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Everything posted by BerryBoy

  1. If it is, then I'm a pro at it... And all I mean by that is it dominates my life right NO real skydiving (except for tandems and observation rides) for one more year.
  2. I called my parents on the way to the DZ just hours before making my first tandem. They were not happy and quite fanatical, but were more worried than angry thinking that I had a 50/50 chance of plummeting to my death that day. Of course the sport is dangerous, but obviously they were WAY off target with the little knowledge they had about skydiving. That was over 6 months ago... Now, I have a savings account piling up to put me through AFF and get my first rig in about a year from now (Spring 09'). I've been slowly giving subtle reminders to my parents that this is really going to happen in a year. It has taken 6 months to get them to just be "OK"...not happy, but barely "OK" enough to not argue, guilt, or get angry when I mention skydiving. I personally feel that they have came to terms mainly because I have shown responsibility and that I am safety conscience by making the decision to wait to begin my AFF until I'm close to finishing grad school in a year. This way I will have time to spend jumping regularly. Though your parents may react differently or perhaps similar, I feel they do deserve to know your plans. Provide them with some information in an e-mail or send them links to last year's USPA safety statistics. Just a few ideas...
  3.'s addicting alright! Especially when you try to achieve a higher rank in Halo 3. I'm pretty much past that stage (thankfully!) and now just play for fun! For those that are interested, there is a topic out there for Xbox live where you can add several skydiver's ID's to your friends list. Here you go:
  4. It doesn't matter if it was a guy or's domestic violence. To answer your question, I don't think it's a yes or a no type of situation. Personally, I would say that it would be responsible for the guy (in your scenario) to quit drinking out of respect for his spouse and family. Why chance putting themselves in this predicament another time when things could escalate, no matter how small the chance? It wouldn't right a wrong, but it would show genuine concern for the other person's well-being and a commitment to the relationship. That would be the ideal outcome in my opinion.
  5. There is always "the finger" which doesn't require saying a swear word...but my grandfather even taught me an alternative to that: You make a cross with both middle fingers and everything is OK. We call it the Christian Finger!
  6. Watch Dog Whisperer on the National Geographic channel. Caesar Milan knows it all. Basically most behavior problems can be corrected or prevented if the HUMAN takes appropriate action and becomes the pack leader. I agree with others that the leash would be useful in your case. Caesar often recommends taking you dog for a walk or jog to drain the energy from him/her which helps make the dog more likely to respond to your commands/training when they would otherwise be running all over the place....but WATCH THE SHOW. Once you've seen several episodes, you learn so much that you can put into practice and improve your dog's behavior. It won't all happen overnight, but in time and with consistency you can improve your chances of getting the results you desire.
  7. I'm bad. I clicked reply on the last post, which I read...that happened to be your's. It was intended for PinPointer as just general advice.
  8. I didn't read all of the posts, but I'll give you my 2 cents. Keep in mind that I've only had one tandem and one observation ride. Before I even jumped, I too tried to explore the sport from the ground--which isn't easy. What really helped me decide is reading "JUMP: Skydiving Made Fun and Easy" by Tom Buchanan (2003). It's a pretty recent publication, a fun and easy read for novices, and answers most questions you'll have at first. I would highly recommend adding this to your list. Another suggestion would be to make an observation ride up to jumping altitude with other jumpers. You would get great exposure to what actually happens before and during the exit without actually having to jump. I found my recent observation ride SO helpful and fun in many ways. Because I can't commit enough time to safely participate in the sport, I decided I could at least ride up and get use to a few of the elements. of luck!
  9. I remember reading up on a similar post about a month's the thread:;search_string=deepseed;#3075087 Hope that was the best thread I've found on the company to date.
  10. Same here Acoisa.... I felt like I did something bad when I found out it had been deleted. But it was my own fault because it was my first post in the forum and I didn't bother to read the rules--which are pretty specific! After posting , I read them and they do make sense though, especially for the Incidents forum. Fortunately, I am one to learn from my mistakes (for the most part).... On a side note, I do find it annoying that some people chronically complain about rules, posting etiquette, moderating, etc. as is FREE folks! Most everyone here doesn't pay a penny to post here and the moderators seem to be pretty forgiving (too forgiving sometimes) to most posters that are undeserving of basic posting privileges. This forum is the best of its kind, in my opinion, and it makes sense for the creator and moderators to want to keep it this way by getting rid of "trash" or useless comments where they don't belong.
  11. I agree with shropshire....if you're primarily using this for backup, you're getting it for the right reasons. However, I would not venture putting only copies of important files on this drive without having a backup somewhere else. My job deals with computers and I was foolish enough to bet on my external drive as a temporary storage device for a few months until I could get a new computer....the result was my entire 4 years of work from college lost, family pictures, and other important documents. A mistake I KNEW better than to set myself up for!!! Take our advice and backup your data if you use it as a primary source for any of your important files!!!!!
