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Everything posted by slappy1

  1. in response to that step-through - can you explain what COULD have gone wrong there? I'm trying to figure out if normally that would be a cut-away situation (regardless of the line twists), given one had enough altitude. looks like it would generally be pretty stable to me, assuming brake lines were where they needed to be.
  2. I've always wondered when my great idea will come to fruition...a robot camera that you toss out with you when you jump...follows you around the sky like a roomba. just for times like these when we wish we knew what had happened.
  3. thanks for posting this. I don't get on here much, but when I do I'm always glad to read threads like this. last weekend I had my first "near-mal"...dumped at ~4.5 (I'm a baby and like to open high) and didn't immediately feel an opening shock. within probably 2 seconds I had my hands on my handles - only to then feel my big, beautiful canopy slowly sniveling open above me. I'm still not sure what happened, but that is the closest I've been to a cutaway since I've been jumping, and I am just so proud of myself for being so prepared to cutaway. I know it sounds stupid, but I've always been so scared of having to deal with that, and always pretty uncertain what my actual reaction would be, no matter how much I pep talk myself on the ground. I often have weird/bad dreams about my canopy...a lot of times the only thing that comes out of the bag (with lines) is beach towel or an obese man's old ratty tshirt (seriously) - both very hard to land. anyhew, long story short, thanks for the story and the accompanying lessons. p.s. can you expound upon the squeezing vs. pulling? I've never heard this.
  4. I wasn't referring to you, sorry. I wish there could be just a general "reply to thread" option. my bad, son.
  5. why did a bunch of START jumpers jump to the defensive so quickly? seems weird.
  6. do you really think that if he hadn't come on here (to make his first post, after his first jump) with such a pompous attitude, and not only criticizing but placing the blame for his situation on his instructors (and riggers), that he would have been met with the same reaction? only after he realized that that attitude and disposition was not going to fly with (most of) the up-jumpers on here did he admit fault and take responsibility for his own jump. but not once have I seen him address (or better yet, apologize for) ripping his instructors. perhaps I'm a bit sensitive because I know said instructors, and am beyond confident in their abilities and expertise. the student's attitude/post was in poor taste in general, and on a personal note quite offensive and off-putting.
  7. maybe you two can get together and rub your "tension knots" together.
  8. Yea you fucked up. And you got busted claiming to know more than the staff. Sparky BOOMSHAKALAKA p.s. I happen to know the instructors involved in your skydive and I first want to say that I feel blessed every time I get a chance to jump with or learn from either of them - they are both insanely intelligent, experienced skydivers and it speaks volumes of your own intelligence and experience to insult theirs. additionally, not only did the female instructor on radio not tell you to do a practice flare at 400 feet, she also did not yell "FLAREFLAREFLARE". she's a pretty even-keeled gal and doesn't do much yelling in general, much less into a walkie. in the future, it would probably behoove you to show your instructors (and those from whom you have much to learn) a little more respect than you did in your original post. perhaps you thought this was an anonymous board where you could get away with that and come out looking like the guy who really DID know it all, but unfortunately this is a very, very small world and that's not how this works. all this said, I would gladly partake in the case of beer you'll be bringing to the dz the next time you come out to make a jump. I'm kinda on a stella kick, if that helps.
  9. ^^ ^ thanks homes! I'll def check them out. I knew I'd get at least ONE helpful response :)
  10. purple rain boots. best advice I can give you, son.
  11. I don't listen to Girl Talk under normal circumstances, but I really like him when I'm working out. are there similar "dj's"/bands out there? or what else do you guys like when pumping iron?
  12. I've heard very conflicting opinions about this, and still not really sure how/when to use risers to make it back. /n00b
  13. your stuff is amazing! the PC assist one's are freaking incredible - would love to own a print of that for my wall :)
  14. a girlfriend of mine has one. it looked like a small mole (about the size of a pencil eraser) on her ribs right below her left boob. we used to blow on it or rub ice on it at sleepovers and see how how hard we could get it.
  15. slappy1

    piercing poll A FUCKING HYMEN PIERCING? surely you jest.
  16. ^ what she said. also, the only bras I can wear cost upwards of $50, so if I had to change bras as often as I change (and wear out) underwear, that'd be a nice chunk of change.
  17. wow, all of those were spot on (except maybe the writing one for me, I know ASL so I could see myself doing that instead )
  18. can someone post some pics of virginburner (and perhaps a brief description of his personal hygiene)? I need to know if I should swoop in for the kill now.
  19. does this apply to anyone that visits you, or just those who defile the english language? *please note: I am the spelling/grammar champion of the world, but am also a firm believe in selective capitalization. I do not abuse it.