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Everything posted by tedsuncle

  1. Gee isn't that what governments have been doing since the start of time?
  2. Actually, I intend to propose that all DZ's be required to post accurate accounts of alll deaths and accidents that have occurred at the DZ in plain view. The records would be cross-referenced by DZ as well as DZ ownership. It is time that those in power of who goes up have more than their own financial interests to motivate the decision of who flies what at their DZ. That a start...Fine legal minds can come up with others.
  3. Canuck, you are most correct. Thank you for expressing what I am feeling. I have been "banned" under my tedsauntcindy name because they do not like what I say. But I will say it again. Your self-policing obviously isn't working. You need only look at all the accidents and deaths in just the last year caused by low turns and canopy collisions. Perhaps it is time for the legislatures to act. I, for one, am unwilling to leave it to the pompous musings of kkeenan, billvon and kallend in the future. oops...I said it again...I'll be banned! Oh no