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Everything posted by magicmx5

  1. I answer questions all day long to my friends about skydiving cause I love to talk about it. There are moments though when the questions become insane. Some of the stupid wuffo posts are based on sheer stupidity versus lack of skydiving knowledge. If you're not having fun, what's the point
  2. Just wait till you're stuck in the north. Your day will come. There is a blizzard with your name on it. If you're not having fun, what's the point
  3. After getting my new cypress installed, I told my roommate that I was going to go pick up my rig. He responded with: "So, are you going to test it to make sure it works" After I finished laughing, I just looked at him. All I could come up with (besides are you f###g crazy) was: "Are you going to test the airbag in the next car you buy" They are always good for a laugh when your day isn't going so well. If you're not having fun, what's the point
  4. Well, I was going to get in some hop 'n pops today until I opened my eyes. We managed to get 3" of fresh snow and it wasn't done yet so I went back to bed. I don't know what to do with myself if I'm not at the dropzone. If you're not having fun, what's the point
  5. Little do they know what he is applying If you're not having fun, what's the point
  6. Has the drinking started already without me? If you're not having fun, what's the point
  7. I'm feeling brave. Here's one for the memories: If you're not having fun, what's the point
  8. agreed. It's always in your hands to not get out of the plane if you don't feel safe If you're not having fun, what's the point
  9. now that would be fun. Kind of like the stratosphere in vegas If you're not having fun, what's the point
  10. congrats. I know the feeling. I am only 3 jumps into my new canopy. If you're not having fun, what's the point
  11. What a great photo of my forehead. Dare I put in the headboard photo? If you're not having fun, what's the point
  12. now that looks like fun. How hard is it to control the raft in flight? If you're not having fun, what's the point
  13. congrats. Something for the rest of us to shoot for. Sounds like beer to me. If you're not having fun, what's the point
  14. I haven't seen the pictures you took yet. I'll be out Saturday with a friend doing a tandem. Should I be afraid of the photos? If you're not having fun, what's the point
  15. not the profile attachment photo to a reply If you're not having fun, what's the point
  16. Sliding in on your ass presents the problem of potential back injuries if you hit the ground too hard though. I would rather break an ankle than a back. If you're not having fun, what's the point
  17. a skydiver dating forum? At least you know the other person would be reasonably interesting, since they're a jumper. If you're not having fun, what's the point
  18. I would definitely be a lot more aware of those below me so as not to drift over anyone else. That would be my biggest concern is falling into a canopy or having someone fall into mine. If you're not having fun, what's the point
  19. I did a bungi jump from a hot air balloon and that is definitely worse than exiting a plane. The fear of heights is much more apparant and there aren't any second chances or reserves. That's like saying: try BASE if you are scared of heights. I don't think less altitude would do any good for me if I were afraid of heights. If you're not having fun, what's the point
  20. sounds like beer to me (new job) If you're not having fun, what's the point
  21. I may get in trouble for that one after my last comment directed her way. If you're not having fun, what's the point
  22. I am familiar with how to change the opening speed. I was just curious if anyone actually packed differently knowing they were making a hop 'n pop If you're not having fun, what's the point
  23. So do you pack any differently for a hop 'n pop knowing that it will take longer and bring you closer to a decision altitude? If you're not having fun, what's the point
  24. The freefall calculator and audible was going to be my next purchase. You must be psychic. I'm sure most of it is perception and reaction time. I was simply estimating from what I saw. It didn't appear to be a snivel, just a slower sequence (At least it felt that way). If you're not having fun, what's the point