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Everything posted by marks2065

  1. the liberal media does have a lot to do with it. they are on a quest to sway an election for the first time in history and reporting this story would hurt that.
  2. if the person registered themselves wrong they can't vote.
  3. Exactly. And have you noticed that one of BHO's favorite lines goes something like "McCain wants to give tax cuts to wealthy corporations that ship our jobs overseas?" . that line right there about tax cuts to those that send jobs oversseas is the key. smart people would realize that McCain wants to keep jobs here and Obama will drive them overthere. Nope. Not only incorrect on the basis of Obama's stated policies, but flies in the face of the Bush administration's economic report (2004) in which BUSH's administration (staunchly supported by John "I am a Derugulator" McCain) said how beneficial it is to the US economy to outsource jobs. Check for yourself in" Economic Report of the President and The Annual Report of the Council of Economic Advisers, US Government Printing Office, Washington DC February 2004. so you don't think raising taxes on bisinesses will hurt jobs?
  4. Quote>when he let the dem's stop him from preventing this economic colapse . . . Bush proposed the socialized banking scheme that is supposed to save the banks. Quotewhich most of us oposed and both McCain and Obama voted for. i didn't like any version of the bailout. my feelings were to let it ride and those companies that failed should have been bought by the ones that did things right.
  5. McCain has said he will change the way that things are done, veto any bill with pork, cut taxes, and freeze government spending. we all know that things aren't good right now and things need to be done but voting for a socialist government is not the answer. fixing our problems is. to many people will vote for Obama because they don't like Bush. Bad choice unless this country wants socialism and a hugh increase in welfare.
  6. Exactly. And have you noticed that one of BHO's favorite lines goes something like "McCain wants to give tax cuts to wealthy corporations that ship our jobs overseas?" . that line right there about tax cuts to those that send jobs oversseas is the key. smart people would realize that McCain wants to keep jobs here and Obama will drive them overthere.
  7. I've never said "people shouldn't vote" only people that do it legally should vote.
  8. it is not right on either end, the votes need to be leagal and counted properly. the parties are fighting over votes to try to win and all that needs to be done is to make sure the votes are leagal.
  9. Because, for the most part, the Democrats don't hold themselves as being "above" human foibles. We Democrats are not "proud" of it, but we realize it happens. On the other hand . . . when certain Republicans claim moral authority . . . it's hilarious to see them as we all really are. I can't say whether or not Rep. Mahoney claimed any moral authority. I don't follow district politics in states that far away from my own. Just doing some searches on the web, it looks like Mahoney mostly won because most people thought he was unopposed (since it was too late to put Nagron's name on the ballot). Got any links? You said that for the most part, the Democrats don't hold themselves as being "above" human foibles. Well, Mahoney did. Bottom line is that both parties are mired in a bunch of hypocritical shit but dems typically aren't called on it b/c they usually don't preach against it, is that what y'all are saying? What a load of hooey. Links about Mahoney and his family values campaigning. Mahony got elected because he said he was not like his predisessor and was found to be just like him. he should be taosted the same. but the dem's know they can't because it would bring a bad light to their side and that would hurt them right now.
  10. True, but the only political points come from the chosen one's own mouth. Getting him to actually voice his love of wealth redistribution is definitely a coup. If only it were true. so John, does that mean you are ok with the US becoming a socialist country?
  11. yes GWB has screwed the pooch on this one. when he let the dem's stop him from preventing this economic colapse and then sided with them on this bailout, he is going socialist. but the big movement towards socialism will be under Obama and the dem controled congress. yep those dem's controling congress, the ones that promised to change things when they took control. they did change things and not for the better. these guys are bad mouthing Bush when they have an aprooval rating less than half of bush's. the do nothing congress will soon become the do everything to socialize the country congress.
  12. the only ones i want kicked out are the multiples and the ones that are not eligible to vote. the ones that someone else made a mistake on are ok. i don't want the election to be decided by fraud. is fraud ok with you? every effort to make the voting acurate and legal should be taken. if that means paper ballots until they get the bugs worked out then so be it.
