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Everything posted by JNegator

  1. How common are they, like is it the type of thing that is done rare by a couple people who decide they're ballzy enough to give it a shot or is it a maneuver done by crewdogs? And in either case is it common place for the person who is left flying the ghostplane to land it or do they kick out of the other guys main after flying them for a little bit. Is attempting this really as retarded as some people make it out to be?
  2. jump? weekend? this? sounds like a good time...i can't wait i get my first free fall this weekend if all goes right.
  3. Make Love The Bruce Campbell Way Pet Sematary
  4. evidence?? wha? how? i didn't even do it yet
  5. i just meant that performance in general
  6. JNegator

    Graphics Help

    stuff actually looked like that for people when they were on LSD? i never had any of the visual halucinations...did i get hosed?
  7. that litterally sounds unreal. who offers someone with a gun to a childs head a glass of wine??? it's insanity.