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Everything posted by Ckret

  1. The internet is a strange thing, it is a statement how without context communication is difficult. scPLF, I was joking with you on an inside FBI joke (guess thats the problem) in order to become an agent you have to drink the kool-aid to become a mindless robot. It had nothing to do with you being mindless, its a joke about agents. Sorry you took it the wrong way. I appreciate the work your doing and was commiserating with you. In regards to the facts and twisting them, I don't think so, where and how the money was found makes a statement, it's talking to us telling a story. there are few probable ways the money got there and i believe I explored what may be the most probable. no more jokes, "just the facts ma'am" wait is that a joke? Damn, already broke a promise.
  2. SafecrackingPLF We may have to put you on full-time, i'll prepare a batch of Koolaide, drink up and a few minutes later you'll be a federal employee. Don't worry, after you solve the case I'll flash the light in your eyes so you can have your life back. form the recovery of the money, to me, there is only one option. Cooper jumped further south then what was originally thought to be the most southern jump point and the plane was just a bit further east than what was thought to be the furthest eastern point. This would have put Cooper landing in an area that could have fed into the Columbia and a good reason why he was never found, because he landed in an area out of the search grid. Remember, the money was found bundled with the rubber bands around the bundles. they crumbled to the touch but where still in place. this tells us the money had to have been protected from the weather for the majority of the time it was missing, most likely in the bag. The money was most likely in an area that would not normally feed into the Wasougal, however, due to the floods in 77 it was pushed towards the Columbia. the money, still in the bag landed on the beach in late 78 early 79, finally broke open, a few bundles fell out and the tides took the rest. The bundles, once covered by sand (the sand acted as a natural preservative), laid there until early 80 when Ingram found them. What kills the whole theory the money got there the night of or just after is the dredging operation in 74. They put almost two feet of sand and clay on the beach. If the money had been put there the night of, there is no way it could have worked it's way to the surface through the clay deposit. it could not have been put there just after 74 because the rubber bands would have not been in place. because of the condition of the rubber bands, the bundles could have only been in the elements for a year give or take. So we should find the most northwest point where something could get washed into the Wasougal water shed (keeping in mind the 77 flood).
  3. The ticket was processed for prints, Cooper took back his demand note so we have no hand writting from him. I am working on having three aspects of the case recreated and analyzed; did he make the jump? if he did where did he land and how could he have gotten out of the woods in the middle of the night with no equipment? and how did the money get to the location it was found?
  4. Flo was interviewed by Seattle agents, Tina by agents in Reno. There was a second interview of Tina by agents in Philly. Hancock was interviewed in Seattle and i'll post it on tuesday Ratczak never left the cockpit nor did anyone else. The only way I would interview anyone from that night is if they came to me. I believe at this point seeking them would an invasion of their privacy.
  5. Jo, You have read far more into my reply to your e-mail then what was there. I am in no way standing between you an the media. You stated that if i did not move on your information then you would take it to the media. My reply was simply to inform you to go ahead with your investigative plan. Sorry for any distress caused, it was not my intention.
  6. It's not new just not typically used in investigations like the Cooper case. There are great benefits in cases such as bank robbery but in more complex investigations it could really harm the case. Most of the time an agent would never want a possible subject to get wind that they are under investigation. The first time most subjects realize they are a target is when they hear the words, "this is the FBI, exit the house with your hands visible." As for whether or not it would have been useful in the Cooper case who's to say. It's the direction I chose, I was not around in 71 to put my two cents in. My guess is I would have been laughed back to my cubical.
  7. the FBI has never wasted a dime, trust me, I'm from the government and here to help.
  8. According to Cossey the chute was not steerable
  9. The attached was created in January 1972 using USAF radar data from McCord, jump time of 8:11 PM based on crew analysis and tests conducted, Wind info from 10,000 MSL to ground, human body trajectories provided by Boeing, time correlation from USAF radar and NWA communication tapes with flight 305 and plane speed and altitude from the flight recorder. line CDES is the most probable ground path, line GIJK the westernmost ground path and line LMNO the easternmost. Line AB was believed to be the most probable, however, with the finding of the cash where it was, the landing area had to be further south. It now seems as if line OR would be the most probable areas. Happy hunting
  10. Mucklow "W/M, mid 40's, 5-10" 6', 180 to 190, med to dark complexion, medium build, dark straight hair with narrow sideburns to mid ear parted and combed back, dark plastic wrap-around sunglasses, dark top coat, dark brown suit possibly with a thin black stripe, brown socks, brown ankle length pebble grain shoes, not the tie type, he had a low voice with no accent, she did not see scars, marks or tattoos, the man did not have on any jewerly she could see." Schaffner "W/M, mid 40's, 6', 170-175, average build, brown eyes, straight black hair medium length and parted on the left side, olive skin, black business suit, white shirt, thin black tie, black overcoat, black shoes, black briefcase, dark framed sunglasses with brown lenses, no scars marks or tattoos, he had a normal calm voice and appeared to be of Latin descent."
  11. Bren, The whole point in going public is to seek help in solving this case. If you have evidence that can assist in the effort please bring it forward, your help would be greatly appreciated. To date there is nothing that links anyone to the Cooper hijacking. There are opinions, speculations and guesses, but not one piece of evidence that can link anyone to the crime. Is there anything that you know of that would fit this criteria?