  13. I submit a lot more than 2% of small-businesses have net profits of $250k or more with owners salaried at no more than $80k/year or less. Either that, or I just happen to know all 2%. I agree. i know from owning my own bisiness that if i had 2 or 3 locations i would definitly be over the 250k that Obama wants to tax. under the currant tax laws it is possible to owe taxes on income that was paid out on year but deducted the year earlier. this could bring many small bisinesses into the tax bracket for higher taxes and not have the cash on hand to pay the taxes. do people not realize that the labor and property are already cheaper over seas? the taxe rate going up WILL send more jobs overseas. why would any good bisiness stay here? we need to promote growth of jobs not send them elsewere. lowering taxes has ALWAYS shown an increase in tax revenue due to more jobs and bisinesses created buy the cuts. with that said wouldn't raising taxes do just the oposite?
  14. joe would be better off under Obama's plan if Obama does what he says. the issue here is that joe doesn't want a socialist government or welfare. he wants to work hard and make his own way. people have forgot what the AMERICAN DREAM is. the american drean is that you have the ability to pick your profession and achieve the level of sucsess you want. work for a living, striving for a good life and giving your children a better place to live is what it is all about. nowhere in the constitution does it say that government should level the playing field and give out the earnings of one to uplift onother. Obama is going to make this country a welfare state. Hawaii just stopped their version of welfare medical aid. they found that people that could afford thier own insurance went to the state insurance program and it became to large to handle. --------------------------------------------------------- "HONOLULU – Hawaii is dropping the only state universal child health care program in the country just seven months after it launched. Gov. Linda Lingle's administration cited budget shortfalls and other available health care options for eliminating funding for the program. A state official said families were dropping private coverage so their children would be eligible for the subsidized plan. "People who were already able to afford health care began to stop paying for it so they could get it for free," said Dr. Kenny Fink, the administrator for Med-QUEST at the Department of Human Services. "I don't believe that was the intent of the program." ----------------------------------------------------------- this article is a perfect example of what is going to happen under Obama. the welfare in this country is going to soar to unpresidented levels and become the overwelming burden that others have fought hard to prevent.
  15. Like skydiving YOU can do everything right and still something can and does happen. All it takes is a typo from some lazy government employee to toss your vote into the trash bin of an electoral netherworld. Do it a few times and it really starts to affect elections. As long as you are ok with stupid people affecting your lofty life, then hey, shit happens. I have an idea. Let’s get back to intelligence tests at the polls and if you cannot demonstrate your ability to capitalize, punctuate or spell proper American English, let’s toss out your ballot and your ability to vote. the only ones i want kicked out are the multiples and the ones that are not eligible to vote. the ones that someone else made a mistake on are ok. i don't want the election to be decided by fraud. is fraud ok with you?
  16. See right there you give it all away.. you go on and on and on about all the abuses of the demONS You believe in your heart of heart that anything that you think is dem is really DEMONS....You are really the Enid Strict aren't you.... could it be........................................ SATAN no i was just stating to john that if one of us said that statement he would beat us up on it, and you know he would. but i guess that is ok as long as it benifits him. One would imagine that the Sec. of State would have some idea of the source and scope of the problems, certainly more than the whiners. Quote one would think that the secretary of state would do her job and make sure the recources needed to make sure the voting is legal are made available. you know they would be if this was the dem's filing the lawsuite. I know for me i registered properly and will vote properly, not to much to ask that all voters do the same.
  17. QuoteWhat amazes me is why so many supposedly patriotic Americans wish to deny other Americans their RIGHT to VOTE. Why is that?? Oh thats right you are pretty sure they will vote differently than you do because you think they will. Quote no everyone has a right to his/her opinions and should be allowed to vote as long as they register properly and vote properly. if they are to stupid to do it right do you really think they are smart enough to make the decission to who the next president should be?
