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Everything posted by marks2065

  1. sorry but people have been killed and severly hurt by golf clubs and other weapons like them (just ask tigers teeth), this cop had every right to shoot before the criminal got close enough to harm him. the vifeo show him less than 20 feet away and the distance was closing.
  2. I didn't say someone on the radio said that. The show I watched was on one of the network channels and with my credit cards through chase it was chase that said what the reason was. Fox news did an interview with Connie Prater of (neither a leftist info source) It is a fairly balanced discussion and addressed your concerns. Rates went up, but mainly because cards went from fixed to variable rates. All of a sudden, hidden costs were not hidden. you are overlooking many other primary facets. payments pay off the highest int card first. you have 21 days to pay before a late fee. all changes require 45 days notice. stopping "universal default" (that isn't even logical). people with poor credit should get not aggressive marketing. go to and review the pos/neg side of this. I understand what was done but what your not understanding is that the people that had good credit with low interest rates(less than 7%) no anual fees with rewards could offset a small carried balance and pay nothing but the principle, now that doesn't happen because the interest is to high. people that used to pay for needed things (like a new roof or a car repair) could float the balance at little or no charge but now it costs them money.
  3. I didn't say someone on the radio said that. The show I watched was on one of the network channels and with my credit cards through chase it was chase that said what the reason was.
  4. no they are not, those that new the system and had good credit benifited with low rates now they have to pay more. the ones that wouldn't educate themselves and didn't use them responsibly were the ones that got charged the high rates.
  5. the changes I talked about happened because of the passage of the bill not the reason for the bill. since the law didn't take effect until 6 months after passage the card companies raised rates and canceled cards because of the new law because they new they couldn't later. Many people (like me) with good credit and good card rates lost because the time between passing and enacting the law gave the companies time to adjust their situation so they would not loose out. also the rates now are higher for most with good credit because of this law.
  6. Global warming hasn't stopped. The trouble with that name is that morons and charlatans then used local, transient cold spells as fodder for denial. So you think that there is NO WAY that "climate change" is simply a naturally occurring process??? . STRAWMAN - no one has claimed that natural processes don't affect climate. That wasn't my statement, just your way to dodge the question.... How do you know that the current warming/cooling that we are seeing today isn't the Earth's natural process of maintaining a balanced ecosystem? Climate HAS fluctuated due to many different processes over geologic time. Some life has not dealt with those changes as evidenced by the THOUSANDS of fossil species that we have found in the geologic record. Our species damn near went exticnt probably due a huge super volcanic evant. From Wiki Personally I think the climate we have had over the last couple thousand years that has let us get to this stage of development is pretty good for our species. Shitting all over our closed little cage that is our planet will only leave those who can manage to survive in their filthy cage. I myself prefer the cage the way it once was before too many animals started spoiling it for the rest of us. you are welcome to leave this little cage anytime you want
  7. short of hiring, or being, a lawyer, i doubt that 1 out of 50 people actually know what their credit card agreement actually means. second, there were clauses that allowed the change of rates because of events unrelated to the cardholders credit history. you could pay on time and still get an increased rate. you have the idea that the issue lies with irresponsible card use. some of the changes are certainly designed to help that group. however, most of the changes will help all cardholders. a lot of this misinformation, or misdirected focus, was promoted by the card industry to protect their practices. Raising rates to card holders is a help? the only thing that happened to me was I canceled my chase cards becuse of higher rates.
  8. so, your point appears to be that nothing should be done because the whole lending system is not perfect ? most systems are fixed a piece at a time. the "payday advance" part can be next. also, the changes were not specifically for the worst case card users. companies need to disclose their rates. companies should not be able to arbitrarily change rates. being late one time should not change your rate to the max rate. these changes affected everyone. the card industry was primarily forced to abide by written and disclosed practices. every other business works with written agreements that do not change without consent of both parties. Quote No the people should be taught to read and understand the agreement they entered into and use the credit responsibly. the leaders should lead by example and show that they are fiscally responsible by not abusing credit by indebting every person in this country and their children. leading by example is something our government (and many adults) seems to think is not their responsibility.
