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Everything posted by marks2065

  1. it was bad under the rep control and i'm sure it has gotten much worse since jan. conducting an invetigation might actually mean some one would have to be accountable for something.
  2. Quoteafter 6 months? why? social securoty was for hard working americans not dead beats. and now the illegal problem may get
  3. Quotewhat crap? illegals can get soso security after only a breif stint at work. I personally know one that has been here for 10years( got some kind of amnisty crap paper work several years ago) and collects $100 less a month than my mom and uses the health care system for free. Giving these people a free ride and letting someone that has lived here an entire life and paid for the program the shaft is really a low blow to legal hard working americans.
  4. the dem's are the ones spending the money and running up the debt. Maybe Obama needs to look in the mirror and make some drastic changes to himself and his spending.
  5. Ok... yes, everyone realizes the danger. So, once again, what was the point of closing Gitmo? Why do they want to bring them to the US and warehouse them forever? If they escape in Cuba, that seems like less of a problem. Also, the Marines are guarding them there. Plus, if they are kept in the US, what about the other issues? Information exchange with other prisoners? Discussions with lawyers are priviledged communications. Wanna bet that there are Jihadist lawyers? Planning done from inside our borders. He has consistently been against the Bush policy of military courts. What is the Obama alternative when dealing with secret documents and testimony?
  6. Then I'd like to hear him say these magic words; "I was wrong before." The chance of that happening? Zero.
  7. that will change i think. what i think is dangerous is the flip flop accusations. its something done mostly by the right and if i recall correctly, started with john kerry. i think it was justified in that instance, but since then we have taken to calling everyone who changes their mind a flip-flopper. reguardless of who is doing it to who, the problem with it is that politicians are just going to dig their heals in and be unwilling to change their minds on anything. we need those guys to be able to change their minds as cercunstances change or more information becomes available. we have a guy in the white house who those on the right have vast differences with. now he makes a decision that we agree with and he still can't get credit for it? not good.
  8. Sounds like a great idea for at least a 3rd DUI conviction and so on. People who continue to drink and drive after the first or second conviction will never learn their lesson, until drastic measures are taken. If it's a prized Porsche or BMW, too bad. JMHO
  9. i see it a little bit differently. of course to say that politics isn't playing a roll here would be foolish, but i think there is a much larger factor. i think that as he is coming to terms with the massive resposibility he has on his shoulders to keep america safe as well as his resposibility to our troops. he's gathering information and trying to make the best decisions. he knows things now that he didn't know when he was on the campaign trail and i don't think the flip-flop label is fair.
  10. The FACT (from many studies quoted by Marg) that torture is ineffective and has a tendency to produce "bad intel" is irrelevant to you, then? You DO realize that the techniques we use in SERE training were designed to get FALSE confessions (propaganda) from our people during the cold war, right? Hi kallend! Been kind of quiet lately. Are you busy?
  11. Yeah, we're seeing a lot of that from Obama. It's very entertaining, because the liberals elected him to change the way things were done by Bush, and now he keeps retaining things the way Bush did them. So all his promises of "change" ring hollow. And the liberal supporters don't know what to do with themselves, because he's violating the promises they relied upon to vote for him. But at the same time, they don't dare criticize their golden boy. And their silence implies their agreement with his Bush-style policies, which they previously deemed evil. The irony of all this is just hilarious. The Obamites are going to need psychological counseling to sort out all the confusion. I've attached the new symbol of the Obama administration, below. (You liberals may now proceed to accuse me of being a racist for using the term "golden boy".)
  12. He was voted by a majority to be leader, that is a fact you don't seem to fathom. he has den great things already. Keeping america safe is not done by invading countries using lies as scare tactics to gain support, keeping america safe is done by gaining the respect of fellow countries and respecting differences. bt you don't sell too many guns that way though do you!