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Everything posted by gavi_omen

  1. I think that's more a personal issue than a sexual issue. Because lets be honest, in skydiving, there's no such thing as keeping sex low key. If it happens, everyone knows about it. There's no such thing as free will; everything is dictated by the Uncertainty Principle.
  2. I heard that the tandems were done drogue-less. Is that true? There's no such thing as free will; everything is dictated by the Uncertainty Principle.
  3. You've seen it? There's no such thing as free will; everything is dictated by the Uncertainty Principle.
  4. I haven't been able to find the video of Greg K. of Offspring fame doing the wingsuit, but I did find a video of him doing an Antenna BASE jump. It was pretty cool, but they never showed his opening. Instead, they threw a dummy off the tower and filmed it going in. There's no such thing as free will; everything is dictated by the Uncertainty Principle.
  5. Holy shit, you suck at this game! There's no such thing as free will; everything is dictated by the Uncertainty Principle.
  6. Please stop the shitty euphemisms...or don't. There's no such thing as free will; everything is dictated by the Uncertainty Principle.
  7. Actually, you could definitely do a tandem, you'd just have to find a place that would send up a 130 pound tandem master with you. Yeah, rather unlikely. Still, I'm sure you could find a canopy big enough to work with your exit weight, although it may be tough to find it. There's no such thing as free will; everything is dictated by the Uncertainty Principle.
  8. I still don't know if I'm gonna be around for New Years. Sounds like fun though. There's no such thing as free will; everything is dictated by the Uncertainty Principle.
  9. And, seeing as the door does come with a manual over ride, that would make it probably 100x easier to open underwater than a conventional door because the door itself is sliding along the car as opposed to pushing out from it. That said, I see absolutely no flaws in this design. Freakin' brilliant. There's no such thing as free will; everything is dictated by the Uncertainty Principle.
  10. Probably about 30 seconds after the episode ends... I really do dislike the Whuffo perspective though. Calling an arched, belly-to-earth position a "spread eagle" or calling head-down a "bullet position" is just...misinformed. If they were at Sky Dance they could have at least asked someone. Plus, I do think that their idea of the last sky diving scene in Point Break taking 90 seconds was pretty absurd. On film it took that long, but that's because of how it was cut. You could have easily said that that scene wound up being more like 45 seconds or so. Meh, it wasn't great, but I suppose it didn't suck. I wish one of them would have done a static line or an AFF though. That would have been a bit more interesting. There's no such thing as free will; everything is dictated by the Uncertainty Principle.
  11. Go for it cocheese. Maybe you could be a new myth-tern. There's no such thing as free will; everything is dictated by the Uncertainty Principle.
  12. That's beer. Of course it would, without a doubt, be a beer jump for me too so I can't really comment. I think jumping in snow will be fun though. I'm definitely looking forward to it. There's no such thing as free will; everything is dictated by the Uncertainty Principle.
  13. Done as well. There's no such thing as free will; everything is dictated by the Uncertainty Principle.
  14. Not about them contextually, just the processes that we use to get said pictures. The reason that last one looks so messed up might have something to do with the microscope operating conditions. The samples are imaged in a vacuum, so that might have something to do with why an insect such as that might appear scarred. Either that, or it could have just been something that was on the exoskeleton when it died. As I write this I'm actually finishing the capture of a scan that I took of some Cactus Fungi. It's pretty interesting looking at it on a regular microscope versus the SEM because the vacuum definitely changes it. I could always bring up the pressure some to get it a little farther away from that "next to zero" pressure, but that's not as much fun. There's no such thing as free will; everything is dictated by the Uncertainty Principle.
  15. The post was actually just a place holder until I could go to work to retrieve the images. I can't seem to find the ones that I personally took, but there are still some pretty sweet ones around. There's no such thing as free will; everything is dictated by the Uncertainty Principle.
  16. Friday I had to bike home from where I go to school (about 40 miles) in cloudy, windy, and sub-50 degree (F) conditions through some pretty hilly terrain. It sucked. I was on a bike trip this summer that covered around 500 miles and that was pretty fun. There was a day where I averaged just under 20 miles per hour for 70 or 80 miles through some rolling hills while carrying 50+ pounds of gear. It was an experience to say the least, but you don't always have much choice when you always have to beat sunset to the next town. Oh, and I do bike out to the DZ on occasion. I did for my first jump course and it's something that I like to do time to time. There's no such thing as free will; everything is dictated by the Uncertainty Principle.
  17. I have some pretty sweet Scanning Electron Microscope pictures of grasshoppers and such that I could post up. There's no such thing as free will; everything is dictated by the Uncertainty Principle.
  18. I made 14 jumps all from 10,000' and all of them 4-ways. Of those, only like 4 were successful and the rest were just pure crap, either as a result of me or someone else (mostly me). Don't you hate when that happens? There's no such thing as free will; everything is dictated by the Uncertainty Principle.
  19. How steep are the hills you ground launch off of? I live in an area with more than a few sizeable ski jumping hills (I was in the sport for about 10 years) and that seems like the logical place to start. There's no such thing as free will; everything is dictated by the Uncertainty Principle.