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Everything posted by marks2065

  1. If I understand what you wrote, the credits are for producing wind energy not building the turbine itself. So you could buy one made overseas and assemble it here and get the credits. how about we double the credits if the turbine was made here in the US, or a reduction in tax to the company that builds them here in the US.
  2. Renewable energy, maybe. China is now the largest manufacturer/installer of wind turbines. Another technology we are giving up. maybe the government should do something to promote them getting built here?
  3. " What part of "management" is it that really gives you such a hard on time. Probably the part where the "management" tells the striking union workers to get back to work and they laugh in his face. If the manager was worth his or her "compensation package" that wouldn't happen. Don't blame unions for incompetent execs. Unions didn't force GM to make cars no-one wanted. Unions didn't force AIG to make absurd financial decisions. Unions didn't force Moodys to give AAA ratings to junk. Management did that all by itself, and the rest of us are paying the price. unions did cause workers to get compensation for hours they didn't work and benifits that were way to much causing the labor end to greatly increase the cost of operating the business over what is being paid overseas. Unions can't CAUSE company management to do anything. Management can AGREE to accept union requests, or management can reject. so unions don't strike? don't threaten? don't have work slowdowns? don't make management weigh the costs of not agreeing to union demands with the actions of the union codting the business money?
  4. " What part of "management" is it that really gives you such a hard on time. Probably the part where the "management" tells the striking union workers to get back to work and they laugh in his face. If the manager was worth his or her "compensation package" that wouldn't happen. Don't blame unions for incompetent execs. Unions didn't force GM to make cars no-one wanted. Unions didn't force AIG to make absurd financial decisions. Unions didn't force Moodys to give AAA ratings to junk. Management did that all by itself, and the rest of us are paying the price. unions did cause workers to get compensation for hours they didn't work and benifits that were way to much causing the labor end to greatly increase the cost of operating the business over what is being paid overseas.
  5. and you expected anything less? Lying and spending money has always been the way in washington, but now the left has increased both exponentially. No I didn't expect anything less but I'm pissed at America for not holding them accountable for this. If I was a Democrat, I would be pissed at Pelosi. This is a Representative Republic, not a Dictatorship this is why I am really upset, the rep's hardly listen to the people, the dem's are saying shut up we know better than you. either way we need to get rid of most of congress and start over. Government has screwed up almost everything they touched and need to step back and let us take care of ourselves. We may mess up but we fix our problems faster and cheaper than any government program ever has.
  6. and you expected anything less? Lying and spending money has always been the way in washington, but now the left has increased both exponentially.
  7. you are correct that it is not the currant administration that is at fault, it is the left leaning teachers and school boards that are to blame. maybe if they spent the time teaching kids what they need instead of a new praise Obama song our kids would be able to read and add when they graduate high school.
  8. the government needs stop this spending because what you said is going to happen just like it did in the past. Our kids will have a much harder life because of the debt we are leaving them. The only thing I can see making all this spending look positive is if we do have huge inflation, then the debt won't look as large.
  9. I always laugh whenever I read a childish, gratuitous bash like this. I think: "Great! - that's one more swing-voting moderate who will vote Democrat when he reads this." I would guess that your assumption would be wrong after seeing the elections this week.
  10. finally something I agree with, although we could have just done without the stimulus.
  11. sounds good to me, but that would leave out at least half of congress also. who was that democrat that said "why read the bill? I would need a lawyer to help me understand it." How about we just put the bill into understandable langauge and have the entire congress understand it before they can vote on it?
