of some substantial bruising), or killed. I am a student (static line progression), who experienced a bag lock on my 16th jump (not counting military static line jumps in my past life). On my first 15 sec delay, after completing right and left 90 degree turns, I waved off and pulled at 4200'. After reaching 6 seconds with ripcord in hand and looking over right shoulder, I felt, heard or saw nothing from my main. As the baseball field to the north was growing larger and I was still in freefall, I executed SOS emergency procedures by pulling the reserve ripcord handle. After a very hard reserve opening, I uneventfully landed. The bag lock was confirmed from the observers on the ground, as I had no indication that anything at all had happened after pulling the ripcord. Because I am still awaiting my packing class, one of the packers had packed my rig. I will make my last 45 sec delay (before solo status) jump tomorrow if the weather holds out.