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Everything posted by thestalkmore

  1. So I finally went out and got a cx100 as a bunch of people I jump with have been raving about it. Now that I've got my cameras (I already own an Xti), I need the helmet to put it on! I have a general familiarity with the equipment necessitated for a camera setup, but want to make sure that I don't overlook anything before going out and spending a hefty amount of money. So, any chance people could answer a few questions for me? And please, answer as if I knew nothing (though I do). -Helmet? I've been looking a lot at the Cookie MXV though I am not committed to it. -Mounting system/box. I don't have access to a metalshop or the tools to create my own, so I'd probably need to go with something stock. That said, if anyone could tell me what I'd need to say to someone at a metalshop to get my own custom option, I'd be open to that too. I haven't heard remarkable things about the stock boxes that are created for the cx100 -Components? I'm dialed in to the HypEye. Anything else? -Cx100 lens. How much does this affect quality? Any lenses that are known for being especially good? -Dealers with good prices on all of this stuff? -Any other tips? Thanks for your help!
  2. That's a fantastic idea. Rental fees were KILLER when I was still fresh off of student status.
  3. Northern CA skydiver looking to find a teammate for VFS during 2010 collegiate nationals. Do any of you exist? Any network of northern CA skydivers that I make dredge in my search? Please move move this to a more appropriate forum if one exists. And please, please don't send me to has posted there in over a year.
  4. Now, I know that the good folks over at the USPA are notoriously slow in processing license applications that haven't been expedited, but my B app was sent in over a month ago and I still haven't heard a peep from them. When should I send them an email and begin listing my demands!?
  5. Hey everyone, I have the most horrendous time flaking my canopy while doing pro packs, and it seems to be the only thing I really struggle with. Anyone have any tips on how to make that whole process easier? I can't seem to identify my line groups and stick them in the right folds.
  6. One jump, one clear here. Keep it up! You'll get it!
  7. I had completed my AFF at my home DZ and was looking for a place to jump while away from home when I ventured out to skydance. Having only 10 jumps or so on my log and no USPA membership, the staff nearly turned me away after my $60 cab ride (I didn't know how far away from Davis it really was). My briefing was curt, I had to ask at least 5 times to get pointed in the right direction of the gear shack, and was censured by the staffers @ manifest because I didn't know the protocol at the time. To be fair, there was an incredibly friendly cameraman on my load who asked me a lot of questions and answered all of mine. Long story short: If you're a veteran, Skydance is well equipped in every way. If you aren't, however, prepare to feel excluded. I am VERY glad I didn't pursue my AFF here.
  8. I embarked on my first tandem jump on the day I turned 18. That experience was phenomenal. Within 20 minutes I was on a load on their Convoy with the incredibly hilarious and engaging Mauro, a veteran jumper and instructor from Italy. My experience was so incredibly that exactly one month later I decided to start my progression towards my A license and complete my AFF training before heading off to college. I walked in on a Monday, told Grey (the only staffer representing the female gender at SSB) my intentions, and was on another load in a matter of minutes to complete my Tandem level 2. That afternoon Grey decided to teach my my FJC and even stayed past closing to complete it with me. That Wednesday I began my AFF and now(Thursday night) I have complete levels 1-4. Mauro and DZO Dave even volunteered to come in an hour early tomorrow morning to make sure I got my jumps in before the wind picks up around mid day. Overall this is a fantastic place to jump, learn to jump, or watch your friends revolutionize their lives. The scenery is unparalleled and though the DZ isn't exceptionally furnished, it doesn't exude a sense of dilapidation, but rather an appropriate air of spartanism and austerity--for those who feel like being pampered isn't appropriate during an activity as adventurous as skydiving. I cannot recommend this DZ with any less enthusiasm.