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Everything posted by marks2065

  1. although i think some of the people in the system should be let out due to stupid nonviolent situations, letting them out know would possibly be a dissaster. what do 50,000 criminals do when let out jail with no money and an unemployment rate that is soring?
  2. in order to keep sending billions over seas to help every country in the world we must first be able to take care of ourselves. we must first put americans back to work to generate income, that will then generate tax income then we can once again help others. A person is no good to anyone unless they have first put themselves in a position to give help by making sure they have the resources to help. I have no problem with some of the bailout bill, just the pork in it and Obama lying about the pork. the bill would create the same amount of jobs with half the spending. 210k per job created by the bill, there has got to be alot of pork. most people I know would love to make 35-50k a year especially those on unemployment.
  3. You mean the same McCain that's currently trying to remove a "Buy American" clause from the bill? What kinda commie is he?! Blues, Dave i could be wrong, but the guy that said we needed to remove the buy american clause from the bill was tall, skinny and black. Mccain is short hunched over and white. I think you are right. Asked about Buy American on Tuesday, President Barack Obama told Fox News that "we can't send a protectionist message." He said on ABC News that he doesn't want anything in the stimulus bill that is "going to trigger a trade war." that's right screw th US workers so not to piss off a couple foriegners.
  4. You mean the same McCain that's currently trying to remove a "Buy American" clause from the bill? What kinda commie is he?! Blues, Dave i could be wrong, but the guy that said we needed to remove the buy american clause from the bill was tall, skinny and black. Mccain is short hunched over and white.
  5. were is the liberal loving media now? a few months back they filled the air waves with shit about how Palin was vetted and now when the new apointed god of the nation does the same we see nothing about it on the liberal news nor any voices from the left. I guess fair play doen't work in when the left is invloved. The difference is in the admitting you screwed up part. The Republicans kept saying that they knew exactly what they were getting with Palin. As she kept screwing up, that seemed less and less likely. That was the story. who cares about admitting? the issue is they aren't any better. instead of reporting the about the real issues the left media was stuck on Obama the great and how bad the rep party was. Fair play deems they do the same when Obama does the same but I guess their bias won't let them.
  6. i have never listened to Rush, I do listen to or watch several news stations, and the only ones i find that actually go into detail about what is going on is stations like fox. Cnn and the others are so in love with Obama that they can't seem to actually report what is actually happening, only what is on the surface. Maybe it is my timing on when I watch but i don't think so.
  7. were is the liberal loving media now? a few months back they filled the air waves with shit about how Palin was vetted and now when the new apointed god of the nation does the same we see nothing about it on the liberal news nor any voices from the left. I guess fair play doen't work in when the left is invloved.
  8. DUUUUUUUDE.. I guess you have not been following along.. it seems the rePUBICans did a pretty good job of that ALL by themselves... with alot of help from the dem side. your short term memory must be fading. stop taking all those drugs, it really fucks with the brain. if i remember rightly the dems controled congress for the last 2 years and could have block almost anything they wanted, but they didn't. they did also vote for the war in Iraq. this IS a 2 party fuck up and Obama is trying to continue making it look like that.
  9. Must be why he's nominated two Republicans to his cabinet. it's called covering your ass, incase he fails he wants the rep party to look bad also. just because he appointed a couple republicans doesn't mean he isn't a socialist.
  10. no more gullible than the Barry aid drinking zombies that voted a radical socialist with a racist wife into office.
  11. Judd Gregg is a senator. The Cabinet all had pay raises voted on. Judd Gregg has now been nominated for Secretary of Commerce. That would imply that he is in the same position as Hillary Clinton (i.e. Senate to Cabinet, having voted on the pay raise). I'm assuming that the pay raise for him has also been negated to avoid the issue. But I haven't heard nearly the number of complaints about the (republican) Judd Gregg ascending to the Cabinet as the (democratic) Hillary Clinton. Methinks it's the person, and not the situation. Elaborate enough? Wendy W. i agree, I hadn't heard about Judd Greg, if he voted on the pay raise he shouldn't be apointed. this is not a rep or dem thing, it is a law and should be followed.
  12. hadn't heard of this one but i welcome elaboration
  13. I find the literacy scandal to be much more scandalous. maybe if everyone was more interested in keeping dirtbags out of office instead of typing skills this country would be a better place. lets focus on the important things and let the trivial pet peaves go to bonfire.
  14. yes but that isn't how the law was stated. If you want to take that tack, you can find something wrong with EVERYONE. Everyone in government. Everyone out of government. With you. With me. I'm not happy at all with the Wall St. shitbag who got appointed for Treasury Sec'y. He wasn't paying his taxes and blaming Turbo-Tax was bullshit, exactly what I'd expect from some young Wall St. shitbag. But you know what ? His appointment was approved and he's in. For some reason, this new President believes he needs him. We certainly do need a sharp Treasury Sec'y these days. So I'll let it ride. During the primaries, I HATED Hillary, you might recall I referred to her as "Heil Hillary". Her alleged husband is a pig. But I also happen to believe she has a lot to offer her country as Sec'y of State and think she was the right choice. It all comes down to whether you want OUR country to be able to conduct its business with competent people. Or you can pick them apart forever and get nothing done. Welcome to the real world. the problem is we keep getting dirtbags in offices. has everyone forgotten white water scandle?
  15. yeah.... because all that surplus of money and everyone having jobs was such a bad thing. you mean the surplus that happened only after the rep party took control of the house?
  16. since the voting here says she should go, mabey it would be good if she did go. might be better for Obama if she left.
  17. the will need to put the money out sooner for it to have a chance. they seem to be timing the money release so it may make the next election cycle.
  18. no father mentioned for the kids, lives with parents, filed for bankrupcy recently? sounds iresponsible to me, on her part and the doctors.
  19. Oh, I understand China's reason for the policy. I was using China as an example, and as a warning: Hey, everyone, you want to have your country become like China? If not, get your population growth under control. An "optional" policy, where people are encouraged and even rewarded for low family birthrate, is one thing. A "mandatory" policy like China's, where people are coerced into it, is another. I imagine the Chinese govt considered both carrot and stick, and decided not to waste time trying the carrot first. People in the rest of the world should take heed. How about a reduction in benifits for additional kids? welfare, unemployment, and tax deductions are cut if you go over say 2 kids? Instead of getting $2200 deduction per kid you get $1800 per kid for 3 kids, $1600 per kid for 4 kids ect. make people think about the loss per kid if they have more than 2.
  20. i would rather have them stop the spending now and let us catch up. The sooner you pay off the debt the better, but we need to stop the bleeding before we can even begin to pay down the debt. congress needs to stop spending our money now, except for critical needs.
  21. Wow.. are you ok man?? why do you ask? Is it wrong to believe you should take care of your responsibilities and not enter into a situation that you can't handle?
  22. While that is a constitutional issue, the real issue is who Billy Boy is taking moneys from. That's a major ethical question that our government seems to just turn a blind eye to. Mostly because they are all on the take, both side of the isle. IMO though, that's the real reason she should be dumped on her rear. However if our law makers had done the right thing, they would have never confirmed her in the first place!! yep you are correct, Hillary should never have gotten in, but she is now and we have to pay the price of that choice. If looked at now, the situation might be better, if she is found to not be eligable for the job, she already gave up the senator seat, she would have no job and we could be rid of the Clintons for good.
  23. yes but that isn't how the law was stated.
  24. No, goes to responsibility, it is not responsible to have more kids than you can pay for. The article didn't mention a husband or father for the kids, so who is paying?