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Everything posted by marks2065

  1. If I thought for a second you'd listen, I would. You're telling everyone how bad it was and how everything was all wrong, while at the same time continuing to do the exact same things. 1. STOP SPENDING SO MUCH FUCKING MONEY. There is no money. We were out of money 12 trillion dollars ago. It's just digging the hole that much deeper, and that's not even considering the inflationary consequences. 2. STOP TRYING TO POLICE THE WORLD. Pissing off half the world and then having to defend against the likely results of such actions is a shitty idea. How about just not pissing off everyone in the first place? 3. STOP CREATING MORAL HAZARD THEN TRYING TO REGULATE THE INHERENT PROBLEMS AWAY. Don't pressure banks into giving people mortgages for which they wouldn't otherwise qualify, supply them with cheap, easy credit, and then try to regulate them into not taking advantage of it. The solution? Don't create the situation in the first place, and there's nothing to regulate. That clear enough for you? that would be clear to everyone except the left. #1 I have been saying for a while but no one on the left wants to give up the free stuff they are getting and no one on the right wants to continue paying for the free stuff. # 3 is just common sense but then again we are back to the liberals wanting everyone to have everything and not what they have earned.
  2. Nobody's dying waiting for reinforcements. This isn't the Battle of the Bulge for God's sake. That kind of hyperbole is an insult to the troops, and only serves to weaken morale. People going on like that should be ashamed. more troops are dying in afganistan than at any time previous to Obama, either because of the tactics being used or because of not enough support or both. The time to try and fix the issue is now, not in the spring.
  3. Still looks good compared with 2008. Agreed.... I'm not stating anything just giving the information. I will say now though that jumping the gun on this "recovery" is not such a good idea. There is a lot of bad still coming our way. And alot more bad being created by the government You are entitled to your opinion, but recall that the worst economic fiasco in recent history started under the Bush administration who for months were in denial that there was a problem at all. The Bush administration then initiated the costly bailouts. wrong, the housing bubble (giving loans to people that did not deserve them) was started under carter and continued under clinton and blew up while bush was in office and the democrats (and some reb's) wrote the massive spending bills the last 3 years. I guess you still have not undewrstood what has been posted the last year. I have read and understood and I don't have a degree, maybe degrees make people less smart? Either way Kall and Mark the "costly" spending has been kicked in to over drive. I think we can all agree on that even if you think it is necessary Kall it still is fact that the spending happening at a much faster pace. Even out pacing that devil Bush. That is why I keep saying that gov spending needs to be cut by 20%(20 percent from what Bush was spending). nobody wants the programs that may affect them to be cut but we have no choice. Government is larger than the american people can support and unless we reduce gov spending and pay down the debt we will end up like the countries in south america and the middle east.
  4. that post had nothing about dem or rep. it said local and state government, and I am sure it had a couple rep's in there, mostly dem though.
  5. so between now and spring time we should just let the soldiers die waiting for reinforcements? If sending more troops is the answer then shouldn't they already be on the way, if changing the tactics is the correct action shouldn't it be done now? Do you even have a clue of what you are yacking about???? do you understand english? guess not your liberalism has made you unable to understand common sense
  6. And those leeves were determind to not be safe in a cat3 of larger huricane, and the money sent to the state to do further studies was missplaced and missused by the local and state government
  7. Still looks good compared with 2008. Agreed.... I'm not stating anything just giving the information. I will say now though that jumping the gun on this "recovery" is not such a good idea. There is a lot of bad still coming our way. And alot more bad being created by the government You are entitled to your opinion, but recall that the worst economic fiasco in recent history started under the Bush administration who for months were in denial that there was a problem at all. The Bush administration then initiated the costly bailouts. wrong, the housing bubble (giving loans to people that did not deserve them) was started under carter and continued under clinton and blew up while bush was in office and the democrats (and some reb's) wrote the massive spending bills the last 3 years. I guess you still have not undewrstood what has been posted the last year. I have read and understood and I don't have a degree, maybe degrees make people less smart?
  8. so between now and spring time we should just let the soldiers die waiting for reinforcements? If sending more troops is the answer then shouldn't they already be on the way, if changing the tactics is the correct action shouldn't it be done now?
  9. correct, but lives lost and damage done could have been greatly reduced by correct actions of the local and state governments before the huricane arrived, by the time it got to the federal government it was to late the damage was done. Still all the blame keeps falling on Bush and not those responsible for the actual descisions made that caused the exrended loss of life and damage.
  10. Facile analysis. Old people always have more costly health care, and the population of old people is growing fast. Makes sense. Still trying to understand how spending 800+ billion will save money. It won't save money or make health care cheaper. the only thing that may help reduce cost is if they implement a standard code for filing. everything else will cause an increase in health care cost. these costs will be paid by those that pay the most taxes and have good insurance already.
  11. Still looks good compared with 2008. Agreed.... I'm not stating anything just giving the information. I will say now though that jumping the gun on this "recovery" is not such a good idea. There is a lot of bad still coming our way. And alot more bad being created by the government
  12. I agree, government should be as small as possible, handle only the things that connot be handled in the public sector.
  13. No, don't understand. You had the sheer, unmitigated GALL to say something that did NOT lay the blame for all the world's ills at the feet of BOOOOOOSH and the Republicans. Because of that, you are a RW hater and you spread RW hate. Don't worry - you get used to hearing it over and over and over and over.... In what kind of fantasy land do you really think that I would really believe that Bush created a hurricane.. get a fucking grip already Yall are having some strange ass hallucinations these days I think his administratioons response was criminal and half assed compared to the help that the REPUBLICAN state right next door got.. He and his ilk played politics with the lives of the people of NO and a hell of a lot of them died.. but in Halley Barbours C of CC land and George Bush's world that is ok... most of them were just dumb negros who were unfortunate enough to live in a democratic state and a democratic district. In your world I guess they deserved to be punished for that. That is the hate I am talking about Mark, Brent and Mike.. shame on you. Hate? check your spewing meter, I think you broke yours
  14. Amazon is not interested in what actually happened, only blaming people she feels are responsible for what happened.
  15. I agree with you. I think Glenn Beck is shouting "FIRE!" in a crowded theater. If you were in the theater and it was on fire would you not want someone to tell you that it was on fire? You'd want somebody with a voice of authority directing people to calmly leave the theater in an orderly fashion; not start a panic. Maybe nobody was listening and more direct aproach is needed.
  16. government spending needs to go down 20%, if they can take more from somewere else fine, but government spending needs to go down 20%.
  17. I agree with you. I think Glenn Beck is shouting "FIRE!" in a crowded theater. If you were in the theater and it was on fire would you not want someone to tell you that it was on fire?
  18. yep that is what the democrats want everyone to see. It is hard these days to get any polition to stand up and say "I fucked up" they just blame the first person from the other party. Bush did not squander the money meant to study or fix the leavy system, did not tell the people and the fed gov that everything was ok, he didn't even create the hurricane ( although Amazon and Kallend may think he did). He did move the national guard and army with supplies and relief into the area within days of the disaster. even though it is very hard to get to a dissaster area when power lines are down, trees and building cover the roads, and airports are not usable, and the local people are looting and fighting amongst themselves and even shooting at those that came to help them. Was there mistakes ? yes there were but it was not Bush's fault that the state handled their funds poorly, didnot evacuate properly and poorly organized any chance of relief getting to the people sooner.
  19. marks2065

