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Everything posted by Ckret
"DB Cooper carved his initials on the rear tail door of that 727-100 a/c... before jumping ...... I don't know who owned the aircraft at that time... (if someone knows that would be great...) Then DB Cooper bailed with his ransom.... but the money showed up way south ..." reply: If someone put initials on anything it was after the Cooper case. The plane was processed several times and no one ever reported initials carved in the plane anywhere.
Georger posted "The guy who paid the ransom for Northwest was named John Ahlquist and was a middle manager with NW. He had to walk out to the airplane buck naked with the money bag his only protection from the elements. Anyway, John ended up as my boss at Airline X for a while, which led directly to my retirement from the airline. I did, however, come to understand why he was chosen to carry the ransom to Dan Cooper on the airplane. I am convinced that his bosses secretly hoped the hijacker would shoot him." reply: This is not the person who brought the money to the plane and he was not naked. There was a hijacking at SeaTac after the Cooper case where an FBI agent had to carry the cash to the plane in his underware.
Lots of "Cooper" letters have been sent to the FBI, this was the first one. In fact, every time something comes out on the news I get some. I actually know where this one is and will scan and post it when I get back from vacation (2 weeks). I also remember reading a lab report about it but can't say 100% without going back so I'll wait posting on it. Safe to assume nothing came of it.
Sluggo, You have to think happy thoughts. Isn't that right happythoughts, he'll tell ya that himself. Come on “Hap” tell us, tell us how we have to be happy. Seriously, we are moving forward; several cold cases have been solved many many years after the fact, this case is no different. What’s real? What’s not real? Where do the facts take us? Agree, disagree, on and on……….. In other words, there would be no pearls if not for a little agitation or I guess you could now say the Occlusal Paradox. As for fun while working, yes!!!!! It is always my goal to have as much fun as I can possibly have while wading through the unfortunate vignettes of humanity that are presented to me on an almost daily basis.
A G R E E. 101%. Can I get a witness? No Marvin, not if he's in China. Can't we all just get along? No Rodney, not here. In fact, this is a subprime forum, but ya gotta love it. Lunatics, geniuses and a few regular folks. For the most part, there is a strange unconventional harmony, somehow pleasing in its atonal chaos and intellectual entropy. When Cooper is finally ID'd and the forum shuts down, I hope we all have rich lives that will fill the void. Peace, 377 Don’t you mean "peace out" 3 to the double 7 (my daughter would like me to be more hip, she won't even hold my hand in public until I do; so there you go). 377 wrote "In fact, this is a subprime forum, but ya gotta love it. Lunatics, geniuses and a few regular folks. For the most part, there is a strange unconventional harmony, somehow pleasing in its atonal chaos and intellectual entropy." Very heady stuff, I think you have hit upon the “Occlusal Paradox.” The mastication of ideas coming from different people, different perspectives, and different education levels all causes strain and damage as they come together. One would think causing such damage to be harmful but give it awhile and see what comes out the other end. What as at first could be seen as harmful and divisive now comes together to bring fresh ideas and a grand sense of relief at new direction and resolution. Ok, I tried my best at keeping up with you, it hurt my brain too much so I’ll go back to mastering the 7th grade vocab for now. There is no “Occlusal Paradox” I made it up as a joke. A parody of blow hard self importance that at times permeates this thread by those with a pseudo-intellectual superiority complex. Within the joke is another joke about consuming and for the effort all you’re left with is a pile of *&^% see any overlay (get it?). Don’t get me wrong, there is a place in this discussion for academia and I appreciate and admire it when appropriately applied. When it is used as a weapon to demean and position ones self above another it only serves to make one look like an ass, which I also appreciate. The whole point here (for me and I hope you) is fun, entertainment and just maybe doing something really cool; solving one of the most intriguing mysteries in American criminal justice history.
A G R E E. 101%. Can I get a witness? No Marvin, not if he's in China. Can't we all just get along? No Rodney, not here. In fact, this is a subprime forum, but ya gotta love it. Lunatics, geniuses and a few regular folks. For the most part, there is a strange unconventional harmony, somehow pleasing in its atonal chaos and intellectual entropy. When Cooper is finally ID'd and the forum shuts down, I hope we all have rich lives that will fill the void. Peace, 377 Don’t you mean "peace out" 3 to the double 7 (my daughter would like me to be more hip, she won't even hold my hand in public until I do; so there you go). 377 wrote "In fact, this is a subprime forum, but ya gotta love it. Lunatics, geniuses and a few regular folks. For the most part, there is a strange unconventional harmony, somehow pleasing in its atonal chaos and intellectual entropy." Very heady stuff, I think you have hit upon the “Occlusal Paradox.” The mastication of ideas coming from different people, different perspectives, and different education levels all causes strain and damage as they come together. One would think causing such damage to be harmful but give it awhile and see what comes out the other end. What as at first could be seen as harmful and divisive now comes together to bring fresh ideas and a grand sense of relief at new direction and resolution. Ok, I tried my best at keeping up with you, it hurt my brain too much so I’ll go back to mastering the 7th grade vocab for now.
