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Everything posted by Ckret

  1. Snowman, from Coopers actions, statements and witness statements, I believe the only reasonable conclusion was that Cooper wanted to use one of the belly containers to store the money. When he realized the container was to small he choose option B which was to cut lines and tie up his sack (of money).
  2. Canopus, nothing new has developed in the case, YET, but with all of the media driven attention and new focus, something will happen soon. What, I don't know? maybe resolution, maybe more mystery, but regardless there is a better chance now then had we done nothing.
  3. Jo, the tie and clasp were found in the seats Cooper had been sitting in. No one else had been sitting in those seats and no one else had been reported to have been wearing a black tie with a pearl clasp. From this, the only reasonable conclusion is that it was Cooper's, however, Tina did not see Cooper take it off and put it on the seat.
  4. I am now back in the USA and home in Seattle, sadly I did not find DB Cooper on my travels so this thread must continue. The money: The FBI does not provide funds for situations like these. In this case SeaFirst Bank essentially loaned the money to NWA, who then repaid SeaFirst in the following days. NWA then submitted a claim to their insurance company, who fought it, but ended up paying the claim after a court battle.
  5. Sorry for not posting, I have been out of the country for a while and will be out for another week or two, but I do have access to email today. Jo, the tie clasp has no markings, none, not even a scratch on it. It's a cheap clasp and there are probably 1,000's like it all over the place. When I get a chance I'll take photo's of it and post them here. When I show the tie to the media I always take the clasp off and show the front and back to the camera so that those who believe McCoy's initials are on it can see for themselves they are not. The photos are out there Jo, as is every fact and detail the FBI has about the Cooper Caper. I have opened the case files to the public, no need for a FOIA, if I have it, it's yours. Simply ask.
  6. And so I shall Maurico, Sorry, I have been crazy busy but I did make some progress. We could not find a photo (yet) of the bag used for the money but I was able to confirm it was like the one I posted, a simple money sack. As for the "shocking " information about the money, I spoke with the individual who carried the money from the bank to the airport the night of the hijacking. When I was talking with him he recounted that they were in the vault running the money through the counting machine and strapping the bundles. I didn't catch it at, first but later in our conversation I caught on to the strapping part and said, "wait a minute." "you were strapping the $20.00 bundles with $2,000 paper straps?" He said "yes" and I almost fell out of my chair. So I then started putting calls into Brian Ingram. He called me back and we spoke about the discovery of the money. What I found was that the money was not recovered near the water but about 20 to 40 feet from the edge. He said he found it in an area that had recently been covered in water. So I thought, "well not really much of a difference." I then asked for the details about the condition of the money when he found it and he confirmed, after speaking with his parents, that the money absolutely had rubber bands around the bundles. This makes sense because there is no way paper straps would have kept the money together over the years. So this all means, on face value, that if the money given to Cooper by the bank had paper straps and the found money had rubber bands....... well you could see how I was a bit perplexed. This would mean that either Cooper lived and repackaged the money or someone found the money and repackaged it. Which would be "par for the course" with regard to this case. I then went back and re-interviewed the bank security manager and found out that he wasn't directly involved in packaging the money, only carrying it to the airport. He was relaying what their normal procedure was for processing and packaging money for shipment. The funds that were given to Cooper were not pulled from their circulating cash but from a security fund that was prepackaged for these types of incidents. This money was not strapped because the bank did not want any subjects to know where it came from so it was packaged with rubber bands. My head was spinning for a few days until I could get it straight. As for the "oscillation" explanation that still stands. The crew was referring to the equipment not the pressure bump. In fact, a hand written log that was being kept as the evewnts unfolded has an entry at 8:11 that the crew reported the cabin pressure was "fluctuating." So the time reported when the crew mentioned the oscillations was when Cooper most likely started down the stairs. The further he got down the stairs the more air would be rushing through the cabin. The pressure bump, which would be when he jumped, occurred (according to Rataczak) 10 to 15 minutes after their last contact with Cooper at 8:05.
  7. another DB piece,1,6065277.story
  8. low pull, look at how McCoy did it compared to Cooper. McCoy the right way, the way someone with experience would do it, Cooper the way someone without experience would do it. And before anyone goes there, McCoy got caught because of his mouth not the act.
  9. I am trying to confirm this and if I can it will be very helpful in resolving the jump location. When the crew reported oscillations they were referring to the the pressure gagues not the plane or the pressure bump. What this means is that when Cooper went down the stairs and they started to drop, the cabin pressure gagues started to oscillate. This was around 8:10 to 8:12. I got the impression this lasted for some time and then later they felt the bump. This is big news, i should have something concrete I hope by tomorrow. I also "may" have some shocking news about the found money. Before I go there though I need more proof but I promise, if true, everything we thought, or I thought about the money is wrong
  10. New info on the bag, it actually could best be described as a sack (this is a test, I want to see who will run into the ground a debate on the difference between a bag and a sack). It was not canvas but some type of cloth. Have you ever seen cartoons with the bank robber running out of the bank holding a money sack with the dollar sign on it. Thats what it was but it had the SeaFirst name on it. I should have a picture of it in a few days. The attached is a picture of a money sack or bag.
  11. This was emailed to me, pretty cool. A compromise if you will.
  12. I found the guy who packed the money and put it in the bag in 1971. He is going to find the best example of the bag he can and give it to me. Once I have it I will post it for all. Sluggo, I haven't forgotten you, just slammed right now.