    60 votes

    Kallend put something up a while ago about health care in that declaration of human rights but I never read anything obout having someone else pay for that health care. What I thought was kinda funny was artricle 20 #2 Article 20. •(1) Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association. •(2) No one may be compelled to belong to an association. all those lefties out there crying about how we should be looking at this for making health care mandatory and defending the unions at the same time in other threads when it clearly states that nobody may be made to belong to an association. so I guess if we are looking to this declaration of human rights for guidence anyone that has to pay union dues but doesn't want to be in the union can just stop paying that dues.
  20. I say we cut gov spending by 20% this year and another 20% next year and keep doing it until the debt is paid in full. that means every program of government. Government spent the money they can repay it just like we do when we run up a credit card. I can't wait for the liberals to start balking about "what group of people you willing to starve or put out in the cold to do this".
  21. marks2065

    60 votes

    Says who? The US Constitution? Mother Nature? You're daft. It's a self-evident truth. It's covered in the ninth amendment. It's also covered in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which the US has agreed to. I think it says you have the right to health care, doesn't say anything about someone else paying for it.
  22. and now it is the Obama recession. several million jobs lost under Obama even after he wasted 500 billion of our money
  23. no I understand that people are lazy and don't want to work. What I don't un derstand is how you keep defending the lazy people that won't work. Try harder to understand the dynamics of employment, since it's clear that you don't right now. It easy, go look for a job, find one and go to work. If the job you got is not a good one keep looking for another while you are working at the not so good job. Try landscaping, flipping burgers, janitorial work. the work is out there and the determined people will find a job. the lazy will sit on the couch and collect unemployment and welfare. NO, MARK, the data show quite conclusively that thanks to the Bush Recession, the work is NOT out there. I say bullshit. jobs are out there to many that try. the more people that take the jobs that are out there the more they spend and that increases jobs were they spend their money. aren't tired of paying for and making excuses for the lazy system sucking don't want to work crowd?
  24. no I understand that people are lazy and don't want to work. What I don't un derstand is how you keep defending the lazy people that won't work. Try harder to understand the dynamics of employment, since it's clear that you don't right now. It easy, go look for a job, find one and go to work. If the job you got is not a good one keep looking for another while you are working at the not so good job. Try landscaping, flipping burgers, janitorial work. the work is out there and the determined people will find a job. the lazy will sit on the couch and collect unemployment and welfare.
  25. no I understand that people are lazy and don't want to work. What I don't un derstand is how you keep defending the lazy people that won't work.