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Everything posted by marks2065

  1. it should have been $5000 per bad registration put on the board members and employee's that were responsible.
  2. This is the equivalent of the rapist saying, "Go along with it or I'll turn this rape into a murder." no it is not the same. The Jobs were sent overseas for one reason and one resaon alone.. PROFIT at any cost.. the more profit the better. The people you worship can couch it in any terms they wish but the bottom line id greed over patriotism... whats good for Americans... or good for the country. If you keep handing EVERYTHING to these anti-American asswhipes you may as well burn all the American flags.. and start flying the company colors of your favorite corporation. Arent you guys the ones who are so against globilization and the UN??? I thought the right wing was supposed to be about patriotism, mom and apple pie... OOOPS another phalacy. The fact is that as long as doing business in the US means having to deal with taxes, unions, and the EPA, jobs will continue to go overseas, period. When the congress and the president relize that America and it's economy are more important to us and the world than making feel good policies with other countries, maybe then we will start to protect our businesses here with tarrifs on imports not made with our regulations or a slowing of regulations here to promote companies staying here.
  3. This is the equivalent of the rapist saying, "Go along with it or I'll turn this rape into a murder." no it is not the same.
  4. I understand that we need some regulations, but the left bitches about all the money the Evil companies are holding but they don't like the reason why they are holding it. they are holding it to cover the EPA regulations that will need to be met and the possible tax hikes when the Obama tax cuts expire in 2012. you can not have it both ways. Also the EPA has helped to drive industry over seas because there are no regulations over there, so Is it better to regulate less and keep the jobs here under some regulation or is it better to over regulate, send the jobs overseas, and then purchase the same products that were made with no epa regulations thus causing much more polution of our world?
  5. this lower income is the governments fault both dem and republican. just because we are taxed less on our paycheck doesn't mean we weren't taxed more overall. Also businesses need to cover other costs brought in them by other agencies besides congress, like the 300 plus new regulations the EPA has put on the books to be fased in over the next few years that is estimated to cost american businesses over 9 billion to implement. government is the problem and will always be a problem, it is up to us to limit the size of the problems government can cause.
  6. Yea , old people are funny that way when they are faced with homelessness and no medical care. And it's all their fault, fucking priceless. Yes it is their fault by not saving their own money for retirement. social security was put in place as something to aid in retirement not to be the entire retirement. Then when all those people paid into social security and the account had billions in savings collecting interest, the stupid congress decided that they could by votes with the money by spending the money in their states and making people "feel good" about voting for them. now when it comes time to collect they find out it was spent on things they really didn't need. they voted the people into office, money was spent, and they didn't save anything on their own, so yes it is grandpa and grandma's fault. Too bad their grandchildren will need to work extrta hard to live a poor life.
  7. would you rather pay interest to china or principle to the treasury directly paying down the debt?
  8. marks2065


    I got to 8 WFFCs and the one I had the most fun at was the first year at rantoul.
  9. see, you had me with you and then somehow this was puked up ouch it was not to devalue the dollar just get rid of foriegn owned debt but would be paid back with the money that was paying the interest on the debt. It would be the treasury paying off debt with the government paying the principle back over a shorter period of time. It was an Idea that I thought of but I do not know what or if this was possible. It would devalue the dollar at first but instead of paying interest to china and others we would use that money to pay back the treasury and take that money out of circulation as it is paid back. This would increase the strength of the dollar over time. I did not say to print money to just to print money but to acomplish a goal that would stenthen our future buy getting foriegners out of our pockets caused by our debt. we would also need to pass a law that foriegners cannot buy US government debt anymore. this would make the feds live within the means that they have.
  10. last I heard 20% of 3.6 trillion is 720 billion but since you can't cut the interest payment we will consider 20% to be about 620 billion cut of everything the feds are responsible to pay. and since Illegal imigration costs california 20-30 billion alone we could round off to about 100 billion for the country that is 720 billion so far. plus illimination of all duplicated programs and all fed money going to countries that vote against in the UN would be a few billion more. Open the oil fields in the US would reduce our trade deficit to opec nations plus putting americans back to work bringing in additional tax revenue from the oil companies and workers now working. plus that would reduce welfare programs. now we are talking about 800-900 billion in as little as 6 months. As far as the debt goes we could print enough money to pay all foriegn investers that hold our debt and use the interest money to pay the debt off that the treasury would now hold.
  11. I am all for reducing the budget of all fed agencies by 20% and eliminating all agencies that are duplicated. Cut all welfare programs to any households that have Illegals living in them, fining any business that hires illegals a sum equal to 1.5 times what they paid the illegals they hired, and fining all medical facilities double what the total medicare payments they collected for any medicare fraud. this would come close to fixing the issue and we could tweak it later. the interest alone on the debt could pay for many projects to build the infrastructure projects needed.
