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Everything posted by Ckret
Snowman, I think Cooper was 40 to 50 because everyone described him as such. No one in the cockpit ever saw Cooper. The rubbed bands, according to the Ingrams, were found with the rubber bands wrapped around the bundles and they crumbled to the touch (not dust).
The four individuals who had interaction with Cooper all described him in his mid 40's to 50's. I can find no reason to rule out their descriptions or deminish them. They all had independent encounters and no one really had time to get a story together or influence one anothers memory, so I would say we are stuck (depending on your view point) with what they told us. It is my understanding the money was wraped in rubber bands, no paper bands. the money was put together in different bill counts so it looked as if it was put together in a hurry.
It would be the end of the Cooper case, good thing I score 100's at the range.
I am not sure about it being silk, if it was, it was not in the ground that long
Again, as i have stated several times, Cooper way over estimated himself. He is the poster child of "just enough information to be dangerous"
I don't know, we now have our first official spin off mystery. Someone start a a new thread.
Yes, it's official, the canopy was not Coopers
Putting money in his pockets is a myth, didn't happen, according to the witnesses.
The dig was just for confirmation we had nothing, I have now confirmed we still have nothing. Cooper did want the airstairs down at take-off, when he learned they could not be down for take off he said, "thats ok, the cockpit can do it after we take off." This was wrong on his part, the air stairs can only be lowered from the rear of the aircraft.
Orange, your out of control, you used "pedantic" in a sentence. My goal today is to also use pedantic in a sentence, I just have to look it up first. i am off to dig, be back in about five hours.
Hey Safe, sent some of your work off to HQ yesterday, congrats, your kinda like an agent now. Keep this up and I'll have to make you drink the Kool Aid.
Well, since Cossey let it out I'll tell you this much, I asked him to not say anythig until I could get back down there and make one more attempt to find anything else related to the canopy. We felt this way we could release as confident of a finding (or lack thereof) to the media. Snowman, please dont take my suggestion of going back and reading the old post as anything more than that. You are amazing with the energy you bring, I need people like you, I just need you up to speed. And thats not to say that you agree, I would rather you disagree, but disagree with the facts (as we know them) as your foundation.
Its all theory since no one was there, and it was posted a while back, read it. i don't know where you got "random flotation" the theory forwarded has nothing to do with random flotation, go back and read it. You could be a valued member here, but your asking questions and making statements that have been discussed. Go back and read the posts, if something new pops up bring it, it would be great to have a fresh look. But your not bringing anything new and it takes energy and time no one has to bring you up to speed.
Snowman, you seem like you are willing to get involved in the discussion and I am sure everyone is looking forward to your insight but you have to get caught up. I am sure I posted in the very long discussion about the money that it could not have been part of the dredge because the type used had blades to break up the sediment into small pieces. According to the person managing the site the dredge would have destroyed the cash. Not to mention that the money was found in bundle form next to each other. So the theory that bundles independent of each other were sucked up north of the Lewis from the bottom of the Columbia, then deposited on a barage, still together but independent of each other, and then spit back out on the beach at Tenas bar still side by side but independent of each other. Thats a tall order. But I like that your thinking.
I think your right on for the most part, but Cooper did ask in his original demand for four chutes and wanted the airstairs down at takeoff.
Snowman, welcome The answers to all of your questions have been posted and discussed. Start at page 18 of the old DB Cooper thread and read to date. By the time you get back to this post you will be a DB Cooper expert.
I spent about four hours with Fuhrman on Friday, he seemed to be very interested in the case, really nice guy. They must be waiting to air the piece. Safe, go back to my first post on this thread where I talked about needing to find a new line AB with data from your calculations of the Washougal and the drop of a canvas bag. Now put that great investigative mind of yours to work. From that I am sure you will be able to gain some insight about the newly discovered evidence. I will hopefully be able to bring all up to speed sometime on Monday, but if I were you I would not bound out of bed and race downstairs shakin boxes. But thats me.
I don't get Fox either so I didn't see anything, but they advertised it would be on tonight. Guess they are waiting for breaking news.
watch Geraldo Live Fox News at 8PM est tonight as Mark Furman takes you behind the DB Cooper case.
Couldn't have just tied the bag to himself, he used the two sections of cord he cut to wrap them around the bag and with what was left made a closed loop. My guess is when he put on the harness he put a strap throuh the loop and click it secured with the quick release. I guess if he was wearing a belt he could have put an end of the belt through the loop and re-fastened the belt around his waist.
Cooper a Canadian? They are too nice, it could never be. He could have not have brougt any gear on board. the plane was doing hops from accross the country, landing here and there, refueling and off again. Which means no confederate sneaking on and placing equipment. I doubt he was doing changing in the bathroom, he did not bring any bags on that could have conceled clothing. The only way to make the pressure bump is to jump off the airstairs. So yes, he jumped I have made it a point not to bother anyone from the past unless they make it clear they want contact. I am not re-investigating the Cooper case, merely releasing the information. if something comes up that needs new investigative work i will do that. i have talked to Jo at length several times, there appears to be no evidence, thats the problem.
Tina described the way he was dressed which the description from beginning to end never chaned. I believe if he had changed clothes she would have noted that. There is another item I have never posted or talked about much, thats Alice Hancock. When I have a chance on monday I'll bring her into the picture more. The only thing she adds to the mix is something I have not been able confirm through any of Tina's statements. Hancock got off in Seattle. As she was leaving she remembered she forgot her purse and went back to get it. It was near Cooper, she approached and asked his permission if she could retrive it. He said of course, I am not going to hurt you (I'll get her exact words in the morning). She said when she was getting her purse she noticed Cooper was wearing or in the process of putting on one of the chutes. If we combine that with Mucklow stating to the crew when she entered the cockit a few minutes after takeoff, "I think he is getting ready to jump." It lends to my theory of why he wanted the stairs down at takeoff, which is, he fully intended to jump just after wheels up. It makes me think Muckow must have, or the agent interviewing her glossed over the way Cooper was dressed as she last saw him. She stated he was securing the bag to his waist. Perhaps there was an assumption by both Tina and the agent that it was known Cooper had the chute on at this point and there was no need to document it, just the final securing of the money bag It would make sense that Cooper had he chute on when he was securing the bag to himself. After all, if he did not have the chute on, what would he be securing the bag to?
The reason the cockpit crew refered to it as a knapsack is because he asked for the money to be in a knapsack. the crew up front never saw cooper or anything that was given to him, so the assumed it was a knapsack he tied around his waist, not the canvas bag he tied up with chute cord.
dumstuntzz He took the NB6 and demo with him. He left the Pioneer sport main and belley reserve he cut on the plane
Orange There are people named Dan Cooper, one of them had a minor criminal record. Law enforcement was doing back grounds on all Dan Coopers while the plane was still in the air