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Everything posted by marks2065

  1. the newest bill does nothing to reduce medical costs, they have not opened the state boarders for compitition, nor touched tort reform. The bill increases the financial responsibility of the insurance companies by removing caps and making them insure the high risk people. This will cause the premiums to increase. Then we get the tax increase from the government to cover the rest. the currant rates are bad enough. This anual renewall I had to reduce coverage of my group policy due to increases in the premiums, if the increases go up even more, I receive a tax increase to cover the 40 million, and they put up to a 40% tax on the policy, my choices will be limited to eliminating the benifit and let the employee fend for himself. I understand that the currant situation is not great, but is definately better then what would happen if the senate finance bill passes.
  2. sorry, but when the tax increases start and the benifits decrease to the working class, the majority of those affected will change their vote to rep or ind and the dem party will loose. This is something that the rep party just needs to be patient with because the dem's are cutting their own throats. The problem isn't that the rep or ind won't win back some seats in congress, the problem is how to fix the mess the dem's are creating and how to pay for their incompetence.
  3. nobody should keep the money they robbed from a company that should be paying that companies bills. It is not the government taking the money and giving it to someone else because they don't deserve to have that much money. Anyone that earns the money without defrauding others deserves to have as much as they can make, but everyone is responsible to pay the bills they created and not leave others holding the debt that was caused by a carelees individual. What the left wants is to take the honest peoples money and redistribute as they see fit and that is wrong. Those that don't earn shouldn't receive handouts, they should be given a task and then paid for that task so they can pay their own bills. Even those on welfare should be given something to do and then when the task is done then they receive the pay for the job.
  4. sorry, I am not very good with computers, but instead of helping,they kept critisizing, thanx for the explanation.
  5. . So you want the government to strip people of their money if they become "too rich" without doing something you consider deserving? I see you're well on your way to becoming a socialist.
  6. they were invented for the very reason of protecting and isolating the owners, CEOs and pretty much everyone else.from that 'personal responsibility' that you advocate. You cannot make the corporations more personally responsible without removing the function of the 'corporation'
  7. That's pretty funny logic. So if you own any stock - which makes you an owner of the part of the company - you think it's fine to have your wealth taken to cover the bad choice the company made? Or it's ok just to take someone else's wealth, but not yours?
  8. I guess the liberals are stumped, no stupid reply yet to the facts of the health care bill. do you think they are out of one liners to criticize the right? This health care bill will cost so much that it will reduce jobs and insurance benifits for alot of americans. I have already told my employess that if this bill passes and raises the costs to me they will see a reduction in health care coverage or even a total elimination of the coverage I buy for them. My commitment is to my keeping my shop running, not to their health care. I cannot afford up to 40% tax on my health care or theirs so health care will go and they will need to fend for themselves.Quote
  9. QuoteIsn't it very dissapointing when you have all the left making fun of something that is really happening that has cost the americans billions. Instead of using the thread to have a serious discussion of what is wrong and maybe offering ideas on how to fix the overspending in washington they ridicule the entire thread. that is how I am seeing the left more and more. When the dem's were in the minority they used every avenue at their disposal to try and further their agenda, but now at every possible time they ridicule every oposing idea. I guess since the ideas they want to impose on us have no ability to stand on their own merrits they only have ridicule left to try to influence others. those that actually have desire, ambition, and the will to take care of themselves and not let the government take what they worked hard for and give it to the lazy are called selfish. The left is all about taking from those that work hard and giving to those that don't. ridicule that you see in the above posts is just another way the left shows that they are weak minded and their agenda is even weaker.
  10. >well I think that holds true only if the liberals shut up and go away. Indeed. Fortunately, us liberals support the constitution over mob rule. (Which, BTW, has almost nothing to do with this issue.) QuoteYes it does, the school wants to be for uniform dress in the yearbook were everybody looks good and propper. I do believe she has the right to put on a tux for the yearbook but it is not my yearbook. The students and faculty should decide what is in the yearbook and everyone needs to comply with what is voted for. that is what a democracy is all about. the liberals that want to sue over this are actually taking away the rights of the rest of the school to have their yearbook be presented the way they want. It would be like them coming to my shop and telling me what my employees can wear. they can stipulate things concerned with safety and within the guidelines of the law, but not that an employee can wear something just because they are gay, trans or whatever. If the school decides that she wears a dress for code and that is what the majority wants and it is within the guidelines of the law then she can wear a dress or not be in the yearbook.