  12. we do not need to raise taxes! we need to cut spending to a level that matches revenue. adding taxes only feeds the big gov. Someone said (I do not know who) slavery is spending more time working for the master than for yourself. When anyone is paying more than half of their income in the form of taxes they have become the slave to the gov. nobody should pay more than half of their income in total taxes and nobody should pay nothing. Government should not be able to spend more than the previous years revenue and the credit card should be cut up and thrown away. when this happens the fed gov will start being responsible and the American people will start to do jobs they don't like to feed themselves. If they don't want to work they can go hungry. The jobs are out there for people, just because they don't pay what they want or it is labor they don't like owell, work or starve. Also anyone that takes money from the government in the form of welfare should have a time limitation on receiving those checks and have to pay a percentage of that money back to help fund others in need. To many people are collection gov funds for no reason but a lack of pride and being lazy.
  13. No...his name is about beer! (you guys remember that one?) many posts does one need before they reach the gold membership level and become exempt from PA penalties? Amazon has a pass since nobody takes her seriously anyway. the mods are tired of locking her out. they had a speed dial lockout button but it broke.
  14. Running to tarn-x and crying "myth" won't change the fact you don't get it. And for the record, I'm using the numbers you provided, except for the population of women in the US (which is both recent and irrelevant in the end). It doesn't matter what the total numbers are, the ratio doesn't change. You still have 35-37% of all rapes being reported. You still have about 17% of the total population having been raped. If you know those two, you automatically know how many unreported rapes there are. You still have 2-3% of the total reports being false. Until those change, you'll always get about 60 unreported rapes for every false one. You can try and spin this over and over anyway you want, the ratio won't change. So why the vested interest in sweeping those numbers under the rug???? Millions of American women have been raped.. and the number gets added to every year in the hudreds of thousands. For most.. they never get any justice since I dont see 15 million rapists in jail.. which is one of the reasons... that most do not report it. Their knights.... yup.. rather tarnished. Best to not be victimized in the first place.. but if they get personal justice.. I bet they would be in jail in a heartbeat. Cant have those 2/3ers harming the full citizens so you are saying it is ok to send an inocent man to jail to justify a rape conviction. NOpe.. never said that at all.. that is YOUR thinking... BUT your agruement relys on falsehoods and MYTHS far more often just like the MILLIONS of women who are raped and never report it.. Funny.. MOST Rapists use those same myths.. to then further attack and villify their victims.. because their brothers always seem to believe them... and the criminal injustice system and the defense lawyers put the VICTIM on trial... over and over and over... MILLIONS lets remember that shall we???? the victim being put on trial is not a rape trial thing, that is how the defence works for all trials so don't think rape victims are being singled out. It is sad that any victim for any case is put on trial. It is sad that any women is raped, and it is sad that any man is put on trial for a crime they did not commit. Also since many rapists commit more than 1 rape the number males you want to bash is considerably lower than you might think.
  15. I must have missed where I attacked anyone - can you point that out for me? Pushing thier agenda....that would be like your 'this is why the problem will never get fixed' reply when someone wants to make the cuts first, yes? Shifting taxes from the richest 5% to the poorest 50% won't work either - the poorest 50% simply don't have enough money to make a difference. We could cut $HALF A TRILLION/year from the military budget and STILL be by far the world's largest military spender. I don't understand why we can't just cut 20% across the board now and then in 6 months adjust further down in other areas. eliminate all departments that are duplicated, like the dep of eduacation. why have one in each state and one at the fed level. eliminate the fed level dep or the on the state level, you don't need both.
  16. Running to tarn-x and crying "myth" won't change the fact you don't get it. And for the record, I'm using the numbers you provided, except for the population of women in the US (which is both recent and irrelevant in the end). It doesn't matter what the total numbers are, the ratio doesn't change. You still have 35-37% of all rapes being reported. You still have about 17% of the total population having been raped. If you know those two, you automatically know how many unreported rapes there are. You still have 2-3% of the total reports being false. Until those change, you'll always get about 60 unreported rapes for every false one. You can try and spin this over and over anyway you want, the ratio won't change. So why the vested interest in sweeping those numbers under the rug???? Millions of American women have been raped.. and the number gets added to every year in the hudreds of thousands. For most.. they never get any justice since I dont see 15 million rapists in jail.. which is one of the reasons... that most do not report it. Their knights.... yup.. rather tarnished. Best to not be victimized in the first place.. but if they get personal justice.. I bet they would be in jail in a heartbeat. Cant have those 2/3ers harming the full citizens so you are saying it is ok to send an inocent man to jail to justify a rape conviction.
  17. Well let's see that vaunted evidence proving old Rupert was in it up to his elbows, then. Why.. its impossible to prove your sacred cows can EVER do anything wrong...You are incapable of ever hearing ANY discouraging word. Post 7: Given the *large* assumption that Murdoch was aware of the practice at all, I agree. So.... where's that "evidence", Jeanne? Your usuall ASSumptions... that those you worship are above and beyond any wrongdoing... because YOU believe in them I thought in this country that you are innocent until proven guilty. prove the guilt. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA What country is Rupert from.. and where is this scandal unfolding..... FAIL... but I have come to expect that from some around here. just like we know what to expect from you
  18. because you asked, yes you do owe beer. and good beer not that butwiper stuff
  19. Well let's see that vaunted evidence proving old Rupert was in it up to his elbows, then. Why.. its impossible to prove your sacred cows can EVER do anything wrong...You are incapable of ever hearing ANY discouraging word. Post 7: Given the *large* assumption that Murdoch was aware of the practice at all, I agree. So.... where's that "evidence", Jeanne? Your usuall ASSumptions... that those you worship are above and beyond any wrongdoing... because YOU believe in them I thought in this country that you are innocent until proven guilty. prove the guilt.
