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Everything posted by marks2065

  1. Thank you for playing? You said nothing of value! You simply made some assumptions and decided to catagorize me with little to no knowledge of my views. How about you actually address what I wrote? You never seem to be able to ever do that... you just insult, assume, and then push your own canned agenda. Useless...... Let me put it to you this way..... just like a family that is struggling with money... sometimes things like cable and a cell phone need to be trimmed. Or maybe that new flat screen or car they wanted to buy... nope shouldn't do it. If only the govt. could see that is how a budget should operate but they cannot bc every guy in DC has an agenda to push and they all want more and more to go towards their projects. Why don't we cut down to the basics? It may be tough for a bit but I'm sure America will make it through. I have a lot more confidence we will make it through that then the road we are currently on which is spending ourselves in to oblivion. Real basic.... if you cannot afford it don't spend the money. Do you understand? amazom doesn't like that because the freeloaders would have to work and earn the money and feed themselves
  2. crush the economy? I need some of the drugs you are taking. Government spending is killing the economy. maybe those that work should keep more and the freeloaders should work a lot more and government should stop spending our money on handouts for the leaches and illegals.
  3. wasn't deffending it, just pointing out that they still get it and we still pay for it
  4. what propaganda? are the new gov employees to handle this working for free? are those making under 40k paying full price for insurance? are the ins co's not paying themselves? does the law make illegals pay for insurance? are the illegals forbiden to get free med care? we have the same people paying for the increase in numbers insured and getting treatment. we have tens of thousands of new government employees and no reduction in actual cost of giving medical treatment. the hard working american again is being robbed to pay the way for a few worthless people and government waste.
  5. Small businesses are exempt, I thought. Correct me if I'm wrong though. ALL business is affected. Simple economics - Employees get paid more or are covered by insurance via emplorers - prices escalate. Employers do not have capital to expand, nor do home owners now, construction buisness goes under . . . pretty simple. I think we should go to a single builder plan; have the government take over the construction industry. Why not; housing is a basic need. That is pretty much what I am expecting next. I have an idea . . why don't we just have the government run EVERYTHING and then we can get a gubment check every week. I'm tired of working to support others - it is time for them to support me. You should stick to what you do best. we still have ins co's taking 10% for overhead, now we have gov taking 10%+(will probably be more than the ins co's because gov employees make about 20% on average) and we have 30 million people getting free health care. what makes you think that the cost to everyone else wouldn't go up at least 20%.
  6. Hey you left out Harry Reid I also forgot Biden, but at least reid and biden you can make jokes about and have a good laugh
  7. you mean the rep congress showed a surplus at the end of Clintons term and the dem congress left a huge deficit at the end of Bush's term. It is congress that writes and passes the budget isn't it?
  8. I think you got it wrong, Obama is a liar and polosi is a crook or maybe Obama is a liar and a crook and polosi is a liar and a crook, yep that's it!
  9. Bunning isn't running for reelection. He's a zillionaire ex-pro athlete and Senator. At this point in his career, he's got nothing to lose, so he's letting his True Asshole show. Why is he doing it? Because he's an asshole, representing not the ordinary Kentuckians who voted him into office, but his fellow assholes who funded his campaigns. why? because he wants to know how it is going to be paid for? maybe if all of the dirtbags in office had this attitude we would not have a national debt.
  10. It's Bunning that speaks with a forked tongue. He had no problem with the deficit cause by all that Iraq war spending and tax cuts he voted for. But when it comes to ordinary Americans, now he's oh-so concerned about the deficit. Kentucky's unemployment rate is 10.7%, its highest since 1983. It's also a big shooting & hunting state. I wonder what kind of reception Bunning will get when he gets back home. the poles in his state say they support him
  11. it is about someone wants to pay for a program, and remember this for a progran to extend benifits to many that are sitting on their asses waiting for the benifit to run out before getting a job.
  12. I'm sure the gov is really worried. So you're going to put yourself out of business to protest the gov moves. That sounds as bright as a hunger strike. why would I be putting myself out of business? I haven't lost any productivity, I do the work instead of the employee. My company doesn't suffer only the employees. I work more hours but that is ok for me just not my employees. My business has been slowed by the economy but it is still productive and profitable. As far as health care goes the increases in any tax on premiums are now on the employee I have put a limit on how much of the health insurance I pay for and the increase in premiums and any tax on the policy will be covered by the employee. What does that mean; what do they do that would cost you? they collect a paycheck and the slower the economy gets the less hours they get and the more I do their jobs lets be clear here, Clinton did not cut taxes, he spent like a drunken fool until the republicans took control of congress and only gave him reasonable bills to sign so if GWB's 1 trillion dollar deficit is bad, what is Obama's 1.5 trillion dollar deficit 2 years in a row?