Someone awhile back brought clarity to this subject but you’re right, Coopers words were two back parachutes and two front parachutes. He was given two belly reserves, one emergency bailout rig (NB6 “back chute”) and one main, the Pioneer.
The knapsack was part of Coopers original request for the money. I do think Cooper replying that everything is ok was dumb, just like alot of things he did that night. Not at war with anyone so there is no need for a truce. Your thoughts Georger?
Actually my Mister Smartypants comment wasnt a joke, nor was it being mean, have ya ever had a conversation with him? The dude is smart as can be. What do you mean I'm smart?... …what do you mean, you mean the way I talk? What? ... …Smart how? What's smart about me?.... …You mean, let me understand this cause, ya know maybe it's me, I'm a little messed up maybe, but I'm Smart how, I mean smart like I'm a clown, I amuse you? I make you laugh, I'm here to amuse you? What do you mean smart, smart how? How am I smart?... ……you said it. You said I'm smart. How the %^$# am I smart, what the ^%$# is so smart about me? Tell me, tell me what's so smart!
Good points WRJ, here is what I 'd say about the dummy reserve. We know Cooper had the money bag wrapped up and tied to himself before Tina went up front, he did so using the cord from the good reserve. What would be the point then of taking apart the dummy? If he needed more cord he had hundreds of feet available from the one he already cut open. And if he did cut open the dummy and used it in a way not for intended purposes, why throw out those remnants and leave the other? It would be interesting if Cooper was some mastermind and he walked away from this. There is nothing that really points to that. I'll give it to him, it takes &@$$& to take that first step forward in committing such a high profile crime. It takes planning, experience and luck to pull it off. As far as the plea "can't we all just get along" I don't think so. There are some that just don't get it. Sitting there on the other end of this communication is a human being. You should conduct yourself as if you’re sitting in front of them. You can disagree all day long, just do it in a reasonable and respectful manner. It could even be a "strong" disagreement, just do it respectfully. The great thing about those that just can't seem to get it, I don't need them. There are plenty of folks that disagree with me and keep the discussion honest in a respectful manner. No doubt some have put an enormous amount of effort into this thread, to bad they can't communicate effectively. If they had perhaps that effort could have moved into contribution.
Statistically Cooper would have been to old for VN, Korea would be more likely, unless he was an officer.
I have never seen an intelligent bank robber, I think those are the ones that plan it and then walk away.
Hi back Snowmman It is such a simple concept, you need functioning equipment to jump from the plane. You need to cannibalize some of the equipment to assist the effort. -You keep the good -You part out the bad Cooper parted out the good and kept the bad. This leads me to think he was a novice, that’s all I am saying Skippy, not that he was. In fact he may have been the most brilliant skygod ever to grace the face of this sweet earth. All I am saying is that the facts seem to point away from genius. And yes there are many facts and the majority of them point away from well a planned expert. You can throw crap at me all you want Snowmman, your life is not my fault. It's really not going to make you feel better about yourself. I try to answer as many questions as I can and provide what info I have time for. I start with those who can be respectful and if I have anything left (which I don’t) for those who can't. And make no mistake, that’s not people who agree with me, its people who can communicate effectively one human being to the next. I have tried to keep things light with you but I see that just isn't going to work so I'll just stop trying.
"If Cooper intended to jump right after take off why did he waste valuable time on refueling? The fueling delay was making him really uptight. Why didnt he just skip it? Was it important because it would mislead the cops into thinking he intended a long flight before jumping? 377" I think that was absolutely part of his rouse, just like all of the back and forth about Mexico. He just thought they would refuel it quickly so no sweat off of his back, until the truck vapor locked. Now he is starting to think something is going on. If everything worked out as Cooper wanted, he jumps just after takeoff and we don't find an empty plane until several hours later when it lands in Mexico. He lands just south of Seattle, pays a taxi to take him where ever he wanted to go. He could have been well out of the area long before we would have found the empty plane. Also, if the stairs could have been locked at takeoff, we would have had no idea where or when he jumped.
Pioneer type 226 sn 9/57 was left on the plane
We do know what he dictated to Schaffner: I want $200,000 by 5:00PM in cash. Put it in a knapsack. I want two back parachutes and two front parachutes. When we land, I want a fuel truck ready to refuel. No funny stuff, or I'll do the job."
No one is saying Cooper didn't have experience with jump equipment. He most likely had lots of experience with emergency gear, he knew how to put it on and he knew how it functioned if he needed to use it in an emergency. Cooper probably witnessed jumpers in action, had conversations with them. Cooper had just enough knowledge to make himself a danger to himself, not enough to actually pull it off.