  12. DangerRoo eeneR dfairleigh11 d_squared431 Efs4ever Futuredivot Gavi_omen goofyjumper grannyinthesky (who added HERSELF!!!) ifall iluvtofly JohnMitchell LadySkyDiver LeatherNeck5931 McBeth MrFreefall383 Rainbo selbbub78 Shell666 stacey6 stevebabin Turtle ZeG Unstable Madhatter Zenister jennyx virgin-burner BerryBoy sniff, sniff...
  13. BerryBoy

    Hip Dysplasia

    I haven't read through everything here yet, but I have a wonderful dog and would hate to be put into this decision like you are now. The statement you said earlier (quoted above) shows that you have genuine feelings and sympathy for your I'm confident that whatever decision you make will be the right one. That said, with almost 100 grand in school bills, I could not afford to pay that much on my companion...even though I love her as much as I do. Remember, she is an animal and we are humans. No matter how much it hurts, I strongly believe that the human should come first in most cases like this, unless you can reasonably afford it. You could live for 100 years and your dog may only live to be 15...those bills may last for 20 years! Another thought may be to keep your dogs at least until they are of the verge of pain. Meanwhile, you could be scouring the Internet for alternative options. Perhaps there is a family that may read your story on a forum out there that would assist? You never know until you try... I wish you the very best in your situation. I know you'll do the right thing...
  14. I too have an iPod Touch (16GB) and it is very similar to the iPhone. See what others have to say about the phone capabilities, but I can tell you that it is great for the Internet at an airport or at home while your on the couch. Sure it doesn't replace your laptop, but it is VERY functional with pop mail access (built-in) and the internet (Safari browser) is so easy to use. When I leave it in my car at night, it downloads all of my e-mails over my wi-fi signal so I can check them on my way to work in the morning (yes, I drive and e-mail). I also have it integrated into my BMW with a custom installed Dice adapter so I can control my iPod through with my steering wheel and radio controls. I typically have it with me wherever I go as it has a great calendar application (syncs with Outlook perfectly) and I use the notes application for my grocery list and things to do so I never forget my list at home. Oh, and if you don't have a GPS, it has really useful features from Google Maps that will get you where you need to go or is great for giving a friend directions on the fly. It's one of those devices that you wonder how you managed to live without because it is so simple to use and amazingly useful in so many ways. Because the product is in the first stages of the product lifecycle, I am waiting until they release a 32GB version with 3G and some other extras...but for now, you could always upgrade your current iPod if you don't want to spring for a iPhone. Keep in mind that even though the new iPhone is 16GB, it is really not that much space if you will have a lot of videos on it. Make sure you will be happy with the storage space before you buy! That's up to you to decide... Hope that helps some...
  15. Did someone say lurkers? Oh, me me me!
  16. You would be fine to go with AVG, like many others here suggest. I'm an admin and have deployed AVG across our entire network with no major conflicts or resource usage issues. Our version is a network version with extras and is licensed, but it is essentially the same as the free version which is more than sufficient for your purposes. It catches viruses before they are even accessed by the user in many cases requires little (if any) interaction once it is installed. Remember that anti-virus is different from anti-spyware--you will want to have both. Someone here suggested Microsoft Anti-Spyware...I couldn't agree more. It's also free (as long as you have a licensed copy of XP/Vista) and works quite well. Some paid software does both anti-virus and anti-spyware, but why would you pay if you didn't have to! My suggestion...go FREE and use the saved $50 for TWO SKYDIVES!!!! AVG Free (use this link to save you about 10 or so clicks/advertisements): Hope this helps...
  17. So I'm sitting here at work and just remembered this dream that I had last night: I'm in some HUGE hanger with like hundreds of jumpers wearing their rigs. I'm stoked! We all are walking in a scattered line out the door to get on several jump planes waiting outside the door. As I'm walking in line, I see someone who looks familiar just ahead of I say to myself, "Oh my goodness, it's SkyMama!" I speak up and politely introduce myself for a few seconds and realize the guy she is walking with is Billvon. I say goodbye to them both and then continue walking minding my own business. Five minutes later, we happen to end up on the same plane and jump out with about 5 other jumpers. Then I wake up. The end. Now, don't ask my WHY I was jumping because I haven't even completed AFF. Don't even ask me HOW I "recognized" SkyMama and Billvon because I haven't even seen them or WHY they were even in the dream in the first place. Just though I would share my strange dream that really had no point. Maybe when I actually start jumping the dreams will be more interesting? Anyone else had a strange dream lately...???