  18. See right there you give it all away.. you go on and on and on about all the abuses of the demONS You believe in your heart of heart that anything that you think is dem is really DEMONS....You are really the Enid Strict aren't you.... could it be........................................ SATAN no i was just stating to john that if one of us said that statement he would beat us up on it, and you know he would. but i guess that is ok as long as it benifits him.
  19. Many processes "disenfranchise" eligible voters. Can't read the registration form? DISENFRANCHISED! Convicted of a felony? DISENFRANCHISED! Too lazy to register? DISENFRANCHISED! Just don't register to vote just because? DISENFRANCHISED! Here's the one that seems to be causing the problems here: Can't properly fill out your form with your DL# or SSN or legal name? DISENFRANCHISED! What more can we do to ensure that people that don't care enough to do things right or don't care at all get to vote? Apparently they are discovering that many (most?) of the errors are due to government bureaucrats making typos when entering the data, NOT due to people too lazy or too stupid to fill out the form properly. Not that that would worry the GOP. Social Security data indicate that Ohio election officials found more than 200,000 names that did not match this year; state election officials say their analysis of the data indicates that most of these are individual voters, not duplicate registrations. But Ms. Brunner said that problems with the databases could very well be why the names did not match. “Federal government red tape, misstated technical information or glitches in databases should not be the basis for voters having to cast provisional ballots,” said Ms. Brunner, adding that she plans to require that notifications are sent to all voters whose records have discrepancies. Quotecould very well be? or they are. which is it. John you always want details and accuracy. you honestly are going to accept a story that says "But Ms. Brunner said that problems with the databases could very well be why the names did not match. " You always critisize us for this type of statement but I guess it is ok to accept as long as its from a dem.
  20. No, he didn't. He has been frequently misquoted (including last night my McCain) but that is NOT what he said. ''I don't regret setting bombs,'' Bill Ayers said. ''I feel we didn't do enough.'' THAT is what he said on September 11th, 2001. and the spin keeps spinning. John and the left will never look at their side objectively. most of us here, from the right, have said something they don't like about the right but the left doesnt or won't be objective on their side because it would hurt their chances to win. if anything that we have talked about was done on the right the left would have crucified the person for it. perfect example is Palin, she has more exec experience than Obama by a long shot but she has been blasted because of the size of the state. Obama has NEVER balanced a budget or made exec discisions but that is ok because he is a dem.
  21. it must only matter if it helps the left. why be fair?
  22. this paragragh as i see it speaks volumes about why i don't want Obama elected. The McCain campaign has made much of its leader's honor and bravery, but now it has chosen to mount its greatest attack against a man who poses no conceivable threat to the country, who has nothing to do with this year's issues, and who cannot or will not defend himself. Apparently this makes him an irresistible target a man that poses no threat? he is in the one place that poses the greatest threat to our society. he is shaping the minds of young people with his views. the comunists made their children learn that America was bad and evil. to this day the muslims do the same. spreading fear and hate is something that lasts for long after the teacher is dead and may run for generations. the teachings and views of Ayers will last long after he is dead and his name is forgotten. people genrally don't change much over their life, they do however adjust the way they do things and Ayers has accomplished this by understanding that patience and time are the best way to spread his hate and fear and make it last and influence for a long time. Ayers' views haven't changed in 40 years as was made evident by his 2001 interview we he said "we didn't do enough". Now he has a possible freind going to become the president, is this what we want for America?
  23. Oh give me a break. "The most important election of our lifetimes" happens every 4 years if you buy the hype. I don't see the problem with requiring states to make sure that people who are registered to vote both exist and are eligible to vote. Do you see anything wrong with a process that as a by-product disenfranchises thousands of eligible voters? do you see a problem with people breaking the law? do you see a problem with dead people voting? do i think everyone has the right to vote, yes, but legally, only once, and they should be alive.
  24. yep the polls are very inacurate. the fox text polls on all the debates showed McCain in the upper 80% each time with over 50,000 votes in. and cnn shows Obama over 50% each time.
  25. o come on the dem's are only doing little illegal things, not like they're going to get the chance to FUCK up anything