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Everything posted by marks2065

  1. that is the issue, the left doesn't have a sense of humor. That is why we have to be so politically correct.
  2. Actually, that was a favoured Bush Era slogan. just because you don't have the same views doesn't mean we can't get along. what I see happening is that when the majority of the people don't like what the left is doing, the left starts things like race and discrimination rants to the degree of a 2 year old get what they want. I'v seen 2 year olds do the same thing. to bad the leberal parents didn't teach their kids better about public tantrums when they were younger.
  3. You are either with us or against us. sorry but I will not change my beliefs because the left will hate me if I don't.
  4. I got an 80% wasn't hard since I have heard most of them. Usually I only hear the left saying crap like that and the right mocking them for saying and doing what they acuse the right of saying and doing. Only problem is I mostly see the left being racist and gutter talking.
  5. or we can rightly acknowledge the goods and bads on both sides. But truth is, people will always tend to side on one place more because they don't have time to do the extensive / time-intensive research. Else people would go on to talk about the real policies that have been laid out and rightly criticize them. e.g: The Ryan Plan which is supposed to be deficit-neutral. However, there's a 850 billion $ gap in which he says he would close tax loop holes without really specifying the which loop holes. (I don't even think we can get even 30 B$ in tax loop holes closures). Cheers! :) Shc but it is a start and mostly follows the guidelines set forth by Obama's debt commission. the left laughs at this budget and Obama is ripping Ryan and the right on this budget that mostly follows follows the guidelines put together by Obama's own people. Obama and the left or hypocrites and liers.
  6. you are correct that we work for pay not the company, but right now you make it look like you are doing it for the company. If you show anything else you will be unemployed. The economy is getting worse by the day, I see it getting worse. My shop is the slowest it has ever been. You always have slow days but days have turned into months of late. My employess are loosing 10-15 hours each every week. I have never cut hours until the last 10 months. I thought it was my shop, but when seeing other shops close and sales reps begging for business is see it is a area wide issue. The government is lieing to us when they say it is getting better.
  7. Kinda how many feel about global warming that is not real.
  8. You need to add one more I have health insurance and I am pissed that the ACA has made it go up 60% - 80% so assholes can get it for free.
  9. so with that said, we should spend trillions of dollars fixing something that may not be broke.
  10. Not quite. But you will never believe anything to the contrary. Quite but you will never believe anything to the contrary
  11. Wrong the epa has made gas mileage requirement changes that have to be met by 2012, 2016, and 2020. average of all cars per manufacturer have to meet 35.5 mpg and lower emissions. Here is an article about it. And this was set by this administartion.
  12. You continue to confuse him and Bershire, the company he heads. The latter is a publicly traded company and his obligation is the the shareholders, not the government. Last I heard he was the president of the company, just like I am the president of mine, my company and I pay taxes, just like his, I have to answer to my shareholder also. to be fair, if Buffet is paying a lower tax rate then that would include his company.
  13. if there is voter fraud it needs to be fixed. how many places does your arm have to be broken before you get that fixed?
  14. I really like most of paul's doemestic policies but his foriegn stuf kinda rubs me the wrong way. what we need is 2 presidents, one for foriegn and 1 for doemestic.
  15. This is my basic point. Make getting a "voter-qualified" govt photo ID (a) very easy and (b) 100% free, and my objection will shrink to the size of Rush Limbaugh's dick. Let's employ some of your self-professed intellectual honesty and call this what it is. You want illegals to be able to vote because they generally vote for Democrats. Need a hanky? What is the extent of the illegal vote? Please provide data. IN Indiana the GOP couldn't, when challenged, come up with one single example. Not one. yet they still maintained it was a problem that needed a cure that can disenfranchise legitimate voters. no voter fraud just google it. this is just one story of hundreds. I really like the last line. The lesson to be learned from these historical incidents is that any political party that is brazen enough to steal a presidential election through voter fraud is also likely to be brazen (and powerful) enough to plunder the citizens under its rule, endanger their lives, and treat them like serfs. Nothing there to indicate that "illegals" voting is a problem in any state. since when was voter fraud restricted to illegals? See post #44, this thread. This thread is about voter fraud and some of that my be from illegals. prove to me voter fraud does not happen and then I will not press the issue of id's.
  16. Yes, it does seem to upset Republicans. If this is so great why don't you and Buffet send in a check? especially buffet since he seems to have not even paid all his taxes.
