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  1. Romney is less charismatic than John Kerry was, and Ron Paul went off his meds. Ostriches and rheas are the only birds that urinate and defecate separately. They read Parachutist while doing #2.
  2. Where are Rev. Jesse and Rev. Al?!? Ostriches and rheas are the only birds that urinate and defecate separately. They read Parachutist while doing #2.
  3. "Im in ur pet taxi, gettn ur arse in trubul." Ostriches and rheas are the only birds that urinate and defecate separately. They read Parachutist while doing #2.
  4. Open the Pod Bay Door, HAL. Ostriches and rheas are the only birds that urinate and defecate separately. They read Parachutist while doing #2.
  5. person shits the bed, and we all have to wear diapers...Yep, you're in the military. Ostriches and rheas are the only birds that urinate and defecate separately. They read Parachutist while doing #2.
  6. Dumb as shit to make this a law. Make it an administrative rule. Easier to pass, harder to challenge afterwards. Ostriches and rheas are the only birds that urinate and defecate separately. They read Parachutist while doing #2.
  7. And no sign of Physics Professors on this thread...Perhaps conceding imminent defeat? Ostriches and rheas are the only birds that urinate and defecate separately. They read Parachutist while doing #2.
  8. Just PM Hairyjuan. He and you can have a "I hate the Fed" circle-jerk. Ostriches and rheas are the only birds that urinate and defecate separately. They read Parachutist while doing #2.
  9. With a shotgun? Ostriches and rheas are the only birds that urinate and defecate separately. They read Parachutist while doing #2.
  10. More than 1, fewer than 7,600,000. Ostriches and rheas are the only birds that urinate and defecate separately. They read Parachutist while doing #2.
  11. The point i was making prior to the nonsensical posturing, was that if you know and break the law, and then have the nerve to whine when you are held to account for your crime, you're a idiot and a whiny little douchebag. Change the law. until then, STFU and be an adult if/when you're caught. Ostriches and rheas are the only birds that urinate and defecate separately. They read Parachutist while doing #2.
  12. I bet you wouldnt say that to my face without worrying about your teeth getting smashed. Ooh..Dot Com Rambo strikes again... Dont hide behind the safety of your computer to talk shit. Be a man, not a pussy. give me your phone # and address. I'll be sure to call the police next time you decide to get stoned. Be sure you smoke quickly, if there's enough left over, they can charge you with possession with intent to distribute. Ostriches and rheas are the only birds that urinate and defecate separately. They read Parachutist while doing #2.
  13. I bet you wouldnt say that to my face without worrying about your teeth getting smashed. Ooh..Dot Com Rambo strikes again... Ostriches and rheas are the only birds that urinate and defecate separately. They read Parachutist while doing #2.
  14. who is whining? William F Buckley??? The vast majority of pro-legalization posters on The pothead threads are chock full of people who knowingly break drug laws, then whine when the laws are enforced. Fucking Whining Cunts. Ostriches and rheas are the only birds that urinate and defecate separately. They read Parachutist while doing #2.