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Everything posted by marks2065

  1. If it is brown people blowing up planes wouldn't you check them first? why waste time checking the rest? smae as if it was white people blowing up planes I would check them first. Profiling is an elimination of people that are not causing the problem giving more time to check a greater number of those that may be cuasing a problem. this is not racial discimination it is doing the best job to reach a goal. only the ignorant left would waste millions of $s and thousands of manhours to make sure all groups got equally searched.
  2. The personal tax rate is now the lowest it has been in in 60 years. when you hear the corporate tax rate is one of highest in the world, it's bullshit. After all the loopholes and write offs, our corporations are some of the lowest taxed in the world. Personal income tax for 98% of us is lower under Obama than it was for Bush, but you would never know it listening to the right. The overwhelming majority of Americans ( left and right)are in favor of taxing the top 2% of Americans more, but once again, the right will never tell you this. Look at what the tax rates were under Clinton and then under Bush, then look at what the economy was doing. the tax rates are not lower, the income is lower causing a reduction in tax revenue. Last I heard congress extended the bush tax cuts, they didn't lower them. As far as people that want to raise taxes on the rich, what percentage of them even paid taxes? why would they want to not tax the rich and pay some themselves? to many are getting a free ride now and that needs to end. I don't mind paying some tax but I think NOBODY should pay no taxes. to many freeloaders in this country now.
  3. Who was doing airport security on September 11th 2001 again??? The way the government has enacted this new system is pretty much a cluster fuck.. since for the most part all they did was hire the same mediocre morons who were doing it before. If they want to do it right.. turn it over to the Israeli's and let them run it. Yep I say run it like the Israli's. You do know they profile and that is illegal here because of those on the left.
  4. ooooouuuuuuuccchhhh that was a really late flare
  5. most motorcycle accidents are caused by a lack of awareness of surroundings, the helmet directly causes a reduction in awareness by reducing hearing and vission. proven fact. the best way to reduce the chance of an accident is to use all tools at your dispossal to reduce the risk of an accident and that would mean not wearing a full face helmet.
  6. Fixed it for you. It doesn't matter what you do, it is how safe you do it. Skydiving accidents raise health insurance premiums for all and what you are infering is that we should be regulated in all activities and be required to wear a bubble suite for protection at all times. wearing or not wearing a helmet should be the option of the rider. It is a fact that some accidents are caused by the helmet. by that fact all riders should not wear helmets if we follow your reasoning.
  7. correct b ut we can not kill every idea, we need to adopt a couple and see what happens. Some will hurt other countries but what good will we be if we keep on the currant track?
  8. Free trade does not allow america to compete with the regulations that we must follow that other countries do not have. we are going broke now, what would be different? are trade deficit is detrimental to our economy and causing damage to business also.
  9. it used to be before they started printing money at will
  10. that thought is why things are in SC instead of bonfire
  11. Some people? Absoultely not. Jerry Springer (his guests anyway) and Paris Hilton are the two best examples, but they are only the first two that came to mind. And we know that they are part of holywood group and that group leans left. How does that make the left feel?
  12. It is a very simple train of thought. And he meant to say 47. Which is a much simpler slip of the tongue than saying there are 57 states. Forgot them? Those were the only two states mentioned by name. How could they be forgotten? He only gave one answer. Trying to what now? I didn't know 'who' was a verb. Are you related to Rushmc? I'm just pointing out that you are apparently unable to add 3 small numbers together. Make of it what you will. people called Bush a moron for alot less. By a bush standard of being called a moron, this would make Obama a fucking stupid moron.
  13. Man, taken a face value (meaning as truthful which I have no reason to believe that Amazon isn't always truthful) I find that amazing. Kallend has numerous times mention his successful business. There are TWO very much in favor of raising taxes people that have run "successful" business. I've never understood why people that have such successful business sell them - or close them - and go back to work for someone else...but I know that both of them had there on reasons..... Its simple.... I got tired of chasing down people who would not pay on time.. AND... I got an offer I just couldnt refuse... Half the hours... without all the headaches and paperwork. sounds to me like you wanted the free ride because you have no pride or desire.