  12. what? I guess you can't see that the government will controll our health care and how we conduct ouselves according to what they feel is good for us. The entire democrat health care bill does not address cost of health care at all. It adresses government control of the health care system and control of us by trying to regulate how we take care of ourselves(like what we eat) by putting many regulations on everything they feel is unhealthy. They put this into a bill so large and confusing that nobody can understand it. Congress can not even understand it. This bill will give health care to illegals, pay for abortions, increase health care costs to most people, and give the government the right to choose for you. As I said " liberals wouldn't understand because they don't understand personal freedoms"
  13. That is like saying I only lost 10k last month instead of the 20k I lost the month before. stupid people think this way. when the new jobs found are larger than the lost jobs is when things start getting better. But the left is so desperate that they will spin anything to try and make themselves look good. Like Polosi saying the 23rd election in newe york was a victory that was huge because a rep held that seat since the civil war, wrong on everything. 4 dems have held that seat since 1950. the dem almost got beat by an independant. the only thing they got right was the rep that was running was an idiot.
  14. 1) post a link 2) is there a point? only one that the liberals wouldn't understand because they don't understand personal freedoms.
  15. Did the letters you wrote have your thoughts or the agenda of the teacher? If they were your thoughts there is no problem, if the teacher told you what to put on the letter then there is a big problem. winfield il 4th grade teacher had the kids all copy the chaulk board, bad idea.
  16. speaking of the dog, wouldn't it be nice if Obama would take as much time working on reading the health care bill or talking to his general in afganistan as he took to decide the dog they would get.
  17. leave the girls out of it they need to grow up without being attacked. but it is funny how Obama gets rid of the school voucher program but wont send his own kids to the schools he is making others send theirs to.
  18. the first 2 i cannot say, the next 4 all did something(maybe not what we would like or agree with). color is not an issue. the left is using color to try to get people to like the policies, sorry but the race card is used up.
  19. Shoots....scores. It's very awkward to watch conservatives show their gross dislike for Dems, yet try to sound realy civilized and diginified while denograting a man's wife, kids and whomever. If that is how you understood the post then you are the one that needs help.
  20. No I am attacking the first lady because she is on a free ride for life on the taxpayer dollar. and I don't like her politics of her radical friends. If she wants to spend our money on staff WE should get something in return. By constantly spinning peoples words only makes your side look desperate to protect you Ideals, but if they were good ideals you wouldn't need to spin people words because they would stand on the own.
  21. Well for starters she is receiving free room and board for life, free health care for life, all the parties she wants while in the white house, servents to take care of every little need. Along with a couple book deals for after her stay in the white house for a few million dollars she will never have to work again. I don't know but 270k a year seems kinda small now. Also I do not hate the Obama's I extreemly don't agree with their agenda nor do I like their radical friends. I feel they are wrong in their Ideas and they are wasting our money and our future.
  22. That is correct what I said. She has the biggest most espensive staff in history of first Lady's. what are we getting for it? If she wants to do nothing fine, get rid of the staff.
  23. Given up? Are you still able to have an independant thought? She gave up a job to be financialy taken care of and protect by body guards for the rest of her life! she knew what it meant to be first Lady. she gave up nothing. She is like so many of the people in the US today, supported by the taxpayers with no intention of ever carrying her wait ever again.
  24. Tell me your joking. Virtually all of the 12T debt is as a result of the Republicans. Reagan inherited 900B, it took GHWB and Clinton until 5.5T to stop it. Then your boy cranked it up to 11.3T with a smashed economy, neccessitating all kimds of stimulus to try to flip it. Please, oh please tell me how the Dems are doing it. Quotethe dem's wrote and passed all the bills that have gone through congress in the last 3 years, any and all spending in that time has been ok with them. Any and all debts that we have now because of those bills are as much the dem's fault as the rep's fault. most of the last 1.3 trillion was handed out by Obama or passed and handed out by Obama. Obama and the dems have spent money faster than any party ever in the history of this country.
  25. I don't think it is needed for Mrs Obama to do anything, but since she does have the largest staff (and most expensive) of any first lady we should get something in return or she can get rid of her staff. If she is on the payroll she should be doing something for what we have invested. The Obama's have shown they can spend a ton of money with very little (if anything) in return. The first family, and many democrats, are very good at spending our money and if it continues they will see how the American people react by getting voted out in the next few elections.