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Everything posted by Ckret
Snowmman, I use that scene in my bank robbery presentations, i always bring the house down with my Jonny Utah "I...AM... an F....B....I.....AGENT" I m gonna fire up the "PB" DVD tonight in your honor.
wow!!!! what the hell happened here, train cars piled up, smoke filling the air..... follow this link and you can here four DB Cooper experts blow hard for four hours, that should ease the pain. No assaults of any kind occurred on the plane, according to the witnesses. http://www.stevenrinehart.com/pages/?section=2&page=9
Soon we will all have something to actually discuss, we are a few weeks away from what I hope will be the first new evidence/information since 02 of 1980. Just thought I'd throw that in since it seems the discussion has taken a turn.
I don't think the thoughts or information you have posted are drivel. I believe it is all giong to help in some way at some point in time. In regard to your question, I am sure everything about the flight was investigated. I have not looked for thoe specific details and have not found such information going over the files. To that end, there was a very large investigative effort around PDX; hotels, motels, cabs, buses and so on. Nothing from that effort developed leads that went anywhere. Also, I did not write that a clerk was never contacted or that a register was not taken. I have not found an interview of a clerk claiming a register was signed by a person of interest. I can tell you that there is no register in evidence and I have not found where one was taken and returned. Read all of the words.
Hmmm, if there was truly a register showing an alias that Wayne provably used, and a clerk can ID Wayne as the Collins who signed, that would raise some provocative questions. Has the FBI acknowledged that they once had the register and it had a John Collins signature on the date you claim? Evidence belonging to third parties is normally returned not destroyed. Hotel registers ae normally books. Was the FBI given the whole book? A page? A copy of a page? Ckret, what is the story on this hotel register from the Bureau's perspective? Did they take it and not return it? Did it have a John Collins entry on a date that was close to the hijack date? Maybe they checked it out and the sig belonged to a real John Collins? 377 I have not found anything in any of the files about a hotel clerk nor are there any items in evidence relating to a hotel register. I always find it amazing that it seems anything or anyone related to claims of DB Cooper (not just Jo, all claims); everyone is dead, out of the country, the evidence was there once but gone now.......
Ckret, some questions when you find time: 1) any thoughts on the white cord/line on the side straps of the chest chute that you have? Were they there before Cooper got it? Or did Cooper put them on? or is it just unknown? I could imagine that someone before Cooper might have tried to jury-rig a belly-band..but it's odd that at least one of the white cords appears frayed, as if cut. 2) are there cords inside the chest container? (cut?) if so: what color? 3) Can you confirm whether a rip was found, or not, for the chest container? The handle is with the chest pack, it just wasn't in the photo. The cords in the container are white and were cut by Cooper when he removed the chute from the container
There were no belly bands given with the chest chutes.
He took apart the working reserve and left it on the plane. The Chute was not damaged, he cut two lines from it. He jumped with the nb6 and left the pioneer (the main) on the plane. Missing from the plane was a "dummy" reserve that was used for training students. The "dummy" reserve was mistakenly given to Cooper. Of the four chutes given to Cooper, he took two and left two.
Georger, You have some reading to do, unless I didn't read your post correctly. We have always known Cooper took two chutes with him and there has been much discussion about it.
Sluggo, I found the film of the test drop, but we don't have anyway to play it. I have asked our in-house lab to try and locate an old projector. Once I find one I'll video tape it and put it up on google video. Also, since Georger let it out I'll do the best I can to get the bills out by Wednesday. i was able to get through the red tape, now i just have to find the time to do the paper. Since 377 isn't sleeping I'll stay late on Tuesday if I have to to get it out on Wednesday.
Sure, here goes: Nobody knows who Cooper is/was or even exactly where he jumped. We engage in endless speculation about the forgoing. Jo Weber thinks her late husband Duane was Cooper, but most on the forum disagree. Quade is the adult in charge of the forum and raps our knuckles when we get mean to each other. Ckret is a real FBI agent and wants to solve the case with our help. Cooper is almost a hobby for him pursued only in spare moments. His day job involves catching bank robbers. We get off topic sometimes. We squabble too...but there is a base of mutual respect and collegiality. There. I just saved you a LOT of reading. 37.7 377, now thats funny, i don't care who you are. All, Been busy and have had to put Cooper to the side for a while. Sluggo, I'll call you when I get a chance to go over your questions. Hopefully (if everything goes right on my end) in several weeks we should have some interesting discoveries as it relates to the money thanks to Georger.
Sluggo, Remember that when they took off the plan was to have Mucklow drop the stairs. Just after takeoff Cooper changed his mind, so I am sure there was some conversation invloved. In regards to the raincoat, I think we have to assume he had it on when he jumped. He did not leave it on the plane but he did leave his tie and the two other chutes. If he was not going to wear the coat I am sure he would have left it as well. I think he threw the briefcase as a favor to Tina. As for the paper bag, he must have put that in his coat pocket when he jumped.
