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Everything posted by alexbitt

  1. I just wanted to thank everyone who took the survey so far and encourage those who have not yet to please do so. I'm nearing my goal for # of responses but could definitely use some more help if there are willing people out there. Thanks a lot!
  2. I am a marketing major and hope to gain a better understanding of the skydiving market. I originally had a survey going with questions about containers, AADs, altimeters, and canopies but it was just wayy too long for people to fill out. Now I'm just looking for data about canopies because it's the most controversial gear issue - in particular what sizes are being recommended at different experience levels across different parts of the country/world. Thanks to everyone who has participated so far. I am collecting data until the end of March so please pass this around.
  3. Please take the following survey and help me wrap up my senior year of school. Pass it around to your jumping buddies. The more data I collect the more smarter they think I is! Blue Ones
  4. Hi everyone If you have a couple of minutes, please help me out by taking this survey about canopy purchases you've made. This is my senior project and the more info I have the better. I really appreciate it.
  5. cant wait to come back to chester, james. you threw a great boogie last year and i know that this summer will be no different. anyone complaining about free jumps is off their wack
  6. Big Boogie Update!! *Professional Masseuse Karen Corzine will be setting up her awesome massage chair on the deck of the dropzone right next to the FREE BEER!!!* *Food on Saturday Night will consist of wings from the Ocean Deck along with cole slaw, baked beans, and vegetables from the Perfect Spot* *All three days will be full of raffles, giveaways, load organizing, and coaching* *Saturday night enjoy a full set by Benny Loco along with free beer and drinking games on the deck* *Sunday cookout along with three rounds of 4-way scrambles*
  7. I'm meeting with Kurt in about an hour to go over the scramble and the seminar. If I don't get a full listing from him on the details of the seminar, I'll definitely post what I can on after the event. Kurt is also a really friendly guy so I'm sure that if you contact him through he would be happy to draft up some points on competition and such for you.
  8. Alright, I finally locked down a schedule for the weekend. There's an event on Facebook, too. If you plan on coming, drop me a line on here or via Facebook. Friday: - Registration - $21 slots / $144 tandems - Coaching & load organizing by Team D3 (freefly, relative work, tracking, canopy flying) - Free beverages all night - Open Mic Night concert at Stetson (rides provided by the brothers of Phi Sigma Kappa) - Free camping - Free Beer Saturday: - Registration (if you haven't already) - $21 slots / $144 tandems - FS and VFS Seminar by Deland HybridX in the morning (for free!) - Coaching & load organizing by Team D3 all day - Coaching by Deland HybridX - Free food and beverages all night - Live entertainment by Benny Loco - 4-way and NSL seminar by THE Kurt Gaebel - 4-way scramble team pooling for Sunday - Raffles and giveaways galore! - Wings from the Ocean Deck & sides from the Perfect Spot - Free Camping - Free beer Sunday: - Registration (if you haven't already) - $21 slots / $144 tandems - Coaching & load organizing by Team D3 - Coaching by Deland HybridX - 4-way Scramble by NSL - Raffles and giveaways galore! - Farewell pig roast - Free Camping - Free beer The weekend is packed full of fun times and great deals. College jumpers from all over the east coast are planning on coming and you should, too!
  9. September 27-28 at Skydive Deland, in conjunction with the Back-to-School Boogie, there will be a 4-way scramble for A-license and above collegiate jumpers. The NSL director Kurt Gaebel will be hosting an informational seminar about his league and the competitive potential for collegiate jumpers. After the seminar those who wish to participate in the scramble on Sunday will be pooled and teams of three will be paired with one instructor each. This is a great opportunity for college student jumpers to get world-class coaching and experience from some of the best RW coaches in the industry. SO...Saturday night seminar and team picks. Sunday friendly competiton. STILL FREE BEER EVERY NIGHT OF THE BOOGIE Come out and have some fun!
  10. BOOGIE UPDATES: - Deland Hybrid is hosting a freefly seminar/boogie the same weekend as the Back-To-School Boogie at Skydive Deland! Their team will be hosting a free seminar on Saturday September 27 for FREE about FF, VRW, and much much more! The team will be coaching all weekend and boogie attendees are encouraged to get involved in the coaching sessions that are guaranteed to make you a better vertical flyer. - The Perfect Spot Restaurant at Skydive Deland will be making some delicious food for Saturday's wing night (wings provided by the world famous Ocean Deck Restaurant) and Sunday's pig roast. - The boogie is open to all jumpers! Even though this is an event to promote collegiate skydiving and the Stetson club, this boogie is open to everyone and we feel that the more the merrier! Come out for discounted jump slots, raffles and giveaways, fun competition, and FREE BEER NIGHTLY!! check out for more info
  11. that was crazy! i saw that clip on the news yesterday.