  14. _____________________________________________ As someone who has been associated with manufacturing for 47+ years i can say . the liberal government did this with the regulations ( more coming folks ) , the unions and the democrats= more taxes = less business + more cost more regulations = less business + more cost bigger government = less business + more cost more regulations... get the picture ? I can not buy the raw product ( steel and aluminum ) as cheap as China can produce and ship the finished product . wake up America stop bigger government. I understood this long before I had a business. the left is intent on regulating the US into bankrupcy. regulations only work if ALL companies are forced to follow them. the more the epa regulates and the more the unions get the more the companies move overseas. this does not lead to greener products but makes moore polution on the global scale. what good is it lower polutants in the US while bankrupting the US? the products are still being produced with no epa regulations overseas causing more global polution.
  15. Put large tarrifs on any products coming into the US from any company that does not follow US EPA, safety regulations, or labor laws. People on the left should be all over the EPA regulations idea because companies going overseas are not very epa friendly.
  16. everything is going overseas because the business enviroment here is not good. even parts of the new oakland san fran bay bridge is being made in china and shipped here. how can it be cheaper to build in china and ship here? maybe the gov and unions?
  17. It is a short term fix to bring jobs and tax revenue to the US to pay for the new technologies for the future. we cannot spend ourselves into bankrupcy and hope things will work out. You are a perfect example of the short sighted left letting our jobs and money go over seas bankrupting the country leaving us with no money to pay for the changes needed.
  18. Name 1 student taught by the board of education, show me one class room that the feds actually set up and pay the teachers and faculty. the fed board of education teaches nobody.
  19. If the states are taking care of eduacation why do we need a department at the fed level also? paying for the state board and a fed board seems to be a waste of our money. Maybe the fed needs to set min guidelines and let the states do the rest. would save alot of money.
  20. If the states already pay for education why do we have a department of eduacation?
  21. Not so, Mark has the best trophy of all; he has a beautiful wife. thank you John.
  22. Drilling will supply us for years. once again the left has failed us with a short term feel good fix to a long term problem. Not actually fixing the problem just pushes any fix farther down the road. The left is actually about making people feel good not fixing any problems. That is why all the kids get a trophy instead of only the winner. what would be better is helping the kids understand why they didn't get a trophy and teaching them how to improve to get one. Bitter much???? No trophies huh Only people like you would be not smart enough to understand why it is more important to teach understanding of failure and how to overcome it instead of making the failures think they won and letting them enter adulthood with the missconception that the world is a nice place were everybody is a winner. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Irony score thru da roof BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I guess you got nothing again.
  23. True, and I fear because of that we are doomed. I have no confidence that Congress can conduct business with honesty and hard work. At this point I would take just a balanced budget, we can work on honesty and hard work later. OH MY.. do you really expect all those conservative congressmen to actually work hard.. and give up all those fun after hours parties at the gay clubs in Washington DC??? just as much as you think the left will give up their Weinerterific fun. Awww whats wrong.. you pissed you did not get the pictures too??? leave it to the left to turn any good conversation into a make fun of the person conversation. do you really have that little to offer?
  24. True, and I fear because of that we are doomed. I have no confidence that Congress can conduct business with honesty and hard work. At this point I would take just a balanced budget, we can work on honesty and hard work later. OH MY.. do you really expect all those conservative congressmen to actually work hard.. and give up all those fun after hours parties at the gay clubs in Washington DC??? just as much as you think the left will give up their Weinerterific fun.
  25. like they are not diing elsewere. the greenies think that they are saving the enviroment because we don't do it here but they continue to use oil just as fast as everyone else. The oil has to come from somewere and the enviromental effects on the planet are worse if not under our control here. getting oil from a third world country means less enviromental restrictions on the companies that drill for oil. meaning it is worse for the world than if we drilled here.