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Everything posted by Ckret
Jose9878, Thats a big area if your goal is to hit a DZ where someone has parked a car or your relying on landing near a road.
coopercatcher, My investigative theory is based on the information from the witnesses, evidence and investigation to date. It is theory not fact but I do believe from what we know logical conclusions. I would be interested to read your investigative theory and what facts from your investigation did you use to get to Mayfield, that he jumped in the manner Cooper did, and made it out with the cash.
He stated he wanted two back chutes and two front chutes
none that led anywhere
There is nothing that points to Tina being unreliable nor has she been uncooperative with the FBI
Yes Mayfield called the FBI less than two hours after the jump. To add to the mix, whoever Cooper was, when he jumped he did not know where he was. He jumped totally blind, in that he did not give direction to the crew nor did he ever ask for and update as to where the aircraft was at any point prior to the jump. If Cooper somehow knew the flight path and was counting on a dropzone along the flight path, he still would have had to ask for an update from the crew. And even then with the winds he would have been blown so far off the flight path there would have been little hope of hitting anything close to planned DZ. With this I don't see how it is possible for Mayfield to have made the call.
Viable lead meaning that nothing of value came from the investigation into any incident reported.
The information I rely on most are the statements of Tina and Florence.
Every hotel and motel was checked, every suspicious incident that occurred in the area of the probable DZ was looked into and no viable leads were developed.
Jo None of the statements from any of the witnesses describe anything sticking out of the bottom of Cooper's pants.
All we know is that Cooper was second to last to board the aircraft. He was carrying a (what I would describe as) briefcase and a small sized paper bag with unknown items within. No one commented that the bag appeared to contain any items of significance. i take all of that to say, I don't believe he brought any items (clothing) on the plane other than what he was wearing. As far as someone bringing items on to the plane, there is nothing that supports that.
Mucklow spent hours with him and described his shoes in detail (something a woman might notice) even down to the grain of the leather. She was certain to state they were slip on's. There is nothing in the investigation that points to Mucklow not being reliable in her statement so I give it weight. Of course that is different than actual fact but I do believe Cooper had slip ons. The bag was not the size that he could have had a change of shoes in, nor a change of clothing. For that he would have had to have help from someone putting those items on the plane for him and there is nothing that points in that direction.
To add to this there are 1057 sub files in the DB Cooper case, each representing a subject that has been investigated. To my knowledge, not one has been linked in any direct way to the hijacking. Meaning there is not one piece of verifiable information or evidence linking a subject to the case. The same can be said about the subjects mentioned and discussed in this thread. When you weigh through everything that has been discussed here, there is nothing (that can be independently verified) that links any of them to the case. This is one of the reasons for going public, I need a new list and to date the emails and new leads are coming in at a rate that is going to take months to catch up on, so it's working, may not lead to anything, but we are trying. Nothing wrong with lively debate, I understand frustration but all should be respected.
I am not trying to be a mod but I think we should do the best we can to keep things civil. Behind everyone of these post is a human being.
Thanks for you help, I look forward to what you come up with. It's been 36 years so there is no rush on your work.
1) Don't have an answer for 2) No BYU stick pin with initials 3) I am not aware of a hotel registration, agents went to all of the hotels around the Portland airport in the following days, I am not aware that the effort produced any notable leads. 4) I believe I addressed this a few pages ago, I don't know where they are. I have our evidence tech's looking to see if they can find them. the rest I don't have answer for.
Your correct. The reporter got the physicals backwards in his story.
Jo, I am not going to enter a debate with you. You have my number call me and I'll try to answer what questions you have. The vast majority of questions you ask I have no answer for. I can, however, answer any question related to the night of the highjacking and the investigation surrounding it. For example, the training reserve Cooper jumped with had a white canopy.
The test was done using the same plane (NW Flight 305) Cooper jumped from. In fact the the pilot from that flight was on the test flight. It was done using a sled that would have weighed what Cooper was reported to have weighed.
The pressure bump was caused when the weight was removed from the airstairs and they slammed back up into the aircraft. This caused a sudden pressure wave much like slamming a car door. the air stairs are gravity operated, as Cooper walked further down they lowered but would not lock, when he jumped and the weight was removed they slammed back up. This was recreated with the help of the Air Force and the sudden removal of weight from the end of the airstairs was the only way the pressure bump could be re-created.
he cut quite a bit of line, there would have been more than enough to tie the bag as shown in the picture.
Joe, I gave you my cell phone and told you to call me anytime. I have answered every question you have asked me, if you have more call me. If you have a question I can answer from the case file about the night Cooper jumped, post it here for the group as they may have the same question.
we provided the equipment to Cooper, we knew who it came from and where it came from and what it was
no one can prove anything thing until we either find his bones or he comes out of hiding and tells his story. We can, however, look at the totality of the facts we do have and come to a logical investigative theory as to what happened. Taking one or two pieces of the investigation and developing a theory isn't going to set a successful course. One must start from the beginning to end, weigh all of the facts and see where they point. The question is not could someone make the jump, of course the jump is possible. The question is knowing everything we know about Cooper, the equipment and the conditions, did DB Cooper make the jump on 11/24/1971 and did DB Cooper make it out of the forest with the money and off to live his life? By the way, the main focus of the investigation to date has been on the living, that has not worked. Over 1000 people have been looked at and not one was risen to the surface.
Cooper cut cords with a pocket knife and used the pieces to bind the canvass bag the money came in. He never used any pieces of the canopy. Mucklow stated that she saw Cooper securing the money bag with more cut pieces of cord around his waist. Cooper knew the air stairs could be opened in flight but he was wrong as to how they opened and knew little to nothing of their operation. He did not leave the briefcase on the plane, it has never been found.