  13. Jo, I have never made fun of you nor would I. The fact is i have asked you for supporting documentation and to date none has arrived. I don't want tax returns. Send me something that puts Duane in the Pacific Northwest (on his own free will). Send me something that proves Duane had received jump instruction. Send me something that proves Duane had knowledge of 727 operation. I have a question too, if I understand, you assert that Duane burned the money? Someone with Duane's background, who, if I am to believe the story, essentially got away with stealing $200,000 at great risk to himself, then burns it because he is afraid someone could track a $20.00. This as I know it, would be an impossibility.
  14. Novalis, go back to bed for a few more minutes (I hope these smiley faces work, i am trying to joke around here). What I mean by Cooper knew what was going to happen is that more than likely, based on common knowledge of the day, the airlines would cooperate with his demands.
  15. Jo since you asked, as I have told you many times in our conversations when you make a statement of fact concerning Duane you must have some form of proof to support the statement. Go back over your many post and each time you find a sentence where you are asserting fact, at the period insert a new sentence that starts, "Because.... Because he said so, is not evidence Because aunt Gerdie said so is not evidence Because a prison buddy who was with Duane said so is not evidence. Because I discovered a receipt dated November 23rd 1971 in the name of John Collins for one night stay at the Portland Happy Flyers motel, now thats evidence and my toes, they are a tappin. Again, don't get me wrong, I'll talk to someone claiming direct knowledge of Duane's or anyones involvement in the Cooper Caper that is willing to talk. But I don't have that either, so far it's a friend of a friend that heard something strange that you twist to fit your belief that Duane was Cooper. Go ahead, take the test, go back and look at all the things you claim to be fact. Now tell me what proof do you have to support the claim. While your at it knock this battery off my shoulder, I dare you.
  16. I can direct Cook to this site, I am suprised he has not found it yet. the problem is he will go on national radio a tell the approximately 150,000 listners about it. Then Quade would really get cranky. Now that I think about it........
  17. about the sketch, i wish there never was a sketch, just a description. I get so much traffic based on nothing more than, "I have a friend that really looks like that sketch and he acted a bit strange after the whole Cooper thing." Oh? "how tall is your friend?" "about 5'9, blue eyes and light brown hair." "was he swarthy?" "no, I'd say med to fair complexion." People are using that sketch as if it were a photo of Cooper. the physical description of Cooper should be what folks look at first, not the sketch. If the physicals match, then take a look at the sketch as a guide only.
  18. The cigarette butts were never in the Seattle office, they were recovered by the Las Vegas office and sent to Quantico for analysis. After processing they were returned to Las Vegas for storage. So the butts told their story back at the lab, they gave all they could give and could give no more. It's not like they were lost and never processed. They may still be in Las Vegas for all I know, I can't find the paper work that state the items were disposed of, nor can I find the butts. Alas, another mystery to the mysteries.
  19. And another thing (I am on a role) I don't care who Cooper turns out to be, just that i can prove it. If it's Weber or any of the others thats fine with me, I just have to be able to prove it. So, we all have the story down on all of them, now it is time to bring forward the evidence, anything, just bring it forward.
  20. Make no mistake, i am only speaking to subjects being forwarded by individuals as being Cooper, not the work being done on the the known facts we do have. Again, many people have gone "on record" right here making statements they would have you believe are fact. Doesn't mean it is, just that they believe it is so. Trust me, everyone in the Bureau wanted McCoy to be Cooper. But there was not, and still is not one piece of evidence that makes McCoy Cooper.
  21. In regard to handwriting, i was thinking more along the line of comparing John Collins' handwriting sample to that of Weber to see if they are the same. We don't have a sample of Coopers handwriting
  22. Opinions, theories and stories are great, i have mine just like everyone else. I just want readers to have a full understanding that everything that people have posted on here relating to a specific person (every last word) is nothing more than a story, theory or opinion. Not one piece of evidence exist to directly support one word of it.
  23. Cooper knew what was going to happen because hijackings were on the news every month back then. Anyone who watched the news knew how these things played out. It took very little planning to hijack a plane in the late 60 early 70's, you just did like you saw reported on the news and you could expect the same outcome. With regard to this clerk, again I say, show me the facts (really I mean evidence). I want where Tim Collins or John Collins signed in so I can compare the signature with another persons. And with regard to witnesses, hearing the same story told from another person just means they told the same story, which still makes the original a story. Don't get me wrong, there is value in having two stories but without evidence their still stories.
  24. Here is the problem with all of the folks that have been forwarded as Db Cooper, no evidence, none, not a piece and to top it off their dead (exception of Mayfield). I don't mean to call anyone out, but give me just one document that directly supports just one claim made. So much has been brought forward, surely there exists just one small piece of paper that can support any part of a claim. i am not asking for proof that someone is or is not cooper, just one piece of paper that can support just one small aspect of a persons story. Is that too much to ask for? you can go on and on and on (I'll put the little dots in so I don't have to keep writing on and on)...... But until you provide something that can support your claim it's just an interesting story. The New York Times best seller list is full of examples of interesting stories, its called fiction. So, for those of you putting forward a person of interest and you are asserting it as a matter of fact, then "show me the facts" I can't hear you!!! say it louder "show me the facts!!!!" louder, I still can't hear you, "SHOW ME THE FACTS!!!!!" Now dance when you say it, "SHOW ME THE FACTS!!!!" Thats better, now we have something to talk about.
  25. Quade, keep this up and we'll have to put you on full time.