  12. Test jumper Mike Olivella has signed on to meet the growing demand for Flight-1’s canopy skills camps at Skydive DeLand, the world-famous drop zone across the road from the Performance Designs factory in Florida. Mike will be helping the PD Factory Team with its Flight-1 Essential Skills Course beginning immediately, and the Advanced Skills Course starting this fall. Mike jumps for PD’s testing facility, DeLand Research Corp., making “many hundreds of jumps a year on just about every model parachute that PD makes,” according to PD Factory Team’s Shannon Pilcher. The team selected Mike for his remarkable canopy piloting talents and the ability to share his skills in a friendly and effective manner. Flight-1’s one-day Essential Skills Course teaches jumpers how to land more safely and accurately and gives them the confidence to descend in larger groups. More and more, jumpers are seeing the value for this type of course and signing up. Individuals and groups up to six people can register with Mike for the Essential Skills Course at or through Skydive DeLand at 386-738-3559 for these dates in 2008: · July 19 · August 2 · August 16 · September 13 · September 27 · October 11 · October 25 · November 8 · November 22
  13. Test jumper Mike Olivella has signed on to meet the growing demand for Flight-1’s canopy skills camps at Skydive DeLand, the world-famous drop zone across the road from the Performance Designs factory in Florida. Mike will be helping the PD Factory Team with its Flight-1 Essential Skills Course beginning immediately, and the Advanced Skills Course starting this fall. Mike jumps for PD’s testing facility, DeLand Research Corp., making “many hundreds of jumps a year on just about every model parachute that PD makes,” according to PD Factory Team’s Shannon Pilcher. The team selected Mike for his remarkable canopy piloting talents and the ability to share his skills in a friendly and effective manner. Flight-1’s one-day Essential Skills Course teaches jumpers how to land more safely and accurately and gives them the confidence to descend in larger groups. More and more, jumpers are seeing the value for this type of course and signing up. Individuals and groups up to six people can register with Mike for the Essential Skills Course at or through Skydive DeLand at 386-738-3559 for these dates in 2008: · July 19 · August 2 · August 16 · September 13 · September 27 · October 11 · October 25 · November 8 · November 22
  14. I'll be around, I live there. And I'm getting my new rig tomorrow!!! PM me about when.
  16. yeah that's the embroidery machine. they can put anything on the fabric with a dst file of the image or text.
  17. Disregard that link, I'm having issues with it. On a brighter note: Jagermeister and RedBull will both be in attendance at this boogie. FREE JAGER AND RED BULL!!! More updates as I get them. Blue Ones, Alex
  18. coughcoughwww.thefoursuits.blogspot.comcoughcough
  19. If you can see Jimmy Coiner, he can see you. And if you can't see Jimmy Coiner, you may be moments away from death.
  20. A few updates: Skydive Deland has a Skyvan, Twin Otter, PAC750, and Porter for us to use at the boogie!! Team D3, the coaching and load organizing team, has a website to check out Pre-registration and Pick-A-Pilot tickets can be purchased through I'm doing T-shirts and all that jazz soon so let me know if you're interested in coming!
  21. Hey everyone, my name is Alex Bittner and I am starting the skydive club at Stetson University in Deland, FL. We are hosting a Back-to-School collegiate boogie at Skydive Deland September 26-28 to boost interest with students about our club and the world of collegiate skydiving in general. The boogie will have: - discounted tandems - load organizing by D3 - sport accuracy competition - live entertainment - catering by the Ocean Deck Restaurant and Beach Club - canopy demos - coaching sessions - drink specials - giveaways - and much, much more The club is just getting off the ground and we feel that a boogie to start out the school year and collegiate skydive season is definitely in order. There will be free camping at the DZ and there are multiple reasonable choices of hotels and motels in the area, as well. Let me know if you're interested in coming and if you have any input about things you'd like to see at the boogie so we can take care of that while we have the time. For more information about the club and the event, check out our website Blue Skies