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Everything posted by marks2065

  1. exactly - the media should hoist this up the flagpole and see what comes up. if they aren't laying pipe right now to find the truth, then the entire story line will just go limp. Seriously, just get the driver out and find the facts. A good wood shop teacher could teach better journalism. I'm really running out of material here - where's Jon Stewart when you need him? jon is having a weiner fest
  2. the flooding wouldn't have anything to do with the army corpse of engineers levying the entire mississippi river from start to finish causing all runoff to be funneled into a small area putting extreme amounts of pressure and volume into a small area that that couldn't possibly handle what it wasn't designed to handle. nope that isn't it, the government couldn't possibly screw up someting this large could they? or introduce asian carp into the river system, or work medicare or social security in the black. nope it must be the evil cars that burn fossil fuel driven by the evil people being controled by the evil big oil companies. As far as tornadoes they are new. never saw them before global warming started, the midwest and south never had tornadoes before cars were invented.
  3. how about we make ALL americans pay at least a little and nobody gets money from the gov.
  4. Hell no... Move all the A rabs there.... it would be far more intereting. there would be alot of dead A rabs
  5. The only ones I think should be tested are the ones taking money they didn't earn, If you earned the money you should be able to do whatever you want with it.
  6. You need to talk to the school boards, why are english math and sience being cut to make time for spanish, music, and humanities?
  7. It is better than this trickle up poverty that you seem to like!
  8. Take the money out of it, all campain donations that are not spent on the campaign goes to the national debt not the politician. The only income they can have while holding office is the pay they recieve from holding office, if they want more money they can leave that position. If we remove the money we correct most of the problems related to greed.
  9. I do have my birth cert naming the hospital, doctor, county, state, time, parents, signature, and notorized. and if you want to see it come over and I will show it to you, and if Obama wants to se it I will show it to him.
  10. Whoa. You say that like it's a bad thing. in many cases lawyers are a bad thing and making this country worse every day. I see your humor gland isn't functioning today. Your loss. Uh, damned few; and I say that with 25+ years of legal practice under my belt, so I'm not just pulling out a tired, old slogan out of my ass. Criminal courts are incredibly biased in favor of the prosecution almost all of the time. Show me a judge who's willing to doubt the credibility of a cop, and I'll show you a pig with wings. I'm not going to waste my time giving you the long version of this. Mind you, this isn't just a matter of conflicting opinions; you simply don't know what the hell you're talking about. um yes I do know what I am talking about, I have been on both sides in the court system and I can tell you that the truth was the last thing the court wanted to find in 6 of the 7 cases I have been involved in. Money and who has money seemed to be the only thing they wanted to interest themselves in.
  11. I understand were it is in the court system, you didn't answer the question. Why spend millions when all he had to do was order the long form birth certificate for probably less than $100?
  12. Whoa. You say that like it's a bad thing. in many cases lawyers are a bad thing and making this country worse every day. when a judge overturns the vote of 8 million people, or stops the truth from being heard or when the lawyer stops the truth from being used in a case or gets a criminal off on a technicality, we loose. we should adjust the sentence not throw out the case if there were violations, and the one that caused the technicality should be held accountable. how many criminals are out because a lawyer or judge covered up the truth because of a technicality? the court room is rarely about thruth and justice anymore.
  13. Why not put it to rest by just getting the long form birth certificate?
  14. what I have seen is capitlism doesn't work when it is mixed with socialism.
  15. At this point if you believe Obama was or was not born here is not important, what is important is why someone would spend millions in law suites and lawyers to not produce something you can get for less than $100. give me an answer to that question.
  16. Yep it is, if you like to starve get locked up for your thoughts and get beaten. go to the rural areas of china and the jails then tell me how well it is working.
  17. All you have to do is work smarter and you can be one of them. The only thing stopping you
  18. Source:,0,4567867.story Bad policy. Parents have the right to serve their kids the lunch they want them to have, and the principal has no business overriding that. The principal should stick to education, and not take the kid's chosen lunch food away from them. By taking away their home lunches, instead of the kids having a lunch they like and will eat every day, they'll be stuck with a cafeteria meal that they may or may not like, and will end up going hungry some days. just call dcfs when they won't let you eat your bag lunch. last I was told is that it is abuse to not let a kid eat lunch.
  19. I'd agree in times where the actual unemployment rate is hovering around 4-5%. This is not the case today. "Good jobs" are difficult to come by for even the best trained and motivated people. Sorry I dissagree with you, long term unemployment is 100% the fault of the person. I am not someone special nor do I have a college degree, but the only time I have been unemployed for more than 2 weeks is from my own doing. I have found jobs in 3 resessions within days of looking. The job may have not been to my liking but I refuse to lower myself to that of a begger or someone that sucks the system on welfare or unemployment.
  20. I would hope that if one has been in the 100k range for the past three decades that they saved enough money and had enough networking contacts that they (alone or with partners) could open their own company and create more jobs. Or retire. You'd hope for that many years he's been squirreling it away using 401k or some other savings/investment vehicle. Have you actually checked on the realities of that. Your fellow Americans on Main Street have lost TRILLIONS on that Wall Street generated rip off. But sure.. go ahead and turn over all the SS to them as well.. There are a few thousand more Wall Street types willing to become billionaires at the expense of millions of Americans. Only the strong survive. those with weak minds and no willpower will suffer. It is the way it has always been and always will be. so either get off your ass and make a life for yourself or watch your life waste away.
  21. Actually he is quite sharp. Doesn't come across in this clip. Show me a clip were he looks sharp.
  22. Weiner was on fox the other day and was asked several times what to cut and he wouldn't offer any cuts just criticize the rep's. Why is it so hard for congress, especially the dem's, to just start to get rid of or shrink spending for any programs? the government brings in about 2.1 trillion and wants to spend 3.7 trillion, it can not continue.
  23. I agree, but what is the real conflict here is gov employees being forced to give money to unions so they can support dem candidates so they can get unreasonable pay and benifits.
  24. You can get a pretty different view of the world by reading/watching media from other countries. Of course, you still have to apply your own filter! That would be right ... folks in Americashire thought that Tony Blair was ace when actual fact he's a slimy cunt. the difference with Obama compared to other leaders is that everyone thinks Obama is a very bad president, not just one side.