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Everything posted by marks2065

  1. A smart person thinks before they types. a smart person will take things as they are meant and not the way they can twist them to be.
  2. As far as evil white men.... how about the percentages of them who have been in charge while raping the American treasury and economy over the last few years....obviously they still wield a hell of a lot of influence over ALL of our lives and they have not been doing such a great fucking job. white men? i think the raping of our treasury and economy has been done by all sides. over the last 10 years i have seen whites, blacks, asians and europeans all have a hand in this mess we have now. Greed is an equall opertunity employer. Just because a white guy is in charge doesn't mean all races aren't cutting out their pice of pie. If you look at congress and the white house now you will find it is a vastly different color now than it was 15-20 years ago. Even with Obama getting elected, the system will get worse and be left unchecked until the citizens stand up and put an end to it.
  3. Context John. It's all about the context. Even the most benign words are profoundly offensive if used within the context of what a reasonable adult would see as having the obvious intent of being offensive. If a person refers to Obama as a "boy" then yes, that person is being intentionally racially offensive whether he wants to admit it or not, whether he attempt to explain it away as a reference to his "youth" or not. There is simply no way a reasonable adult can interpret it otherwise. You're an adult. I can't believe a reasonable adult doesn't know it's offensive to call another adult black male a "boy." There's simply no other way to look at it. but it is ok for another black to say boy or nigger? this politically correct shit is really starting to be fucking anoying. put a smile on you face, have a good day, and fuck what you think something means and accept it the way it was meant. just about anything can be twisted to be offensive. what are we supposed to do, shut our mouths and sit in a corner or would that be considered offensive also?
  4. And therin lies the a human being with higher intelligence I would hope he would use that intelligence to rise above bad breeding. and from the other side, a delay in action could have had harsh consiquences for the wife if it was actually a rape or other violent crime. We could go back and forth all day on this, but to the guy who thought his wife was being raped, he and the judicial system in texas thought he acted in good standing with the laws of Texas. case closed. wife goes to jail for being a lying cheating piece of shit. husband gets a divorce and all the marital property and she gets nothing. justice was actually served in this case.
  5. Your hindsight is outstanding. He saw a guy with his wife who was in a robe and underwear screaming rape. He believed, because of his wife, a violent crime was being committed. The standard for killing someone ought to be very very high. IMO, just believing a crime was committed is not an acceptable reason. What standard would be higher than knowing? His wife said she was being raped. It wouldn't get any clearer than that for me. You're using hindsight again. If the guy could take a time out, move forward in time a few days, see how it all played out, then go back and make a decision, then I'm sure his actions would've been different. It was a split second decision based on his wife's screaming rape. sometimes people like to overthink things, and sometimes that is good. this case is an instinct because of the circumstanses. we as skydivers try to have a plan for every problem and actually build senarios in our heads to counter problems. this guy probably didn't prethink how he would react to his wife being raped and acted out of instict that was breed into him.
  6. Have a happy turkey day John. For everyone else, party time, no Kallend spins for a while!
  7. Your hindsight is outstanding. He saw a guy with his wife who was in a robe and underwear screaming rape. He believed, because of his wife, a violent crime was being committed. The standard for killing someone ought to be very very high. IMO, just believing a crime was committed is not an acceptable reason. the standard for defending your lying cheating slutty wife should be very very high Dunno that a lying cheating slut's worth killing for. i guess that would depend on wether or not he knew she was a lying cheating slut.
  8. 12/21/2012 sounds good to me, that gives Obama just under 4 years to destroy the earth.
  9. I could be wrong but I thought there was some type of quota. My experience was with local and county gvts and a woman owned business. I seem to remember that the local and county gvt had to award a certain % of the contracts to WMBE in order to maintain their funding. state of illinois has tax refunds and other incentives to support minority contractors.
