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Everything posted by Alias2u

  1. Thanks DSE, that tip did the trick. I tried it earlier but unfortunately I had the field order as upper first but somehow rendered it as lower first. Not a cool way to extend the learning curve.
  2. Finally made the switch to a CX100. Very satisfied with everything except slow motion in Sony Vegas,very choppy. It doesn't look that bad in the preview but when I burn a disc in DVD Architect Studio it looks really bad. I have searched the forums here and in creative cow. I am either missing something or not searching for the right thing. I even wonder if this is the camera shake issue I'm reading about. I've tried the different interlace settings, along with a few other suggestions but I can't nail it down. The Vasst tips on you tube made it look a little better but still not acceptable. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
  3. Healthy neck... not concerned about neck injury... no big deal. Consistently soft opening (spectre type) canopy and soft neck brace is great insurance otherwise. I jump the go cart brace below. Did find it somewhat limiting until I used an electric knife to trim off 3/8 inch thickness and 1 1/4 inch diameter, re sewed cover and life is good.