  9. You are correct in that the card companies were not the problem, the people not controlling their spending is. The federal government has led by a poor example by not living within its means. Living on credit is the example that the leaders of this country have shown and what many people have followed. If the fed, state, and local gov's showed financial responsibility and preached the same that would filter down to the people. Same for parents so the children would have something positive to learn from. Having credit is not bad, not understanding the terms and conditions and using them for instant gratification is. So the problem is with the people. If they cannot understand the terms and get hosed because they bought a 60 inch tv and defaulted on the payment they deserve what they got.
  10. and now, alcohol and gambling are legal. still unsure why prostitution is illegal. we no longer need loan sharks, we have "credit card" companies who charge the same rates. Loan sharking is coming back thanks to new credit card policy passed last year. those that can't get credit cards anymore are using payday loan places that advertise 50 to 500% for cash advances. Thanx Mr president. Please advise, with specifics, how Obama is responsible for this. The credit card reform act made many card companies raise intrest rates and deny credit cards to many, those that could no longer get credit cards becuse they were borderline credit now only have the payday places to get credit and those places are nothing but lone sharks. the story was on abc, cbs or nbc late last year. Chase bank increased interest rates by almost double on most of its cards. Many card companies cancelled cards to people with borderline credit. everyone on the left hailed the reform act that these big companies were evil and needed these regulations forced upon them, they just looked at the regulations and adjusted their policies to still get the income they wanted before the act took effect. The people that were hurt the most were the ones that the bill wanted to protect. The left doesn't seem to understand that they need to look at what the consequences of their action will be.
  11. and now, alcohol and gambling are legal. still unsure why prostitution is illegal. we no longer need loan sharks, we have "credit card" companies who charge the same rates. Loan sharking is coming back thanks to new credit card policy passed last year. those that can't get credit cards anymore are using payday loan places that advertise 50 to 500% for cash advances. Thanx Mr president.
  12. I just like karma, seems to come back when you least expect it
  13. Neither has Loughner. What's your point? Should doubt he was the shooter just because a jury hasn't said so yet? That's a red herring, and unworthy of the bright guy you are. Loughner's case is a slam dunk - lots of eyewitnesses; it's even on videotape. This case is far from that. I've been a trial attorney (criminal and civil; both sides) for over 25 years, and I'm telling you this is a triable case with more than one side of the story. Even loughner deserves his date in court. It is his right. The system isn't perfect and it is the worst in the world, exept for every other system out there. Well, which other democracies, despite overwhelming evidence of numerous false convictions, continue to execute their citizens? most countries ( like russia and china ) just kill them in the streets so they don't get a trial. no false convictions if it doesn't go to trial.
  14. Cap and trade is a conservative creation dating back decades, only demonized by the right since Obama adopted it as policy. Right wing hypocrisy at its best. so the rep's had an idea, thought it out, figured it was a bad idea, and dropped that idea. now the reb's get blasted for that Idea because the other side heavily invested in areas that that bad idea would make millions for them. sounds like typical lefty hypocrosy ro me.
  15. Rahm and his buddy Obama have used this type of tactic to win elections before (getting someone kicked off the ballot on a technacality) nice to see it go against him this time.
  16. With the same result? Cool! Why would you say "Cool" what state needs ruining now? It would sure be nice if more of the "red" states paid their fair share of federal revenues. Right now the "blue" states, on aggregate, are subsidizing the "reds". why don't you place a call to your blue congressman that voted for it to be that way?
  17. Unfortunately with our messed up judicial system she will get a payoff of some kind.
  18. In the first place, the US government does not have the authority to either ban or approve the showing of the film in the US. Second, even the Fox article notes that the film has already been screened in the US. So all you've done is gotten in another gratuitous, yet thoroughly unintelligent, bash. your correct in that the government does not have the authority to ban or allow the showings, that was not my point. reread the post and think a little.
  19. basic rights and rights of a US citizen are 2 different things.
  20. tough position to be in but I would have to side with the officer based on what they usually have to deal with. the problem is the civil courts, they should not be held financially responsible for doing their jobs.
  21. to many politicians have this viewpoint and they make the laws! they should be the first to fall to the laws they break/ make.
  22. Can you point out where the word citizen is used? mnealtx beat me to it read his post
  23. she used the hate word TARGET in the add, wasn't sarah palin told she was the cause of the arizona shooting for words like that?
  24. the constitution does not give rights to foriegners