I'm new to these forums and new to skydiving - completely. My first jump is going to be tomorrow - a tandem dive at Cross Keys in New Jersey. My friends jumped about a week ago and loved it so much they told me I needed to experience it. So, I'm going to.
This is a very out-of-character thing for me to do - I've never even so far as been on a roller coaster - but I have a vague sense that if I can do this, then I can do many more things in my life I wasn't sure I could handle before.
I've looked around the forums, and tried not to worry myself too much - maybe I shouldn't have checked the Incidents forum - and as much as I want to learn the jargon being thrown around here, I'm trying to remain a little blissfully ignorant so I won't get overly confused when I arrive tomorrow.
So - hello!