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Everything posted by DFF

  1. wow, i should be speechless and i already wanted to leave the discussion but your competent post made me think about the facts you told us. so i have some questions, i guess you only landing/swooping over large water areas or where do you find "forgiving" ground? low profile, so you talk about aerodynamics? like on the low profile helmets of the camera guys doing freefly and freestyle with the super aerodynamic canon rebel, mark3, handycams, or in earlier times dv tape cameras? and the speed of you under the canopy, when you swoop or when you land with tailwind or without flare or a to early flare, is so low that a helmet without schockabsorbing layer will protect you? i will also ask the many jumpers who ended up with a brain injury after a bad landing wearing a skydive helmet. lets make a experiment. i will wear a cheap certified skiing helmet and you a expensiv bone head or any other skydive helmet. a third person can do a roundhouse kick into the helmets we wearing. i am eager to see what will happen. free aspirin for the looser of this game. i think we better do this on the ground where the power of a foot can not reach the acceleration of freefall. i don't like to have a impact with any limb of a person that is many km/h faster then myself in freefall, not even with my new helmet. the EN966 certification is for AIRsport helmets. what kind of sport is skydiving or parachuting? i don't get it, a helmet wich have higher limits is less save then a skydiving helmet that is only made for low forces like if you hit the door? how often did you bounce your mellon on the floater bar? maybe your answer will give a reason for your conclusions, and a reason for you to wear a better helmet...... so far, my last 2 cents, i am leaving while shaking my head in disbelief..........
  2. @ brett: sorry that i don't have detailed information about old helmets. i will ask my grandpa if i want to talk about ww2. it will be difficult for me to come in contact with enemys. i am not working for the live taking party. my job is to keep people alive under the risk of loosing live or health (and still they sometimes shoot at us, fortunately very rarely). @ airtwardo: i never said i found a jack of all trades device to eliminat every risk. i am sure, and many experienced parachutists agree, this kind of helmets are cheaper and more safe. chinstrap, well, i have unfortunately tested it as i said. i changed cam setup, after years of camflying i should have known it better but my release system worked well, knock on wood. just funny everybody is yelling at me because of this secondary detail. i think i can say i have a little amount of experience, i am practising parachuting since 1998. i have no idea how many jumps i have, i stopped counting after 1k (skydives) some years ago because i have seen many bad parachutists with a lot of jumps and vice versa. still i would call myself a conservative parachutist. @ all: maybe it helps when you ask yourself why the protection in bicycling (what in public opinion is less dangerous then parachuting) is higher then in skydiving. or why paraglider and hangglider pilots using certificated protective helmets. i never had a hard collision in freefall, but i learned from some rough landings and critical situations under canopys and in other non parachuting activities. on my own and from others. here the link for the helmet and the SAS-Tec foam for those who dont use fb: http://www.sas-tec.de/en/protectors/special-products/foam-sheets/ http://www.plusmax.de/en/products/helmets/plusair-i.html time to leave this little earthquake region.
  3. seems like i pissed some guys off. so feel free to open fire on me! anyway. for those hotshots who never read the details. the chincup is removable! the foam is the non-plus-ultra technology foam used in many new motorcycle driverprotections because of the unbeatable damping value. the helmet is a allround helmet for paragliding, skydiving, basejumping, skiing ect. certificated with the EN966 standart for airsport helmets about the chinstrap "release system": if you got hit so hard in freefall you better have a helmet wich went of before your neck break (ever asked youself why american soldiers in the 2 ww never closed their chinstrap? not because it is looking cool). i think your neck will be already broken if you have such a hard freefall collision. and it's proof that it is easier to grab something that you feel on your skin and you often put your hands on by closing and opening. i unintentionally checked it on my own, just on another helmet (skiing helmet) but with same closing system . on a 100m basejump a line got entangeled with my gopro. the cam mount didn't broke away, maybe because of the low opening speed there was not enough tension. i was maximum stressed and had only short time to get of the helmet. one grab plus a hard pull on the strap and i landed save. for the one who argued there is no need for a helmet when you go in freefalling. tough guy! how many landings without parachute do you have? i just wanted to inspire the open minded in the parachuting scene. the other ones who still jumping the old fashioned crap and those who still asking "for what do i need a helmet with a certificated schock absorbing layer?": many,.... no better.. always have save landings! (or check out what "craniocerebral injury" means before your next jump) cheers DFF
  4. Subject line edited by slotperfect - personal attacks are prohibited by the Forum Rules. This includes blanket PAs against groups like helmet manufacturers. There are members of these forums that own or are employed by a helmet manufacturing company. cheaper, much more safe: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.4665961220337.171032.1632725361&type=1 PARACHUTISTS (who are not interested in looking supercool) PLEASE COPY THAT: SKYDIVING HELMETS ARE EXAGERRATED EXPENSIV DEATH TRAPS FOR INSTALLING LINECATCHING CAMERAS! EVERY CHEAP BICYCLE HELMET IS MADE TO ABSORB THE ENERGY OF AN IMPACT AND HAS HIGHER, AND PROOFED EN STANDARTS! (use actioncams! they're smaller, lighter, comming with plastikmounts wich will hopfully break earlier then your neck and for sure they break earlier then massiv cam mounts on a helmet, fixed with srews and a chincup on your head) (nice challenge: next time catch your helmet release faster then your linestrech.....well and add the time you need to realise that a line is entangeled with your helmet)