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Thanks All for the input. I think I'll probably go slow with the rig purchase as I don't really know how to save all that well (wife, mortgage, HELOC's, etc.). These sorta drain my extracurricular funding. I think I'll go for the less expensive equip. first. A helmet and an alti first. I plan on talking to Bonnie this weekend to see how I may be able to purchase a used rig, she's a great gal and I know the rigger's at the DZ are very competent. I'm not going to rush this. I saw what happens when that happens. One of the guys I went through class with made a quick purchase on a rig with a canopy I believe may have been to extreme for his skill level and he had a pretty hard meeting with the ground one day. Thanks also go out to dropzone.com and the classy people that post here. I respect your input but know this, I'll always talk to my JM before making a decision about my life saving equip. Cheer and Happy Holidays, Neal
Hey How's It To Whoever Reads This And Decides To Reply, OK so I've graduated from AFF and I'm now solo certified working slowly towards my "A" liscense so I've decided to do a little shopping for a rig. I'm currently interested in two containers #1 choice the Mirage G4, #2 Velocity Infinity. These cost ~2K, and as far as I know it doesn't come with an AAD. To purchase a mid range canopy (class 3 I think) and a reserve runs me ~4K (Icarus). So I really don't have >6K to spend at the moment on a rig are second hand rigs a better choice for a first time purchase? Gravity Gear South will scrutinize any second hand equip. I plan on purchasing, I know that. On the otherhand I can rent, making appx (fun jumps) 30 jumps/year would run me ~$500/year. So I geuss I was wondering (to whomsoever reads this and maybe was in my shoes) how was your decision tree made? Did you rent for awhile, purhase a used rig, then buy a new rig, or was it a better choice to just purchase a new rig and suck up the cost. Anyway I'm nowwhere near taking the cost blow at the moment new or used just wondering how some out there may have made there choices and come up with the scratch. Anyway if you made it to the end of this, thanks. I may not have made alot of sense but it has made me feel a little better just getting it out. Please don't bust my chops for appearing to be a cheapskate. Being a novice my decision tree is not absolutley clear to me. Cheers, Draco
To those that recommended Tunnel Time (TT), This last weekend I went up to Perris and had four minutes in the tunnel. I was able to observe my arch and complete AFFV. I learned from that experience, so thanks for the recommendation. So the problem that I created was improper arm position during my forward movement. On the real jump at altitude, I brought my arms in to my torso, creating instability and probably a faster fall rate. I found (in the tunnel) that all you have to do is basically pinch those shoulderblades together a bit and you'll move. Leg position looked good also in the tunnel. I just have to relax at the time of release and not try to over compensate. Slow is fast. So here we go again I'm gonna try and knock out AFF5-7 this weekend and then make a solo. Time and body permitting. Cheers
All, So I've thought a little about what you've said, and you're right I failed nothing, I landed successfully and no one got hurt, and hell I was FLYING albeit like an albatross takes off (awkwardly) but flying nonetheless. Level 5 will be revisited, I made my mind up a few days ago. I've made an appointment for some tunnel time up at Perris for this weekend to work on my leg issues. The only problem, the other half thinks "it's" consuming me. Yea it is. What a challenge. I did notice my concern on the cost of repeating a course. I'm getting over that as it's better to be safe than sorry. I just wish students could get a discounted rate for our perseverance and determination. One note that may bring a smile to some is on the debrief with my JM. We started talking about the missed docking and she starts laughing a bit. I'm all what!? She says to me, after you missed the first dock got stable, turned and tried to re-dock the second time, that look of determination on your face was classic. She's a good egg. Cheers
So in comparison, are you finding you have better leg awareness in your jumps with all that tunnel time? [email]
History: Fifteen years ago I started my initial skydive career using the static line method from 3000'. I was enjoying it very much, I had three jumps in before certain circumstances dictated a change in my enjoyment direction. Present: I was encouraged by a budy to go and make a tandem jump from 13K. The hook sunk deep. I asked my jumpmaster to do something nuts as I had had past experience jumping. We did a series of backflips out of the plane. There's the plane, theres the ground, on and on. I'm pretty sure I swallowed the hook that day. So I signed up for AFF, which brings me to my new problem. I started my AFF in June of this year and I'm finding with every successful jump passing me to the next level comes a failure. My initial failure was in AFF2 where everything I practiced in my head, on the ground, and in my backyard flew out the door. Gratefully, everything ended, right as rain. My next try at AFF2 went well, but now I'm out an additional $200 bones. Fast forward, levels 3 and 4 go well, and I find myself more relaxed in FF, gaining a little bit more confidense. OK, so here I am yesterday waiting around for my load #8 to be called out. It was no big deal that I sat around for appx 4hours as tandems came and went. Finally, my JM and I go over the dive flow, 360L, 360R, dock. I'm thinking this'll be fine I just finished 90's with flying colors. The Dive: So we exit at 13K, I had a good arch got stable by the end of my count and felt fine. Then my JM gets in front of me and I start thinking of what I'm gonna do. 360L then I drop my left leg (first time this happens to me) and I whip around. I restabilize and finish my 360L. My 360R goes well. Now it's time to dock. I bring everything in and start my forward motion, got within ~4ft, my left leg drops and I spin off to the left. I recover face my JM and try again. This doesn't work either, time ran out. Delima: So here I am failed AFF5 and need to come up with another $160 to continue. Some have said to go get some tunnel time to work on your leg position. I don't like failing or quiting but it only gets more difficult through the program. I'm not excactly a spring chicken either and I don't want to hurt anyone nor myself. Any comments? This was mostlty a vent for my aggrevation towards my mental and physical preparation Cheers, Dray