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Everything posted by marks2065

  1. so it took over a week for cnn to put the story on. I guess they couldn't miss the news for to long esp with the ratings they have. The ratings will hopefully, in time, bring them back to reality.
  2. Just like you and a lot of others swallowed Obama's. You STILL haven't told us where HR3200 contains provisions to provide benefits for illegal aliens.
  3. Kallend and most of the ones that bitch about spelling and ridicule our Ideas and thoughts because of poor spelling are just making themselves look stupid. An idea or thought is not more or less important because of spelling. Kallend most likely could not do my job but I don't ridicule him because he can't do it. My job does not consist of writing letters or papers that need to be acurate in spelling, but his does. but that doesn't make me any more or less than Kallend, only that he spells better. Bitching about spelling is only another liberal way to try to minimize other people and make themselves feel better. I guess if the positions they represented were strong enough they wouldn't need diversions like the spelling thing to try to minimize other people to make their positions look stronger.
  4. I guess you can't think clearly clouded by stupid lefty thinking. It wasn't the tax cuts that caused the deficit, it was the overspending by the government. Both sides have overspent but the left has some afterburners added to the check book.
  5. More ignorant right wing bullshit from old relaible. ACORN is a much better organization than anything the righties have to offer. Why do you hate the USA so much? Quotethe question here is why do you hate the US so much that you would allow groups like Acorn to waste our money especially at a time when we as a country are broke?
  6. Because the dem's are spending money at a rate that will bankrupt us and we are trying to find ways to slow it down. By eliminating illegals from helth care we save billions.
  7. some peopel just don't look at the facts. Clinton didn't become financially responsible until the rep's got control of congress. when the dem's had control of congress the first 2 years of Clinton's term the spending was out of control, and that is when the deficit grew under Clinton.
  8. If a social studies teacher wanted to teach their class who the current president was, would you pull your child out of that class to avoid "the government" (i.e. a government-paid teacher) requiring children to "listen to politics?" QuoteIf the teacher had a balance of right and left in what they taught and let the individual decide i would have no problem. but if they said that this president is doing so many good things and that presidents policies are wrong I would have a deffinate problem. that is the problem i have with teachers, more so now than when I was in school. The school district that my step daughter attends last may made all the kids write a letter to the president using the words of the teacher on a subject that my wife and I see differently on. since when did the schools or the teachers political veiws become part of the childrens eduacation. the teacher actually got upset when the letter was rewrote to our families views. the subject was on the voucher program. the letter actually said that it wasn't fair to have a voucher program because it made some kids upset because they could get the same eduacation. And it wasn't fair to discriminate for those that are less fortunate. so to this subject about Obama speaking to grade school kids and them having an assignment to write a letter about how they could help Obama really pisses me off. I know that the subject matter has been changed but it was there to start and I don't trust the liar Obama nor the politically prejudice school to not turn this into a left leaning political format to promote Ideoligy that is not our families.
  9. Obama and biden = big fucking joke = failure = we will all be broke soon. what a waste of our money !
  10. Now to sour the sentiment for most here - It is my opinion that the right leaning populace always took better care of their children anyway. +1
  11. [At least you are honest. It is all about YOU and YOUR money. You don't care to participate in contributing toward the greater good of this country. Not even close. You are consumed with greed and don't really care at all about the rest of your fellow citizens. Thanks for your honesty. I an truly sorry that your attitude is so common these days.
  12. edited to add, If Obama had earned trust and was going to talk about the needs of education I would have no problem, But he has lied to many times and has proven himself untrustworthy. The origonal script was political and agenda pushing then got changed. Why should I believe or trust a prooven liar to not wiggle his origonal agenda into the speech somehow? therefore kids in my house will not attend.
  13. It's YOUR thinking that is backwards. You will NEVER get rid of illegal immigrants as long as the conditions here are better than conditions wherever they come from. The only reason they are hired here is because they are willing to work for almost nothing and the government and law enforcement turn a blind eye. If the government actually enforced the already existing laws and forced employers to pay legal wages, they would be ZERO incentive to hire illegals, hence no jobs for them and they would have no reason or ability to stay. It's all well and good to just say "kick them out" but with 20 million people, that's just not physically feasible or politically smart. Remove the incentive by focusing on the one thing you CAN control. Legal business owners paying only legal wages will certainly reduce the amount of illegal immigrants.
  14. And no, it doesn't work that way. There will ALWAYS be some group willing to work for illegally low wages. The only way to stop it is to actually enforce the minimum wage laws that are already in place to prevent exactly this sort of thing.
  15. Still havent figured out the reply system yet eh? Stop putting words into my mouth. What needs to happen is employers need to be forced to pay competitive (and legal) wages. If they did, Americans would take the jobs, there wouldn't be any reason for illegal immigration, and the problem would be solved without your gestapo 1943 mentality
  16. My experience with international travel (caribean and south america) is that you only need your passport when getting off the plane to clear customs. getting on the plane only needs an ID.
  17. It didn't say it doesn't harm your lungs it actually said it does harm your lungs. It also said that it stops malignancy.
  18. the problem is not the laws but the countless number of ways to delay or stop any law enforcement agency from enforcing the laws. The bleeding hearts and lawyers have got the entire system so full of loop hloes and red tape that they cannot function. they reform needs to start by getting lawyers out of the mix. boy doesn't that sound familiar, that would probably help fix a large percentage of the health care system.