  20. marks2065


    looked like fun what pain?
  21. It seems that you are the one that can't handle it.
  22. there are many women that have been raped and those men should be jailed, but there are many mens lives that have been ruined by false acusations and this is just as wrong. Dotson was definately an idiot but didn't dererve what he got.
  23. The fact is there is ia dirty secret in America.... Most women who are raped will never get justice... as evidenced by what is happening in Houston... where KBR is KING. I had a chance to work as a geologist intern on a rig and learned quicly what the future would hold. I could have made vrey good money once I gradauated with my degree. After that experience I opted to use focus on a different field because had I got the job I was after I would probably have ended up being beheaded for protecting myself from the "wonderful" human beings who work on the rigs. not to take away from those that were "actually" raped or assulted, the one thing I would question is how many of those women decided after, during, or at the time consentual sex that they did the wrong thing and blamed the male for it happening? I know a few women that have clamed rape, but after hearing the story they actually consented to the sex and then thought differently afterwards. Of course you do..... in other words... the same old tired shit. I bet the woman working for KBR was wearing some really HOT camo uniforms.. that turned on her male coworkers... and we all know that any woman that would be there in a position like that is just asking for all the male attention she wants so you would convict or ruin an inocent man's life just to prove that women get raped? shouldn't you want to find out the truth? how many mens lives have been ruined by women that lie to save face go after money, or make themselves feel better? Isn't the truth what should be looked at? according to you it is ok to ruin someones life. maybe you would think differently if your life was the one getting ruined.
  24. The fact is there is ia dirty secret in America.... Most women who are raped will never get justice... as evidenced by what is happening in Houston... where KBR is KING. I had a chance to work as a geologist intern on a rig and learned quicly what the future would hold. I could have made vrey good money once I gradauated with my degree. After that experience I opted to use focus on a different field because had I got the job I was after I would probably have ended up being beheaded for protecting myself from the "wonderful" human beings who work on the rigs. not to take away from those that were "actually" raped or assulted, the one thing I would question is how many of those women decided after, during, or at the time consentual sex that they did the wrong thing and blamed the male for it happening? I know a few women that have clamed rape, but after hearing the story they actually consented to the sex and then thought differently afterwards.
  25. You heard wrong, Obama lowered the payroll tax by 2% for 2010, saving the average family a thousand dollars a year. The tax bill for Americans is lower under Obama than it was under Bush. Obama is trying to extend this tax cut for 2011. Keep hearing what you only want to hear. Your right, It was for 2011 and he is trying to extend it. Social security is a tax, we now pay less then we did under Bush and so we pay lower taxes under Obama. We did get an 800 dollar per per couple personal income tax credit in 2009 and 2010, once again, lower taxes under Obama. I agree with Shaw, the Dems are fucking spineless. Obama is a great disappointment on many levels and he needs to grow a pair. The Republicans however have exactly zero incentive to see the economy get better. That cunt Bachmann just said that a higher unemployment rate would really help her become the next President. What he did do in 2009 and 2010 was this: $116 billion: New payroll tax credit of $400 per worker and $800 per couple in 2009 and 2010. Phaseout begins at $75,000 for individuals and $150,000 for joint filers.[28] $70 billion: Alternative minimum tax: a one year increase in AMT floor to $70,950 for joint filers for 2009.[28] $15 billion: Expansion of child tax credit: A $1,000 credit to more families (even those that do not make enough money to pay income taxes). $14 billion: Expanded college credit to provide a $2,500 expanded tax credit for college tuition and related expenses for 2009 and 2010. The credit is phased out for couples making more than $160,000. $6.6 billion: Homebuyer credit: $8,000 refundable credit for all homes bought between 1/1/2009 and 12/1/2009 and repayment provision repealed for homes purchased in 2009 and held more than three years. This only applies to first-time homebuyers.[40] $4.7 billion: Excluding from taxation the first $2,400 a person receives in unemployment compensation benefits in 2009. $4.7 billion: Expanded earned income tax credit to increase the earned income tax credit — which provides money to low income workers — for families with at least three children. $4.3 billion: Home energy credit to provide an expanded credit to homeowners who make their homes more energy-efficient in 2009 and 2010. Homeowners could recoup 30 percent of the cost up to $1,500 of numerous projects, such as installing energy-efficient windows, doors, furnaces and air conditioners. $1.7 billion: for deduction of sales tax from car purchases, not interest payments phased out for incomes above $250,000. Bush had $400 tax rebates and other tax deductions including stuff like business discounts for buying cars and trucks and energy efficient home upgrades. they all do that to make you feel good and vote for them. What they needed to do was balance the budget and spend within their limits. Do all these tax breaks make you feel good all under and make you want to vote for them? because that is what these were for, not to actually do what is right.