  11. After reading an email I received I thought how true. why is goverment even running anything? the government increases the cost for everything they put their fingers in. why cant government just over see and regulate? I don't know how true the actual numbers are but I don't think that is important. this is the email, Government and how the Government works! Once upon a time the government had a vast scrap yard in the middle of a desert. Congress said, "Someone may steal from it at night." So they created a night watchman position and hired a person for the job. Then Congress said, "How does the watchman do his job without instruction?" So they created a planning department and hired two people, one person to write the instructions, and one person to do time studies. Then Congress said, "How will we know the night watchman is doing the tasks correctly?" So they created a Quality Control department and hired two people, one to do the studies and one to write the reports. Then Congress said, "How are these people going to get paid?" So they created the following positions, a time keeper, and a payroll officer, then hired two people. Then Congress said, "Who will be accountable for all of these people?" So they created an administrative section and hired three people, an Administrative Officer, Assistant Administrative Officer, and a Legal Secretary. Then Congress said, "We have had this command in operation for one Year and we are $18,000 over budget, we must cutback overall cost." So they laid off the night watchman. NOW slowly, let it sink in. Quietly, we go like sheep to slaughter. Does anybody remember the reason given for the establishment of the DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY.... during the Carter Administration? Anybody? Anything? No? Didn't think so! Bottom line: We've spent several hundred billion dollars in support of an agency...the reason for which not one person who reads this can remember! Ready?? It was very simple...and at the time, everybody thought it very appropriate. The Department of Energy was instituted on 8-04-1977, TO LESSEN OUR DEPENDENCE ON FOREIGN OIL. Hey, pretty efficient, huh??? AND NOW IT'S 2009 -- 32 YEARS LATER -- AND THE BUDGET FOR THIS "NECESSARY" DEPARTMENT IS COSTING $24.2 BILLION A YEAR. THEY HAVE 16,000 FEDERAL EMPLOYEES AND APPROXIMATELY 100,000 CONTRACT EMPLOYEES; AND LOOK AT THE JOB THEY HAVE DONE! THIS IS WHERE YOU SLAP YOUR FOREHEAD AND SAY, "WHAT WERE WE THINKING?" Ah, yes -- good ole bureaucracy. AND, NOW, WE ARE GOING TO TURN THE BANKING SYSTEM, HEALTH CARE, AND THE AUTO INDUSTRY OVER TO THE GOVERNMENT? HELLOOO! IS Anybody Home?
  12. Quotethis is a democacy, let the students and faculty vote. cannot argue with a majority in a democracy. well I think that holds true only if the liberals shut up and go away.
  13. This is (or used to be) a free country, he can believe anything he wants, but I don't think his beliefs can, or should, be a factor in this situation.
  14. User fees to subsidize airlines like yours that can't manage their own affairs are another issue entirely.
  15. What ever happened to her? I have no idea
  16. Baucus is a real lib, right, and he isn't supporting apublic oiption. You ought to realize when you have a champ in your corner.
  17. It was a SCHOOL BOARD policy, nothing to do with teachers. School boards are made up of members of the community like you.
  18. Gee.... that sounds like a perfectly normal American boy to me. Shame on the school board if they made this child feel that what he did was horrific or if he now condemns himself with shame.
  19. Chase, IMO, is the worst. My wife and I had 4 chase cards 2with zero balance and 2 with 5k balance. so that is 4 cards with 30k limit and 5k balance(most of the balance is for her business to purchace supplies). Chase doubled the rates on all 4 cards. there answer was because of the new laws enacted from government. we canceled all 4 cards and locked the lower interest rate. My wife and I have an excellent credit score and have never missed a payment. We have 3 other credit cards that have lowered the rates in the last 3 months. My prime lock card from capital one last month was 3.25% with 1% cash back for food and gas. The help the government said they were going to get the people is only hurting those that do things right and pay their bills. the increase in rates is to offset the restrictions government is putting on them and those that are going to suffer are the ones that pay their bills and are responsible. Thank you washington! Any one still want government to fix health care? only if you are stupid!
  20. The vast majority of illegal immigrants are in the lowest two income quintiles which -6.6 and -1.8% average income tax rates when people file and take advantage of their refundable tax credits. Poor people don't pay income tax.
  21. It's their million bucks, they can spend it how they want. Where did all the libertarians go?