  13. couldn't vote, you didn't even include the actual topic of the thread as a possibility. What option would you like to see, or is this just a misdirection? how about "just should have let things work themselves out and save billions." I'm so sorry, you must have missed it, it was the first one: Yes, the economy would fix itself as soon as the stimulus has improved it Work themselves out, fix itself; what is the difference? Your word choice was unclear - it makes it sound as if the the stimulus fixed it. Nope, I meant doing nothing would bring improvements as fast as the stimulus has brought improvements. 1) Do nothing 2) Do the stimulus 3) Tax cuts, my friends do nothing and it would have fixed itself quicker. also we would have the increase in debt causeing problems and slowing the recovery. I know myself that I am not buying anthing for my shop and the hours I cut my employees will not return until the situation with the government gets better and the health care issue is dropped. I can easily cover many of the things my employees do and will not commit my money to be spent directly because of the overspending of government(causing tax increases) and the possibility of health care reform (causing an increase in insurance cost and taxes associated with it).
  14. couldn't vote, you didn't even include the actual topic of the thread as a possibility. What option would you like to see, or is this just a misdirection? how about "just should have let things work themselves out and save billions."
  15. couldn't vote, you didn't even include the actual topic of the thread as a possibility.
  16. sorry but skydivers don't leave the dz after having a great jump, they turn on the beer light and party, the girls deserve to do this.
  17. yep you are correct, but everyone was pissed about what they saw happen under the last couple years of Bush and wanted something different and that is what they thought they would get with Obama was something different. What they got was bush on steroids and a far left agenda. I'm not sure I have a whole lot of sympathy for anyone who believes anything a politician says during an election campaign. Politicians lie. All of them. Both parties.
  18. after hearing the side effects I would gladly take the problem that the pill is supposed to cure. Like the one for stop smoking that says suicidal tendancies and sometimes death. isn't why you want to stop smoking is to prolong your life?
  19. all that is being said is that allowing mixed sexes on subs adds many problems, not only the ones that occur regardless of sex but those that are only related to females or the mixing of genders. being on a sub is a little different than a surface ship in that they cannot just transport the problem back to a base. most issues are handled on ship and sometimes require more drastic measures to solve but if you add more problems it makes staying under for 3-6 months at a time more difficult, especially if they are 1-2 months pregnant when deployed and the deployment is 6months long.
  20. that is fine and you are correct, but Obama was elected for what those that voted for him thought he stood for, now we are finding out he lied about things that he said, things that many used to form their opinions to what he believed in. Therefore many voted for him but didn't get what he campaigned on. Obama can have the views and beliefs he wants, but he snowed many that voted for him and that is wrong.
  21. that is why I made the comment in an earlier post about babies. the military doesn't like the soldiers getting pregnant while serving and they probably would not want to deal with the jealousy issue from the partners of those serving in such close quarters.
  22. the question raised here I think is how many associations has he lied about to be able to get elected? and since he is a liar can we trust him to do what is right for the country or will he serve his beliefs even though he says he wants to do what is good for america?
  23. I wouldn't include the auto companies with that elite list of offenders. What's next? Big Pharma. Where I live the pharmacies are now more plentiful and architecturally dominating than the banks. Apparently, to live in America you have to pay a lot of money to take a lot of drugs so you can be just like those happy people on the TV ads. "Side Effects May Include...nausea, vomiting, headaches, heartburn, hair loss, diarrhea, dry mouth, water retention, painful rectal itch, hallucination, dementia, psychosis, coma, death, halitosis, lung cancer, mental retardation, brain tumors, paralyzation, sleep loss, internal bleeding, internal combustion, a sudden craving to sniff your carpet, an addiction to cocaine, heroin, PCP, speed and Windex, bone weakening, claustrophobia, acne, playing Everquest II, regular PMS, making Jesus cry, the inability to use proper english in an online environment, homosexuality, AIDS, an urge to stab your spouse, inability to breathe oxygen, urge to watch the Chinese version of Friends, migraines, diabetes, deafness...same as sugar pill." you forgot my favorite, anal leakage.
  24. Better yet, have the sub manned (womaned?) primarily by women. But some men would be allowed to be assigned to the boat, too. Of course, the men would have to give up their privacy hangups. They can learn to pee and shower with the women or not serve on board. I really don't see a problem with that, when was the last time you heard a guy say " no I don't want to shower with a bunch of chicks?"