Thanks for the bold post Sluggo. Snowmman, My guess on the prints is that when HQ say's "not good enough on the the prints you recovered" they went back in and found prints that were of comparison value. Thats not to say HQ is demanding prints at any cost, because what would be the point of that. I think they were making inquiries as to how none of the originals were of comparison value. I have not, however, found anything that points to Cooper reading magazines.
Sluggo, I cannot find where an interview of Bohan was conducted by the FBI. His statement is a bit out of what had been reported by the various weather services the evening of the jump. To that end, as with all of the factors on the evening of the jump, you have to keep in mind that humans beings were involved in this incident. Human beings that don't have all the pieces of the puzzel in front of them. Human beings that don't know whats going to happen from minute to minute, and so on...... Some how you are going to have to take a look at the incident from two directions, a keen investigator with information after the fact and (this is the tough part) a person in the moment (with their knowledge and skill set) not knowing whats going to happen next and just reacting. Orange, No fingerprints from the airstairs, in fact no fingreprints recovered from the airplane during the first evidence sweep proved to be of comparison value. On a second sweep some magazines were located in the area of where Cooper had been. These were processed and a few latents were recovered that are of value.
Snowmman, We know Cooper had the money bag tied to himself in some fashion when the plane left Seattle (I believed clipped on the NB6 harness). Any talk about Cooper actually using a belly reserve container for the money would be baseless because no one witnessed it. We do know he considered using the container left on the plane but changed his mind when the money would not fit.
Funny you should mention jummping, Hooper PM'ed me, said he would set up a jump and not to worry..... "he would take care of me."
You have nothing to worry about, nothing in the story checks out. Even if it does you still have nothing to worry about, I am sure it tastes like chicken.
Hooper, I find you to be amazing, thank you for your contribution. We all need examples in life and your a great one.
Sluggo It's going to start happening more and more. I get calls from all over the world about this case and I now send them to your web site. Soon you will be very busy. In fact I know of one outlet that is thinking of doing a feature piece on our efforts. Once that happens your site will crash from all the hits.
Should we then aspire to Aldonza's view of the world, "The world's a dung heap and we are maggots that crawl on it!" or Quixote's, "It is the mission of each true knight... His duty... nay, his privilege! To dream the impossible dream, To fight the unbeatable foe, To bear with unbearable sorrow To run where the brave dare not go; To right the unrightable wrong. To love, pure and chaste, from afar, To try, when your arms are too weary, To reach the unreachable star! This is my Quest to follow that star, No matter how hopeless, no matter how far, To fight for the right Without question or pause, To be willing to march into hell For a heavenly cause! And I know, if I'll only be true To this glorious Quest, That my heart will lie peaceful and calm When I'm laid to my rest. And the world will be better for this, That one man, scorned and covered with scars, Still strove, with his last ounce of courage, To reach the unreachable star."
Jim, I like what you have to offer, but if you could read the posts to catch up it would really help. There are pictures posted of what caused the pressure bump, flucuations and oscillations discussed. if you want to take another look at these topics bring something to the table. I am, and I know this group would be, more than willing to go back but you have to bring something more then "this one time at band camp.....". Do some research to support your ideas, or go back and take a look at what others have done and bring something plausible back.
we know the dredging occurred and the material deposited on Tina's/Tena's Bar because we interviewed the project manager.
Jimmy, The no jump theory has already been discussed, guess thats part of your plan to keep things going in a circle. The only way to create the pressure bump is to jump off of the airstairs so somone had to have jumped. Also, you can open the spaces you wrote about and enter them, however, there is no way to secure the panels from the insides. Now if you want to bring the crew into the mix, I suppose they could have lied about the bump, threw money out of the plane and hid Cooper. But then the study of the money this group has done says that could not have happened so you have to work a bit harder to come up with a plausible explanation. Then you have the problem of five total individuals in on one of the most noted crimes in US history. If more than one person knows what you have done your secret is out. Maybe if you read the posts using a mirror you might come up with a different conclusion.
Well well well!!! Safe, you old sum bitch, how the hell are you (thats my cowboy talkin). Glad your back, now float your $%% into the conversation. Sluggster, I say I say I say Boyyyy!!!!!! what do you want to know about the bills? They are samples from the found money, I am hoping the fine folks here can tell me about them. I know nothing!!! (think schultz)
Actually the dredge information may be correct. where he went wrong is the dredge layer uncovered in 1980 was not disturbed, therefore, nothing under it would have been found. Also, the dredge operator/manager said no way the money could have gone through the pipe and not been destroyed. The fueling is part correct, a third truck was on standby, never used. There was not a frozen nozzle. The pills, no way, and the angry burst didn't happen according to the witnesses and the account they gave to the FBI. Why Himmelsbach reported a foul mouthed Cooper is beyond me. He knows full well Cooper, according to the witness statements, was calm and polite throughout the incident.