So i don't know if anyone else here noticed but skydivers really don't make good friends. They only happen to be your friend as long as your jumping. You know i jumped somewhere almost every weekend for 3 years, did some 4 way teams, some tunnel time, some vacation with skydiver.......
I loose my job and need to take a break from jumping so that i can eat. I quickly find out that the second i stop jumping skydivers no longer give a shit.
I know this sounds like a pity party for me... In some way it is but in other ways i am also curious if others have run into this.
In fact i once walked 27 miles to get home because my "friends" where to busy jumping to give me a ride. Never mind that it was an emergency. (cabs didn't come to the DZ)
I've had skydivers (a friend) steal from me and pretend like they didn't even though i caught them.
Don't get me wrong I love this sport. I come from a military background and i really have a hard time understanding why everyone i know can be so shallow.
The really sad thing is that i have hear skydivers say oo that person doesn't jump a lot anymore they used to be cool so #$% them if they don't wanna jump.
So seriously why don't you take this weekend and maybe do something nice to a fellow jumper that does not involve skydiving. You would be surprised how one small act of kindness can really turn someone's day around. I want to believe that a lot of people who jump do this to get away from the reality of life. So maybe changing their reality might help.
Yes that means some of you who will post that you never would do that sort of thing. And no this is not my real profile.