  12. SCPLF, Great work on the maps, I'll be back in the office in a few days and will post a map with LZ's that were calculated in 72 based on all the info from the jump. The most probable LZ was just due east of La Center if he did not open. From that spot draw a line to Bald Mountain. This line would (roughly) represent the most probable line where he could have landed. If he opened high he would have landed on the south face of Bald Mountain. Of course this is all considering the crew was right with the time of 8:11 as his jump time.
  13. I am here, believe it or not my real job is investigating bank robbery not DB Cooper. I was out on another matter and not able to post. I'll be back on this evening and try to catch up. I think the maps that were posted are wrong, I'll take a look when I get a chance. Remember the words of the "best damn cooler in the business", "be nice."
  14. not according to any witness statements on file. Cooper was described calm and polite through out the incident, with the exception of a few minutes when the fueling was taking to long. even then there was no outlash of anger he was just getting nervous, according to the statements.
  15. I don't know how it got into the press that Cooper had something against the airlines. Tina asked him at one point why did he hijack the flight and Cooper replied, "I don't have a grudge against the airline, I just have a grudge."
  16. I don't know why the media reported it was a stick pin.
  17. The only thing Cooper wrote was the original note that said Miss I have a bomb come sit by me. The rest was dictated by Cooper to Schaffner who then took the demands to the captain. The witnesses never mentioned Cooper used the term interphone. Cooper never gave instructions to the positioning of the fuel truck. It's my understanding McCoy brought his own chute, I'll check on that. Cooper was described as 45 to 50, no one described his hair looked like a wig. Cooper never mentioned using the D rings to attach the money to, in fact his chute did not have D rings Cooper did not demand a flight path. The problems I have with McCoy is he was fair skin with blue eyes, Cooper dark skin with brown eyes. McCoy in his late 20's, Cooper was 45 to 50. McCoy talked about the hijacking well before doing it, which was his undoing, Cooper apparently did not. For McCoy to have been Cooper he would have had to have had help at the drop zone. There is no indications Cooper would have known where he was when he jumped, or knew to the point he would have been able to link at a predetermined spot, which would preclude him from having help on the ground.
  18. None of the witnesses mentioned a watch You can see the tie clasp for yourself at It was never a stick pin, it's always been a tie clasp.
  19. I got a call yesterday from one of the guys who did the jumps from the 727 for the movie "Pursuit of DB Cooper" said they jumped at 150 knots and that was as fast as they would go. I don't know if the studio capped the speed or they did, but my impression from talking to him was 150 knots was as much as any of them wanted to jump at.
  20. Jose, thanks for the reference on the moon and sun. Jerry, great example of what we need more of. Speedy, (now back to theory) you hit the nail on the head, from everything I have seen Cooper did have jump training, just not enough. He also lacked enough jumps to fully realize what he was getting himself into, therefore, he got himself into it. It was 173 knots, not 173 mph. Maybe its time I take the leap, someone recommended Snohomish as the place to go for a tandem jump, is there any other place around the Seattle area where i can do a tandem?
  21. the pressure increase was caused much like slamming a car door shut, same concept. Based on that I don't see how bouncing on the stairs could have caused the effect. I am not sure if they bounced on the stairs but it is my understanding they tried several ways to recreate what the crew felt and the instruments picked up and the only way was to push the weight off of the stairs. The stairs were not locked when the plane landed.
  22. How did you arrive at these speculations, what did you base them on. It is these speculations that make Mayfield a subject but if there is no basis for them then Mayfield cannot be Cooper. In an investigation you can't dismiss parts of the investigation and then create what is not there so someone fits. You can have theory, you can have speculation and you can guess, but when you come to the point that your stating x person did it, you to have connected at least some dots. Nothing I know of links Mayfield to the crime. So again I ask for your help. Please help me understand how you arrive so strongly at Mayfield. To come out as strong as you have stating that Mayfield is Cooper you must have more than speculation. And Reno was not the only safe route, there is another route down the coast that the NW pilots were going to take until just before take off.
  23. 'If you open the airstairs in flight they won't lock because their gravity operated (1971). As Cooper walked down the stairs his body weight caused them to lower and the closer he got to the end the lower they went. When he jumped and removed his weight they snapped back causing a pressure wave that was not only felt but picked up on cockpit equipment. It was found through testing the only way to cause this pressure bump was by the stairs hitting back against the aircraft when a weight was removed.
  24. Over 1000 subjects were investigated. What are you basing your judgment on that Mayfield was not investigated or anyone else for that matter. Also, and this is the whole reason for going public, what information do you have linking Mayfield to the hijacking. No investigative work has ever linked anyone to the hijacking. Yes, I can have an opinion but my opinion does not make it so. It is a large leap from opinion to proof. Every subject investigation had a set procedure and every subject was investigated the same way so nothing would be missed. It was done on all of them. I am more than willing to look at any viable subjects and if you have done any investigative work that links a person to the crime please bring it forward and thank you for your help.
  25. Jose9878, it was going to be a night jump. Even if everything got there on time by 5 PM it's dark.