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Everything posted by Ckret
Evidence as it was found on the plane: clip-on tie with tie clasp on the tie, laying in seat 18E empty belly container laying on the floor in front of 18D pink chute laying across seats 17c and 17b unaltered backpack (Pioneer) sitting in seat 18B Don't worry about Jo, she's sweet on me, kinda like the young boy who hits the little girl because he doesn't know how to express that emotion yet, except she's the girl who hits the boy.
Your not an Aussie your a Kiwi, damn, you killed my joke. I even weaved in the gay thing by calling you a fruit. All right, I am falling way behind on my work, I'll post a bit more tonight if you have questions.
When the passengers were taken off of the plane they were escorted to a VIP lounge. Only five of the 35 passengers took notice of Cooper or that there may be a problem other than what was announced by the crew. They are as follows: Mr Gregory Mr Labissoniere Mr Spreckel Mr Williams Mrs House The remaining 30, to include the Simons, stated they knew of nothing other than what the crew had advised them nor did they notice Cooper. I guess a few minutes a fame changed the Simons' mind.
Bigway, U Aussies crack me up, just kidding, I know your a fruit. "Now thats funny, I don't care who you are."
I'll do this real quick "Big Guy" No there wasn't No we haven't Yes we did
Well Nukester, mystery solved, I found in some of Schaffner's handwritten notes where she refered to Rataczak as the co-pilot and Anderson as the second officer. This calls for a party of some sorts, I think this is the first issue in the DB Cooper case that has been resolved. I love progress, at this rate we might.....
When Rataczak was interviewed he told the agents he was the third officer, when Anderson was interviewed he identified himself as the second officer, Scott identified himself as the Captain.
I have not found anything about the found shoe, I'll have to go down to the basement and dig around. It's my turn to feed the aliens anyway.
Scott was the Captain Anderson the second officer Rataczak the third officer The Simons told the agents the night of the hijacking that they never saw Cooper nor did they realize the flight had been hijacked.
Quade, Come on, you like just a little don't you? Your the "big toe," guide it, shape it, mold it, make it live and breathe (I got it right this time Canopus). Edit: never mind, I read your post faster than my brain could keep up.
Snowmman, Are you pulling my feets on this, you made that up didn't you
Happythoughts (i like the name) I'll check on the shoes and see what I can dig up
Your going to pass out holding your breath like that. Could be dangerous, i suggest you just breath really shallow, you'll still get your point across without falling over.
Shame on you Canopus, whats wrong with U people. Everyone take the night off, drinks on me.
No accents or slang terms were reported by the witnesses.
Georger, Reference to the Simons interview, I don't think it went like that, Ill dig it up on Monday. Also, once Schaffner went into the cockpit the Scott didn't let her go back until they landed in Seattle.
Sluggo, WTF are you talking about, Ta Ta for now. Look at the beating I take in this forum, its nonstop from all directions. If the forum isn't going in the direction you want guide it there. Who knows what will shake out from a bit of discussion (as long as it is respectful.) What questions am I not answering? I know you have been waiting for the map but that map, I am sure, is available on line. I will get it to you on Monday. TA TA for now my ass, if I have to take it so do you. Get your big redneck a$% back in here and those fingers a-tappin By-the-way, I have no idea if Sluggo identifies with the term redneck and i mean it as a term of endearment.
Orange, It has been my experience that those who resort to crime don't have the fortitude to do what it takes to make it through hard work and study. They either never made the attempt, or as I believe in Cooper's case, made the attempt but bailed when it became hard work. Most likely that point came when Cooper could no longer relate to others in the work place or convince them his was the better way. the frustration led him to give up and choose the path he did.
The tie was found on a seat, which row and number i'll check. My memory says the seat next to where he had been sitting. I would imagine Cooper took it off well before he actually jumped. According to Hancock, Cooper had the chute on before she deplaned in Seattle. She had walked off the plane and realized she forgot her purse, when she walked back on to get it, she noticed Cooper had on one of the chutes
The only direct words anyone in the cockpit said to Cooper are or to the effect of, "is everything ok?" all communication went through Mucklow.
Snowman, In repsonse to Cooper guessing we could figure out that Bump=jump, so he planted money to throw us off, couldn't happen. We were the first (or reported first) to do the tests lauching cargo out of a 727 with the airstairs in an unlocked position.
snowmman, Plain and simple Cooper wanted money and felt there was no other way (or no other way he was willing to go about) to get it. There is no indication at all that there was another motive, if there was he would have let us know about it.
Sluggster, buddy!!!, this aint CSI or a movie, Cooper is real, with real human factors added in. The big problem here, has been and will continue to be is lack of experience interacting with human motives as they deal with criminal intent. It seems most on here, when commenting on Cooper the person, are relying on what they have experienced in the movies on TV or how they (given what they have read and seen on tv) would pull it off. Reality is always a let down, the dream is always better. When one of my bank robbers gets on a lucky streak and racks up 10 or more robberies I am convinced he is doing in-depth planning. I analyze the robberies and even come up with profiles i think fit best. Every time we catch them i am disappointed to find they just winged it. The same level of thought goes into the crime as the others that got caught on robbery one. Sluggo, and anyone else, what real life experience do you have in working with criminals? How they operate, what motivates them..... How much is what you see in the movies and on TV influencing your opinions on Cooper? We have experts here in several fields of study and your doing great work, but I think you are stifling yourself by overlaying unrealistic perceptions of criminal behavior generated by mass media. This, in fact, has become a real problem in criminal trials. Juries have a very unreal expectations that now have to be addressed in opening statements. Maybe the same thing has happened here. Only a look in the mirror can answer that (ok, i agree, thats a cheesy statement but there is something to it)
Sluggo, I was reading over your web page, it's not 800 suspects, to be exact it's 1057
Sluggo, If it were anything other than the money he would have stated it. No one goes through the effort Cooper did or any other high profile crime with a cause and not state it once they have the "mic." In Cooper's case the grudge gave him the moral clarity to go through with his plan. We all have that compass that guides our actions. Once we have justification for where the compass points then we as humans allow ourselves to go forward.