No prints from the ticket. You're missing the point about the spongy reserve; it is not a small detail. The point is that anyone with experience would know something was wrong the moment they picked it up. That’s all I am saying about the "spongy" reserve, nothing more. So, we have a fact about a piece of equipment. Now, what does that fact tell us? If you inspected the equipment brought onboard (and anyone making this jump would) and one piece of it was obviously not functional (to an experienced jumper), that is the first piece you would logically take apart as surplus. Because Cooper didn’t do this, what does it say about him? To me it is another piece of evidence that says non-jumper. As far as the overcoat goes, it was not found on the plane, so he either wore it or threw it out. Same goes for the reserve, he either clipped it to the webbing of the NB6 harness or he threw it out of the plane. I say he wore the coat and clipped the reserve to the harness. The reason is that he left the tie, the reserve container, the reserve chute and the Pioneer on the plane. It would make no sense to throw some but not all. The only thing he threw out was the briefcase, which he told Tina he would.
Aggie, where have you been? welcome back. I don't know if she was joking or not. She does not know me personally, it's easy to get things confused. I have been doing this for almost 20 years and I learned long ago that people are raging against the "man" not Larry Carr. I can assure all of you, Larry Carr is not the "man" as much as he would like to think so. 377, I know I promised you something new soon but that is not going to happen for a bit. There will, however, be some things in the very near future, in fact it is being filmed tomorrow and will be ready by the 24th. It should open the door for some new discussion.
Lisa wrote: "And Ill also note that you forgot to listen to me that Cooper IS a skydiver, jeesh Special Agent Wuffo. How many wuffos think skydiving is something they can just go and do?" Exactly one, Daniel Cooper.
Wolfriver stated: "I was taught how to do a gear check very early, and there's not much else he could have done. Someone (Guru312?) brought up the near impossibility of reclosing the nb6 on the plane without special tools and knowledge. (Tosaw's account of Cooper opening and inspecting it is highly suspect, and so are the pills)" Exactly, this is one of the biggest clues we have that Cooper was a novice at best. All he had to do is touch the dummy reserve he jumped with to know there was something wrong with it. It only had half a canopy in the container. the container would have been soft to the touch, spongy. So the gear comes on the plane; as a jumper what’s one of the first things you do? You look it over, you give it at least a quick inspection. When you realize you are going to have to use one of the reserve containers to pack the money in, what do you do? Do you just grab one with no thought and start cutting. No, you leave the best one your inspection tells you is the best and cannibalize the other. He would have instantly recognized the dummy container the moment he touched it and that is the one he would have taken apart, if he had experience.
Lisa, You're a breath of fresh air, please keep blowing. By the way, OVER 200 post a month, 200 post, 200 post, 200 post....... Now we have to solve the case, no challenge shall go unanswered, get ready to feel the wuffo heat. Don't worry, it not all that hot but I like to pound my chest and pretend I live on the edge. River, "If the FBI provides the chutes they are untraceable." Really, i know what you checked out of the library last month, and it's late two days. The FBI knew exactly what Cooper had because we gave it to him. If you wanted something untraceable you certainty wouldn't want to use something the FBI gave to you. You have know idea how we would monkey with it before you would get it in your hands on it.
Wow, talk about two extremes, two people joined into the fray recently, Lisa, who posts well into the 200’s a month and Shredder, who post 3 times a year. Get into the game son!!!!! Oh wait, you did. I don’t think there were any restrictions to bringing jump equipment on a plane but it would have brought attention to Cooper. I am sure his plan was to remain anonymous until the moment he passed his note and then to a very large degree only reveal himself to as few as possible. You brought up a good point; if you study the McCoy case you will find how someone with jump experience does the crime. If you study the Cooper case you will find how someone who did not have jump experience does the crime. Many think Cooper and McCoy are one in the same because of the similarities in their crimes. However, the only similarities are the fact they both chose the same conduit for their extortion. The actual escape or the part of the plan that is most vital were carried out far different, one by an experienced jumper the other by a novice if even that. Hijackings in the late 60’s and early 70’s were very common; at one point, on average there were approximately 2 to 3 a month. It took very little sophistication to actually make a demand and be successful in that part of your plan. It was no secret that the airlines would comply and deal with the outcome later once the plane and passengers were safe. The tough part is getting away and the proof is that out of the 100’s of hijackings the Cooper case is the only unsolved one. The FBI has an approximate 99.99634% solve rate when it comes to hijackings.
Well then, let me say that I firmly stand on my discounting of the pills for both occasions. A question with my name in the subject? I can neither confirm nor deny the existence of such a question and if the answer to said question would have been yes then the complete answer in whole is no. However, there are those questions we know we know and then those questions we know we don’t know. It would seem your question falls in the category of a known, known; which then could only mean that you in fact are trying to trick me. This would then lead you to believe I guessed wrong, however, you only think I guessed wrong! That's what's so funny! I switched glasses when your back was turned! Ha ha! You fool! You fell victim to one of the classic blunders! The most famous is never get involved in a land war in Asia, but only slightly less well-known is this: never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha...
Sluggo, welcome back, or are you just making a guest appearance? Someone wrote in an earlier post that Cooper had “Pills,” that’s not in any of the interviews that I have read. Did I miss something that you super sluthes found or did i not read the post correctly?