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Everything posted by Esquilax

  1. Does that render the message any less relevant? Do you like to have old news regurgitated every two years as if it's hot from the presses? That doesn't answer my original question. The message is fine but very stale. Now answer my question - do you like having old news regurgitated every couple of years as if it's something new and exciting. It doesn't bother me. It's studying recent history. I'm guessing somewhat recent events (e.g. 9/11/01) are being taught in History classes, so this could be seen as a historical issue...? Ostriches and rheas are the only birds that urinate and defecate separately. They read Parachutist while doing #2.
  2. Secular, humanistic values spawned from religious beliefs are not the same as Theocratic rule. Sharia is an ugly thing. The Aussies have every right to express their distaste for these theocratic carpetbaggers. Ostriches and rheas are the only birds that urinate and defecate separately. They read Parachutist while doing #2.
  3. Does that render the message any less relevant? Do you like to have old news regurgitated every two years as if it's hot from the presses? That doesn't answer my original question. Ostriches and rheas are the only birds that urinate and defecate separately. They read Parachutist while doing #2.
  4. Does that render the message any less relevant? Ostriches and rheas are the only birds that urinate and defecate separately. They read Parachutist while doing #2.
  5. I'm in. Anybody else? I sincerely doubt it'll make much of an impact on companies. People will make their purchases for that day the day before. The sum total is no difference at all. Ostriches and rheas are the only birds that urinate and defecate separately. They read Parachutist while doing #2.
  6. Ghandi The similarities are not there. This is not oppression on the scale of India v. the UK...It's someone's desire to get fucked up. Access to a plant is not equivalent to what Ghandi fought for, no matter how much you love your cannabis... Ostriches and rheas are the only birds that urinate and defecate separately. They read Parachutist while doing #2.
  7. I tend to agree with you, but breaking the law is not the way to change the law. Engage the process, talk to representatives. Once you're busted and a guest of the criminal law system, your credibility drops. It's best to try to legalize it before openly flaunting it. I once heard someone say "Insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly but expecting different results..." If you get busted, it's insane to think that there aren't going to be repercussions... Ostriches and rheas are the only birds that urinate and defecate separately. They read Parachutist while doing #2.
  8. -City buses that didn't take those metro cards, and the driver had to visually count the amount of $ you dropped in... -Lawn Darts -Those pastel/neon colored baseball caps -buying blank cassettes in bulk to tape your LP records Ostriches and rheas are the only birds that urinate and defecate separately. They read Parachutist while doing #2.
  9. So far I like it, but I had to get a new VPN from Cisco to use the University's Wifi. Also had to tweek iChat, but Leopard seems to be a much smoother OS X. I did like the hack to 2D the dock. I also shrunk it so I can get more workspace. Anyone have other good hacks they want to share? I am so glad I went Mac this year. Ostriches and rheas are the only birds that urinate and defecate separately. They read Parachutist while doing #2.
  10. Photos? Ostriches and rheas are the only birds that urinate and defecate separately. They read Parachutist while doing #2.
  11. What's the downside? Fewer criminals? Not exactly a bad thing... Ostriches and rheas are the only birds that urinate and defecate separately. They read Parachutist while doing #2.
  12. I did like the huge interior of my Dad's Oldsmobile Land Yacht and the cheap prices of Cubs bleacher tickets, but I was 3-12 yrs old in the 80s, and that's not a whole lotta freedom. I liked 25. Not old, not infantile. Ostriches and rheas are the only birds that urinate and defecate separately. They read Parachutist while doing #2.
  13. Meh, I'm gonna be cremated, and then given to the Navy to pitch overboard. (I'm a vet) Ostriches and rheas are the only birds that urinate and defecate separately. They read Parachutist while doing #2.
  14. Until the free market produces an economically viable way out of GW, It's not going to gain much momentum. Most people do not have a EE degree to design our own electric transport, nor do we have tens of thousands of dollars to blow on green technology that needs decades to become cost effective. When you see celebs pimping some exotic technology that they can only afford, and guilting the rest of us because we cannot foot the bill, it earns them the title "Limousine Liberal, " and decimates their credibility. Ostriches and rheas are the only birds that urinate and defecate separately. They read Parachutist while doing #2.
  15. If there is enough will to legalize cannabis, then those with that will should engage their Government representatives to change the law. Lacking said change, if one intentionally flaunts State and Federal Law, a rational adult should be expected to be held responsible under the penal provisions of the law they have broken. I personally don't care. I've never smoked anything, never will. I enjoy a beer, but seldom to excess. Change the law thru the governmental processes. I really don't see a judicial remedy here, as I doubt the right to smoke cannabis is right under the law. Ostriches and rheas are the only birds that urinate and defecate separately. They read Parachutist while doing #2.
  16. Dachshunds are amusing to observe. Ostriches and rheas are the only birds that urinate and defecate separately. They read Parachutist while doing #2.
  17. Who's this "Chunks" dude getting head in your car? Ostriches and rheas are the only birds that urinate and defecate separately. They read Parachutist while doing #2.
  18. Boone's Farm or Thunderbird. Ostriches and rheas are the only birds that urinate and defecate separately. They read Parachutist while doing #2.
  19. Research the "Fighting words" exception to free speech. Ostriches and rheas are the only birds that urinate and defecate separately. They read Parachutist while doing #2.
  20. Big boobies. Medium Boobies. Small Boobies. Any Boobies!! Ostriches and rheas are the only birds that urinate and defecate separately. They read Parachutist while doing #2.
  21. Do you have children? What would you do if your child was on either end of this parasitic relationship? Yes I do. She is going to learn that suspension from school is not a permanent or debilitating action. What's going to happen? This is going on her "permanent record"? If your kid was the bully, I hope the victim's family takes you for all your family's money and possessions in court. The kid in this story has permanent nerve damage to his arm. He's limited because of the assault he endured. If your kid was the victim, I fear for the consequences of the lukewarm response you purport you'll give to them reporting being assaulted. You'd potentially be raising the next Eric Harris or Dylan Kliebold. Ostriches and rheas are the only birds that urinate and defecate separately. They read Parachutist while doing #2.
  22. Doesn't lightning seek the quickest path to the ground, i.e. church steeples(sp?)? Ostriches and rheas are the only birds that urinate and defecate separately. They read Parachutist while doing #2.
  23. Ugly people, the next morning? Ostriches and rheas are the only birds that urinate and defecate separately. They read Parachutist while doing #2.
  24. Not exactly. It varies from state to state. In Florida, when someone tries to establish paternity for the purpose of support, you have one year to contest it with DNA evidence. Many of the women state, under oath, that there was no other possible father. However, they are never prosecuted for perjury or attempted fraud either, even though we are talking about 10's of thousands of dollars. (It is kind of a career path in Florida) Then the non-daddy-spouse should get an attorney when he hears that some other dude possibly knocked his wife up. That attorney should then insist on DNA tests... Ostriches and rheas are the only birds that urinate and defecate separately. They read Parachutist while doing #2.
  25. I love God. It's his fucking fan club that I cannot stand. Ostriches and rheas are the only birds that urinate and defecate separately. They read Parachutist while doing #2.