  18. There are some interesting opinions on this topic...but let me share with you one thing that I have learned: A degree is only useful and worthwhile if you use it. That sums it up. I am currently 24 1/2 years old and have never had a break from school since I've started. In 2005 I graduated with a 4 year B.S. in IT, I also earned my M.S. in Management last year, and this week I just finished my 1st semester of doctoral coursework to work towards my Ph.D in Information Systems and will graduate at 27 years old. Yeah I'm young, but my effort in pursuing the use of my degrees is what has already paid off and landed me a decent job that pays well. I find the hardest thing for me to do is sacrificing my desire to skydive as a hobby. As a full-time student with a full-time job, I could not commit the time that I need to safely participate in the sport. This kills me...but I know a better future awaits with an extra 50 or so jumps a year IF I can stick with it for another 18 months. Though you will likely forfeit a few precious boogie weekends, you are fortunate that the course load for a 4 year degree will not merit the need to sacrifice the hobby entirely. I personally find that getting paid well is not the most important thing in all of is LIKING or hopefully LOVING what you do EVERYDAY! A degree in your chosen field allows you to do just that--you will have options that you never had before with each new degree. Your salary will increase and the sooner you earn your degree, the more money you will make to pay for the cost of your education and then some... Last but not least, a degree or even high school is not for everyone. I mean that in a good way. There are so many great people out there that find joy in serving food, driving a taxi, or stamping parking tickets. You typically don't need a degree for such jobs, however we NEED these people in society. The important thing is that you find what works best for you. Would you be happy working one of those jobs or do you desire more? Are you willing to put forth the effort required over the short-term to get what you want in the long-term? To each his own, but choose wisely!
  19. I'd love to know the answer to that too. Along with a few more. How many jumps until it is safe and/or allowed to be done by a jumper? Does it require training of some sort to know how to deal with different winds or other conditions/safety concerns? Also, how long would you typically be under canopy after opening at 12K? I know this is something that I will want to do one day, so this topic really interests me.
  20. I pay about $175+ a month for electric in the summer and $50 a month in the winter. For gas, I pay $20 in the summer and $200+ in the winter. To put this into perspective, I am heating/cooling a 1,900 square foot home with high ceilings and a large upstairs bonus room. My AC is electric. The furnace and hot water heater are gas. Winter is typically in the 20's to 40's (F) in the winter and 85 to 95 F in the summer. I keep my thermostat at 71 in the summer and 68 in the winter. I would much rather be cold than hot! My first winter after moving into my home, I set the thermostat to 74 and paid a whopping $350 as a result...that's why mine STAYS at 68 F.
  21. Hey man...go easy on us brass. Trumpet rules! Pretty good for that small of trumpet, I'm sure the bumpy ride up and small cabin space was the culprit of the intonation issues. Thanks for sharing, that was a fun vid! When I get l my license, maybe we can do a duet during freefall !!!
  22. Whoo hoo!!! I'm excited!!! Thanks guys!
  23. I would love to do AFF ground school and the level 1 jump. Yeah, that's fine by me. I know that I won't be able to jump regularly until quite a while and am willing to repeat everything year's just that I see AFF as a "better value" than a tandem, especially since I most definitely will be pursuing skydiving. While you have an interesting and good point tdog, I rarely have a weekend that is free where I could run out for a jump or two. As it is, my family rarely sees me and they only live 5 minutes down the road from me. I fly to Florida every couple of months for schooling and vacations are never vacations when I'm sitting on an 80 page paper due while everyone else is relaxing. I really see no way to get fully or even partially into the sport on any level other than a jump during my spring/summer break this year. I absolutely love this statement... From what I'm gathering, it seems like I can do whatever...I just have to make the choice that best fits me. If I'm wrong, someone please correct me....but it seems like there is no right or wrong answer here.
  24. I'm at a point where I am too busy with grad school to safely pursue skydiving as a sport as I would not be able to jump regularly. It has been almost six months since my first (and only) tandem jump and I rarely let one day pass by where I do not read the forums on or watch as many videos as I can possibly get my hands on ( I am stoked by the fact that I've managed to put away a nice chunk of cash to jump start my future AFF training, gear, and jumps to obtain my A license. The only problem is, I'm 18 freaking months away until I will have the time to begin jumping regularly! I've been interested in skydiving my entire life, but truly obsessed for well over a year now. I don't think I can wait to make another jump before too long...spring is just around the corner! For another 18 months, I'm stuck researching and writing papers just so I can put a Dr. in front of my name. But how can I temporarily satisfy this urge!!!!! My question is...should I stick with another tandem or do ground school and AFF level 1 as my one jump this spring/summer? I mean, if I'm forking out almost $200 for a tandem, why not add $50 or so more and do a level 1 course to get the most out of my one jump? Yeah, I know I have to redo it when I go to complete the rest of my training a year later, but is this a good or even bad idea? Safety concerns or thoughts anyone....? I'm assuming it would be respectful to notify the DZ and my AFF instructor of my intentions when I go to schedule my level 1....would this then be the DZ's decision or would a DZ typically not care?