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Everything posted by mgvette

  1. Hold on, I jumped the 727 and didn't get a number!!!!!!!!
  2. In sunpaths defense, she was the only one to get it to close correctly, and she made it look the best out of all the ones I've had do it. The pin was not bent, or at least that I could see, when i got it from her, might have just been so tight it bent over time? She packed it over Thanksgiving, and it's had maybe 4 jumps on it since then, sat in a spare bedroom under a cover since then. And she has found problems on my other rigs that no one else even noticed. She is an excellent rigger, I think her arms are just stronger than the rig!!!! But Sunpath did say they would fix everything for me, And you can't beat any company that behind their work like that.
  3. Ok, I just heard back from Sunpath, and they said it sounds like the flap was made too short. They also said they've had a few problems with Nj's from that production time. He said to send it back and they would fix everything free of charge. I guess that's pretty good service?!
  4. it's a 120 and I do have a cypres
  5. I have a 99 NJ I bought @ 1 year ago used with 5 jumps on it. The problem I have is the reserve flap is too short to tuck inside the main flap. I've been to 9 different riggers, and the only one to get it to tuck in was Sunpath's rigger, and she packed it so tight, it bent the pin! All the other riggers say the flap is too short, made wrong by Sunpath. Anyone else have this problem or heard anything about this?
  6. mgvette

    Freefly Suit

    After some miscommunication and a fix, things went a little out of wack, but they stood behind their work and got everything worked out. Great quality, and easy to deal with. They want happy satisfied customers.
  7. Ordered freefly pants with custom applique. They did not fit the first time, and had zipper instead of velcro. Sent them back, and instead of making new, they put a white stripe on inner legs of the original pants to fix the size issue, and they still have a zipper instead of velcro. This is 2 months after my initial order, and still not right. I'll re-post and let you know what they do to correct the problem.
  8. 10 for me, on that purple and orange da kines you now own......Quote