  17. This is my basic point. Make getting a "voter-qualified" govt photo ID (a) very easy and (b) 100% free, and my objection will shrink to the size of Rush Limbaugh's dick. Let's employ some of your self-professed intellectual honesty and call this what it is. You want illegals to be able to vote because they generally vote for Democrats. Need a hanky? What is the extent of the illegal vote? Please provide data. IN Indiana the GOP couldn't, when challenged, come up with one single example. Not one. yet they still maintained it was a problem that needed a cure that can disenfranchise legitimate voters. no voter fraud just google it. this is just one story of hundreds. I really like the last line. The lesson to be learned from these historical incidents is that any political party that is brazen enough to steal a presidential election through voter fraud is also likely to be brazen (and powerful) enough to plunder the citizens under its rule, endanger their lives, and treat them like serfs. Nothing there to indicate that "illegals" voting is a problem in any state. since when was voter fraud restricted to illegals?
  18. the primary problem with the Buffet Rule is that it doesn't generate very much revenue. (5B/year) If you get past the way it's being misrepresented by Obama as a populist election year ploy, it's at best a symbolic tax. While the Fortune 400 may be paying at 18%, if you look at all earning 1m/year, the average rate is considerably higher. 1. The richest 1% of Americans are now taking in over 20 percent of total national income, and so far have raked in almost all the gains from the recovery. Thirty years ago, the richest 1% got 9 percent of total income. Income and wealth are now more concentrated at the top than they’ve been since the 1920s. 2. The richest 1% are paying a lower tax rate than they’ve paid since 1980. For three decades after World War II, their tax rate never dropped below 70 percent. Even considering all deductions and tax credits, they paid close to 55 percent. Under Eisenhower, the top rate was 91 percent and the effective rate was 58 percent. 3. The economy was not destroyed by the (higher) tax rates on the wealthy during the Eisenhower, Nixon, Reagan and Bush 1 presidencies. Any argument that raising tax rates on the rich to 1999 levels will lead to disaster are bogus, and not supported by history, you are saying that the recessions in the past did not happen?
  19. This is my basic point. Make getting a "voter-qualified" govt photo ID (a) very easy and (b) 100% free, and my objection will shrink to the size of Rush Limbaugh's dick. Let's employ some of your self-professed intellectual honesty and call this what it is. You want illegals to be able to vote because they generally vote for Democrats. Need a hanky? What is the extent of the illegal vote? Please provide data. IN Indiana the GOP couldn't, when challenged, come up with one single example. Not one. yet they still maintained it was a problem that needed a cure that can disenfranchise legitimate voters. no voter fraud just google it. this is just one story of hundreds. I really like the last line. The lesson to be learned from these historical incidents is that any political party that is brazen enough to steal a presidential election through voter fraud is also likely to be brazen (and powerful) enough to plunder the citizens under its rule, endanger their lives, and treat them like serfs.
  20. So, get more refineries built. Or stop relying on your car. Gas prices have only one way to go....up. thanks to this administration reducing drilling permits, driving oil futures up.
  21. You are starting to sound awefully liberal. If they cannot afford a new car, they just aren't working hard enough. no, the epa regulations are what is driving up the price for repairs, people have no choice except not own a car.
  22. Only if the health insurance mandate also allows for exceptions by those who morally object to government mandates... ouch, that hits the point.
  23. but you don't understand, when those that can afford the new cars trade in the old ones, the lower income people buy the used cars, they are the ones that can not afford to repair them. with all the technology on the newer cars they are very expensive to repair and alot of the buyers of used cars can not afford them, if they colud they would have just bought a new car.
  24. I guess you haven't spent any time telling a single mother or someone on welfare that it will cost a $1000 to fix their car. or the guy that bought a cadilac that it is $1600 to replace his struts.
  25. I know they get state and local government aid. For instance, they could go to the senior centers and get meals, medical screenings, participate in activities, etc. No ID required. The Board of Aging tracked how many people we served, but didn't keep files on individuals. They also get aid from private organizations like churches and medical outreach programs. Again, no ID required. I would venture that most of these people didn't pay into Social Security because they worked farm jobs, domestic jobs, or casual jobs, and never filled out a W4. I understand that your rebuttal may be that they shouldn't be entitled to vote since they didn't play by all the rules, but that's not how it works. Furthermore, take that argument to its logical extreme, and you'd have to accept that people who don't get medical insurance as mandated by ACA should also lose the right to vote. I don't think you want to go there. If someone after all these years cannot go get an ID of some sorts, Especially since they would be retired and have planty of time, wouldn't be able to vote. We have a great country based on our being able to vote, our vote is worth nothing if we cannot make voting in elections acurate.