  10. Your hindsight is outstanding. He saw a guy with his wife who was in a robe and underwear screaming rape. He believed, because of his wife, a violent crime was being committed. The standard for killing someone ought to be very very high. IMO, just believing a crime was committed is not an acceptable reason. the standard for defending your wife should be very very high
  11. Still avoiding the question huh? Would it kill you to be honest just once and not dodge simple questions? Rape is. He was told she was being raped. Do you not recognize a difference between stopping a crime and being hired to commit one? If so, then your other bit was nothing more than an emotional distraction. There was NO rape. There was NO crime to stop. If I tell someone that you are robbing me does that entitle them to shoot you dead? in texas and some other areas yes. great crime deterant isn't, if you could die from your actions. may make a couple people think twice. the lack of enforcement to punishments is imho the main cause of skyrocketing crime rates. Do you not think there's a duty to establish whether or not there ACTUALLY is a REAL crime before resorting to gunfire? If everytime somone cries "WOLF" there's an immediate outbreak of shooting at the supposed wolf, I think we will be in a pretty bad way. rape is a violent attack, therefore something more than "hey what are you doing" is probably needed. maybe shooting was a little much, but i feel the cheating wife and her boyfriend got the results they deserve.
  12. That's a cop out. A deadly force scenario is if you see that the other person is armed. And none of the reports so far support that to be the case. The victim was unarmed and trying to get away. In your own words, the husband's action was "a prime example of a lack of maturity and a lack of responsibility". in texas ? i bet the guy probably had a gun in the truck, and that is what i would think if i was there.
  13. Still avoiding the question huh? Would it kill you to be honest just once and not dodge simple questions? Rape is. He was told she was being raped. Do you not recognize a difference between stopping a crime and being hired to commit one? If so, then your other bit was nothing more than an emotional distraction. There was NO rape. There was NO crime to stop. If I tell someone that you are robbing me does that entitle them to shoot you dead? in texas and some other areas yes. great crime deterant isn't, if you could die from your actions. may make a couple people think twice. the lack of enforcement to punishments is imho the main cause of skyrocketing crime rates.
  14. [email] isn't funny how the women want it both ways? this guy was fucked from every angle. his wife was cheating on him, lied to him, and now if he stood back and did nothing he would be a coward or if he did something he is put in the murderer / vigilante catagory. this guy was put in a hopeless situation and acted in what is probably looked at buy most in texas as a guy that did right by his wife. the only one to blame here is the wife and she alone should bear the responsibility for the outcome.
  15. That one pegged the ole morality meter with all the shit i have seen people do, as in this case a woman, to cover cheating, i"m glad she will spend some time in jail.her actions caused the subsequent action and she should be partially to fully at fault
  16. i guess that will teach people to stop lying to cover up there moral wrong doeings.
  17. in other words - the system is fucked, just like I said. I pay more for health insurance than a 2 pack a day smoker - tell me that is right....? i skydive, smoke, scuba dive, and have a motorcylce. i pay $390 month for great health ins 90/10 250 ded ppo plan through united health care. never been asked about anything but smoking. life insurance is different though, they do ask about all mthat shit. through
  18. and that would make the liberals that hung mccain & palin figures asshats also. that would also make those that speak badly about one and not the other hypocrits.
  19. yep he proposed it and congress returned a piece of shit back to him. it is congress that is supposed to turn it into something that is viable and workable for the people.
  20. another perfect example of the president not having much power is how the congress is giving money to their friends in the banking but not to the auto industry without strings attached. the president asked for help and got a partisan shit filled bill for the freinds of congress and crap for the backbone of america and the outcome is all going to be charged to bush even though congress is giving him nothing but shit bills and partisan actions to sign.
  21. who said i am complaining about my life? i'm complaining about paying for lowlifes getting a free ride through life at my expense.
  22. hey you should be thanking those soldiers and their families for being able to express you views and thoughts. also remember dems and reps have both taken us to war so don't think you side is any prettier.
  23. You just don't know it yet..... But yet, you probably voted Republican. Some of it. You just need a little more taxpayer-funded education, to hold an "informed" opinion. no hard working people don't get aid only the lazy welfare sucking asshats and criminals. as soon as you work hard you get cut off of aid. and no i don't believe in welfare but if i have to pay it to someone i would want it to be someone that deserves it not someone that is in jail for a violent crime or is sitting at home eating themselves into a size 100. I also believe that everyone should pay tax, even the ones that make less than 20k a year(at a lower percentage but still something). people apreciate things more when they earn and contribute. and the murderer and other violent offenders, i don't know if you have been out from under a rock lately, but alot of them are getting out of jail.
  24. if i understand this correctly, give the murderer free room and board, 3 meals a day, full dental and medical, free education, cable tv, free legal services, ect ect ect instead of giving those things to a good hard working citizen that is just a little short of having what they need to survive. did I get that right?
  25. +1 save the murderer but kill the unborn baby that's the liberal way