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Everything posted by marks2065

  1. Weiner is an idiot and it shows the low level of intelegence of those that elected him.
  2. The Democrates agreed to the deals. In turn the dues collected (which is state tax dollars paid by the people) are then sent to the Democratic Party to help them get re-elected Pretty neat money laundering dont you think? lok at this, no amazon, kallend, or their friends posting, must be true and embarasing to the left.
  3. these are the bullshit things that unions do and the primary reason they need to be eliminated. Unions have caused alot of the over spending that we see today in all the gov's payrolls.
  4. A big bright light, a large boom and a large amount of wind?
  5. probably because family values actually make a difference.
  6. you are rare for someone that leans left. Usually what I see is people on the left screaming for their right to have abortions and picketting every execution saying it is wrong. this contradiction just doesn't makes sense to me.
  7. We need some new material. Your act is getting a little long in the tooth. Yeah... I know the TRUTH hurts for those of you who seek to NEVER hear a discouraging word... in your home home on the strange. I never understood the left that says it is ok to kill an inocent child (abortion) but is not ok to kill a murderer. I would understand saying abortion and death penalty is ok or abortion is not but death penalty is, but not inocent baby is ok but murderer is not ok. If you would actually check the figures Bubba.... its not just "THE LEFT" that thinks it is none of YOUR usiness what a woman and a doctor decide about HER body. read again and conprehend, I know it is beyond your abilities but give it a try
  8. We need some new material. Your act is getting a little long in the tooth. Yeah... I know the TRUTH hurts for those of you who seek to NEVER hear a discouraging word... in your home home on the strange. I never understood the left that says it is ok to kill an inocent child (abortion) but is not ok to kill a murderer. I would understand saying abortion and death penalty is ok or abortion is not but death penalty is, but not inocent baby is ok but murderer is not ok.
  9. the difference is that in the private work force the company goes bankrupt and everyone looses. in the government work force they just tax us more, the government does't go bankrupt.
  10. What do you expect when Rupert Murdoch's WSJ is involved? Truth After reading the poll I saw mostly that the people are dissapointed with Obama and the democrats and didn't feel they would do enough to fix the economy or deficit. They also felt they the republicans would do to much that would effect them personally. when asked about cuts they seem to want cuts in the gov budget but not the people's entitlement budget. they don't seem to understand that medicare, medicade, social security, and pensions are the major cause of the deficit. they did agree with making gov employees pay more for their benifits but didn't want to curtail the unions collective barganing that got the gov employees the pensions and other benifits to begin with. What I saw was alot of people voting for things they really don't understand. the people polled want the issues fixed without fixing the underlying cause.
  11. Ohio and the people get it She doesnt the unions have caused more damage over the last 5 years than any other group except for congress +1 only I would say more like 25 years the unions did many good things while they were working for the people, but now they work for themselves and for power and niether is good fo the people. why would they try to get more money and benifits knowing they would bankrupt the institution? because they want power not reasonable pay for the people.
  12. Ohio and the people get it She doesnt the unions have caused more damage over the last 5 years than any other group except for congress
  13. "teach" "smart assed" "belittle"... I think this is the root of your obsession with kallend. He's got all that "book learning" (that you don't have) and society recognizes him as being more qualified, more intelligent than you. And it just absolutely eats you alive. Cool
  14. The options are to few so I took yes, it is cheaper than paying child support for 18 years and he should see that. but I have alway felt that within 3 months of pregnancy the father should have the right to accept or not accept the pregnancy. If the woman chooses to keep the baby and the father chooses not to in the first 3 months the woman is 100% responsible for the baby and the father looses all rights. At what point in the worlds history did this amount of moral ineptitude trump inconvenience? ? I voted he should pay for the abortion and be responsible, but I have problems with the mother not telling the father until after the support payments are ordered or telling the father tough shit on what you want. The female has 100% control after conception and that I feel is wrong. The father needs to have some say on what is going to happen to him and the childs future. It is a situation that few can agree on but both parties share in getting pregnant and both parties should have some control in the options after the pegnancy is started.
  15. The options are to few so I took yes, it is cheaper than paying child support for 18 years and he should see that. but I have alway felt that within 3 months of pregnancy the father should have the right to accept or not accept the pregnancy. If the woman chooses to keep the baby and the father chooses not to in the first 3 months the woman is 100% responsible for the baby and the father looses all rights.
  16. why spend millions on court cases when the liberal court system will just drop the case or find them not guilty because the evidence will never be heard in court. As someone who's been in the business for almost 30 years, I can tell you that Conservative judges way, way, WAY outnumber liberal ones. You really think that if/when exploitative, corporate rapists get a pass in court it's because of liberalism? I realize it doesn't take much ingenuity to get in a cheap (and ignorant) bash that uses the word "liberal", but couldn't you at least fake it a bit? I have been in the court system on both sides and I can tell you that I am completely unimpressed. but the actual things I hear about that really make me sick is when I here of things like the overturning of the vote of the people (like prop whatever in cal), the case in arizona on the imigration law, and the judges that found in favor of Obama care to name a few. These are cases that involved liberal leaning judges making decisions that many would say is not correct along the lines of constitutional law. the big profile cases are the ones that really bother me because they set the standard for all the lower courts decisions.
  17. why spend millions on court cases when the liberal court system will just drop the case or find them not guilty because the evidence will never be heard in court.
  18. Since the bulk of his post was a strawman, SO WHAT? I understand what he is saying, everybody with a job should pay something and everybody without a job should find one even if doesn't pay well. People would vote differently if they were paying something into the system. Illegals would stop coming here if americans took there jobs. The governmnet needs to drop 20% across the board and deeper in other areas like all subsidies for ethonal and oil companies. Making the rich pay more is not the answer nor is it right, they already carry more of the financial burden then they should. The federal gov should reduce handouts until it becomes financially better to have a job. The lower income can put off buying that big screen plasma tv and chrome rims until they have paid there rent utilities and food. If you want to be an American act like it and be a productive part of the country or leave.
  19. maybe Reagan wasn't perfect but you can't argue his acomplishments while in office. While Reagan was in office the unemployment rate dropped by a large amount (over 16 million new jobs), the military was rebuilt, the cold war was ended with a treaty, germany was reunited. I know myself that my pay went from 22k his first year to 54k his last year. Reagan did raise taxes but you don't mind paying a little more when you are making more than double what you used to. was he a perfect president, no he wasn't, but very few can say they were doing worse when he left office and he made the nation feel good about itself. Putting the people at ease is the first step in improoving the country, something that this administration can't or won't do.
  20. Flunking Civics 101 means that you, too, can post REALLY stupid statements regarding how you think the US Judicial system should work. Blithering ignorance IS a curable condidition. there is a difference between constitutional law and case law and many are using case law to decide cases. Case law can be turned to not represent the constition. so look in the mirror at the blithering ignorance.
  21. the judges should judge according to the constitution not make laws based on their interpretation.
  22. I wouldn't be so sure. How about we just make people pay for their care?
  23. the difference here is that the left wants to take your money and disperse it their way, the billionaires want you to make a billion and join them and put the money were YOU want.
  24. No, Kallend can spell, but like most that critisize spelling on this forum can't come up with a good argument to disspell the facts (or thoughts) presented to them so they only thing left is to critisize the spelling. If we had one week that nobody could comment on spelling the left leaners here wouldn't have much to say. Bill, for one week consider spelling comments as personal attacks and erase them and lets see what happens.